Republicans: Why are you demanding Obama put cops/guns in schools?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
If the GOP was so dangerous to the country, I'd laugh. But its just sad and comical sometimes.

For months, I was lectured by the GOP that the Feds have no place in local law enforcement, and if I didnt like how local GOP mayors and governors are treating cops, take it up with them.

And now the right is salivating at the thought of putting more guns in schools, and putting cops in schools, and trying to spin it to say they demand Obama do this (rather than ban guns).

Hey, GOP, is it the Feds job to do local law enforcement action...or not?????

YOUR city, and YOUR county, and YOUR state can make that decision!!! The City of North Charleston has already done it. Yep. 1 cop in every single school. Done. Without Obama.

YOURS can too. Now.....sure, you'll have to pay for it, and yes, its more "eeeeevil gubermint workers", and yep, they even get benefits!! Horrible, I know.

But why is the right wing whining about Obama...when they can make this happen on their own, in their own city, county and state????
Um...every right wing nut who is demanding teachers be armed, and that we put armed guards at every school.

AAAAAAANYTHING except banning their precious assault weapons!
Um...every right wing nut who is demanding teachers be armed, and that we put armed guards at every school.

AAAAAAANYTHING except banning their precious assault weapons!

Typical nonresponse to a legitimate question. Try again: Who is saying that OBAMA should put armed guards in schools?
Are you fucking kidding me? You idiots haven't heard the right wing pleading to put armed guards in schools and arm teachers?

REALLY? Or are you just playing that "Give me a link (to an absurdly obvious and commonly known statement)" game?
We put cops in our banks and courthouses, do libtards think the children are less worthy of protection? Why is that?
There is a cop in every school where I live.

Works well.

Columbine had 2 cops assigned to that school.
Virginia Tech had its own entire Police Department on campus.
There were cops all over the Gifford event.
There were off-duty cops assigned to the shopping area of the Colorado movie theater.

It helps in response, but not prevention.
If the GOP was so dangerous to the country, I'd laugh. But its just sad and comical sometimes.

For months, I was lectured by the GOP that the Feds have no place in local law enforcement, and if I didnt like how local GOP mayors and governors are treating cops, take it up with them.

And now the right is salivating at the thought of putting more guns in schools, and putting cops in schools, and trying to spin it to say they demand Obama do this (rather than ban guns).

Hey, GOP, is it the Feds job to do local law enforcement action...or not?????

YOUR city, and YOUR county, and YOUR state can make that decision!!! The City of North Charleston has already done it. Yep. 1 cop in every single school. Done. Without Obama.

YOURS can too. Now.....sure, you'll have to pay for it, and yes, its more "eeeeevil gubermint workers", and yep, they even get benefits!! Horrible, I know.

But why is the right wing whining about Obama...when they can make this happen on their own, in their own city, county and state????

You know, if you ask the Republicans a question without bashing them as much as you can, you might deserve an answer. But you're just an ignorant left wing hack nut job who isn't worth bothering with.

Are you fucking kidding me? You idiots haven't heard the right wing pleading to put armed guards in schools and arm teachers?

REALLY? Or are you just playing that "Give me a link (to an absurdly obvious and commonly known statement)" game?

i'm not kidding you. give a link or some authority to support your position or STFU.
Are you fucking kidding me? You idiots haven't heard the right wing pleading to put armed guards in schools and arm teachers?

REALLY? Or are you just playing that "Give me a link (to an absurdly obvious and commonly known statement)" game?

Take it easy or folks will think you need an armed guard !
There is a cop in every school where I live.

Works well.

Columbine had 2 cops assigned to that school.
Virginia Tech had its own entire Police Department on campus.
There were cops all over the Gifford event.
There were off-duty cops assigned to the shopping area of the Colorado movie theater.

It helps in response, but not prevention.

You have no way to determine how or what relationships with students, mentoring and care by personally invested School Resource Officers has prevented.

I witness the kids treat our SRO with great love and admiration and I see and hear of him making a difference in lives.

You are a sad, foolish person.
We put cops in our banks and courthouses, do libtards think the children are less worthy of protection? Why is that?

Well, Im all for it. Cops are misused all the time. This is a good use. is the problem.

After Columbine, cops were in all the schools. Then....slowly, spineless administrators started making cops do child discipline, rather than themselves. And the school cops became the outsourced school discipline officer, rather than preventing violence.

And thats because 99.9% of schools wont have an incident.

And THEN...once the shock wears get fiscal conservatives who bitch about "SPEEEENDING" when they see a cop sitting out front of a school reading the paper. Wasting his damn tax dollars by-golly!!!!!

And slowly the right wing mayors start cutting cops out of schools....until the shit hits the fan.

So, Im for it. Is the right wing ready to COMMIT to paying...yes, tax dollars...for pay/benefits/training for yet more govt workers?
After Columbine, cops were in all the schools. Then....slowly, spineless administrators started making cops do child discipline, rather than themselves. And the school cops became the outsourced school discipline officer, rather than preventing violence.

This is completely and utterly devoid of knowledge on the subject.
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Why do left wing nuts think a assault weapon ban will make schools safer? A person with a pistol and three ten round clips can do the same damage as a person with the rifle and one thirty round magazine.

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