Republicans to blame for Obamacare? Science says no.


Jul 17, 2013
If we look at former votes in the House and Senate we will see that when the Obamacare bill was getting off the ground in 09-10 not one republican voted for it. No one can try to blame its failures on the government shutdown. I think if the government didnt shutdown there would of been more press about the failures of Obamacare.

We can really look at science to see that it is not the Republican's fault. Political Science.
Even tho Harvard Professor Jane Mansbridge says it is not the Democrats fault becuase:
Democrats have already compromised on healthcare reform by adopting Obama/RomneyCare in the first place. | Republicans to blame for Obamacare? Science says no.

She must be crazy. it is like saying because I shared by beer with a recovering alcoholic, but it is not my fault they relapsed back to an alcoholic. obnoxious.
If we look at former votes in the House and Senate we will see that when the Obamacare bill was getting off the ground in 09-10 not one republican voted for it. No one can try to blame its failures on the government shutdown. I think if the government didnt shutdown there would of been more press about the failures of Obamacare.

We can really look at science to see that it is not the Republican's fault. Political Science.
Even tho Harvard Professor Jane Mansbridge says it is not the Democrats fault becuase:
Democrats have already compromised on healthcare reform by adopting Obama/RomneyCare in the first place. | Republicans to blame for Obamacare? Science says no.

She must be crazy. it is like saying because I shared by beer with a recovering alcoholic, but it is not my fault they relapsed back to an alcoholic. obnoxious.

Let’s apply this logic to the climactic moments of Obamacare in Congress. Not a single Republican voted for the bill in either house, which means that not one Republican got to bargain with Harry Reid. - See more at: Republicans to blame for Obamacare? Science says no | Rare

Never heard of the Gang of Six?
Republicans don't believe in science.

I believe ya, bro. Right with ya there, bro. Right on.

BTW could you discuss with me the science of high volume high pressure hydraulic fracturing? There's lots of science there, and me being in that business and all...

let's share notes, shall we, Mr. science believer?
It's a Pub style plan, supposedly, but they won't vote for ANYTHING obama wants or that will help the country. Brilliant. I think they've only brought it up to sabotage Dem ideas in the past, the money grubbing hypocrite incompetents...
Do you mean the Web Site flaws?

No the Republicans have no part in that.

The vote? It's been widely reported that the GOP's number one goal was to oppose anything President Obama supports to make his presidency a failure in an attempt to make him a one term president. In so doing they hurt the nations recovery.

The Rat Bastards believe in Party over Country.

SOP for the GOP!

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