Repubs release swarm of lawyers & lobbyists to descend upon EPA Administrator.

Why do liberoidals always defend the authoritarian bureaucrat?
don't answer a question with a question :thup: You ALSO keep falling over yourself, running to defend repubs when you claim you aren't one. :thup:

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Republicans :rolleyes:

Lawyers gear up to lobby, sue as McCarthy heads to EPA

why do Repubs always put short-term profit above long-term viability? :dunno:

CEO tenure has dropped from 10 to 5 years in the US. A new CEO will usually be given only a year or two to show improvements. If profits don't don't increase rapidly, the chance are he'll be gone in 5 years. There is no time for long term plans. It's all about next quarter and next fiscal year.
don't answer a question with a question :thup: You ALSO keep falling over yourself, running to defend repubs when you claim you aren't one. :thup:

Your question is idiotic.

Businesses and individuals trying to protect themselves from an authoritarian agency, full of authoritarians who hide behind the rubric of "regulation" to rule by decree, should be troubling to everyone.

But blind hacks like you just jump to your tired out brain dead "they just want profits before people" meme, any time these tyrants (or would-be tyrants in this case) are opposed.

Grow the fuck up, junior.
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don't answer a question with a question :thup: You ALSO keep falling over yourself, running to defend repubs when you claim you aren't one. :thup:

Your question is idiotic.

Businesses and individuals trying to protect themselves from an authoritarian agency, full of authoritarians who hide behind the rubric of "regulation" to rule by decree, should be troubling to everyone.

But blind hacks like you just jump to your tired out brain dead "they just want profits before people" meme, any time these tyrants (or would-be tyrants in this case) are opposed.

Grow the fuck up, junior.

Grow up yourself, you dumb asshole. We nearly had a repeat of Bhopal here in the US by the same company. And yes, there are many corperations and businesses that put profits before peoples lives. From Monsanto with asbestos to that company storing ammonium nitrate in West, Texas.

You are a real peice of shit. Constantly jumping in to defend the indefensible.
We did not almost have Bhopal in America, you hysterical barking moonbat.

And even if that were so, that's no excuse whatsoever to have EPA bureaucrats running around pulling regulations out of their asses under the color of law....Writing regulations is the job of legislators, comrade.

If anyone is defending the indefensible, it's know-nothing little Stalinist wankers like you.
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"Repubs release swarm of lawyers & lobbyists ..."

I don't think 'swarm' is the proper plurality for lawyer group behavior. They have hyena type behavior, which would make a group of lawyers a 'cackle'. (unless they are liberal lawyers, who act like baboons, which makes them a 'congress' of lawyers) the short term anyway.
don't answer a question with a question :thup: You ALSO keep falling over yourself, running to defend repubs when you claim you aren't one. :thup:

Your question is idiotic.

Businesses and individuals trying to protect themselves from an authoritarian agency, full of authoritarians who hide behind the rubric of "regulation" to rule by decree, should be troubling to everyone.

But blind hacks like you just jump to your tired out brain dead "they just want profits before people" meme, any time these tyrants (or would-be tyrants in this case) are opposed.

Grow the fuck up, junior.

FAIL!!! You just HAD to throw an ad hominem in at the end didn't you? :rolleyes:

As to the non-insult portion of your *cough* "reasoned response" lol, do you believe regulators are a good idea for Wall Street or do you ascribe to Greenspan's, failed Randian ideology that banks will regulate themselves?
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don't answer a question with a question :thup: You ALSO keep falling over yourself, running to defend repubs when you claim you aren't one. :thup:

Your question is idiotic.

Businesses and individuals trying to protect themselves from an authoritarian agency, full of authoritarians who hide behind the rubric of "regulation" to rule by decree, should be troubling to everyone.

But blind hacks like you just jump to your tired out brain dead "they just want profits before people" meme, any time these tyrants (or would-be tyrants in this case) are opposed.

Grow the fuck up, junior.

Grow up yourself, you dumb asshole. We nearly had a repeat of Bhopal here in the US by the same company. And yes, there are many corperations and businesses that put profits before peoples lives. From Monsanto with asbestos to that company storing ammonium nitrate in West, Texas.

You are a real peice of shit. Constantly jumping in to defend the indefensible.

being consistent w/ his college republican freshman-level, boot-strap ideology doesn't leave any room for morality. Thats our Oddball :thup: Sadly there are others who share his fantasy.
We did not almost have Bhopal in America, you hysterical barking moonbat.

And even if that were so, that's no excuse whatsoever to have EPA bureaucrats running around pulling regulations out of their asses under the color of law....Writing regulations is the job of legislators, comrade.

If anyone is defending the indefensible, it's know-nothing little Stalinist wankers like you.

OK, I got the company wrong involved in that near disaster. It was Bayer, but it was the same chemical, and had the tank been breached, the result would have been the same. And the way I learned about this was in a film by my company concerning dangers of chemicals, and how to avoid such disasters as Bhopal.

Much more recently, in 2008, an explosion at the plant in Institute killed two people. While it did not involve MIC, flying metal from the blast came dangerously close to breaching a MIC storage tank and a group of activists called on Bayer to stop producing the chemical. “To eliminate risks of a Bhopal-type event happening in Institute, we … are demanding that Bayer become an MIC and phosgene-free facility,” they said in a letter to Bayer. Phosgene is another toxic chemical. - See more at: Bayer to Stop Making Chemical That Caused 1984 Bhopal Disaster | FairWarning

Now you are stupid enough to regard anyone that would regulate businesses and corperations use of dangerous chemicals as a 'communist'. Those in touch with reality have only to think of the tobacco companies insistance that there was no connection between tobacco and various terminal ailments, Monsanto's statements on asbestos, and the criminal disregard for regulations by the fertilizer plant owner in West, Texas, to understand the neccessity of regulation.
You get a lot wrong, old fart.

And still, none of your hysterical ranting moonbattery is any excuse for unelected bureaucrats making up the law as they go along.
good news......the EPA has nothing to do with the environment anymore. It is highly effective however at destroying jobs and fucking over small business. The EPA, like all large government agencies, has one mission: to broaden the size and scope of government. Only people who don't understand how bureaucracies work don't understand this. Americans are mostly naïve about how government agencies operate.
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