Residents in 2 Vermont Towns Vote to Arrest Bush and Cheney

You really dont think Osama-Obama, or Billary can win this thing do you?

You assholes blew it... This election should have been a cakewalk... but the democrat dopes blew it AGAIN... You brought two losers to the table... I live in middleclass blue collar democrat heaven... and all of them say the same thing.... "I'm not voting for a woman or a black"... Lifelong NJ democrats... They like McCain however...

Good luck !!!!:rofl:

luckily, most Americans are not anywhere near as narrowminded and bigoted as middle class blue collar New Jersey democrats. Most americans would not fail to consider someone for the presidency simply on the basis of their gender or their race. Most americans are damned glad they don't live anywhere near New Jersey and the troglodytes who inhabit it.

And I'll bet money that New Jersey is a blue state on election eve.
You really dont think Osama-Obama, or Billary can win this thing do you?

You assholes blew it... This election should have been a cakewalk... but the democrat dopes blew it AGAIN... You brought two losers to the table... I live in middleclass blue collar democrat heaven... and all of them say the same thing.... "I'm not voting for a woman or a black"... Lifelong NJ democrats... They like McCain however...

Good luck !!!!:rofl:

Cakewalk? I appreciate this moment of candor, where you bascially admit you voted twice for a moron is the the most unpopular president of the century, and who has done such a horrible job.

New Jersey is going to be blue. Your predictions are worthless. You thought Iraq was a great idea, and you thought so much of Bush you voted for him twice. Your judgement and predictions are laughable.
The only thing that was "widely accepted" (though, not universally) was that saddam probably had some bio-chem weapons. Although it wasn't certain how large or significant the stockpiles were.

It was absolutly disputed that he had a nuclear weapons program, and it was absolutly disputed that he had been cooperating at all with al qaeda. In fact, it was widely thought in the intelligence community that he was unlikely to ever give al qaeda WMD, unless we attacked him and his regime was on the verge of collapse.

So, there was no evidence of any kind of urgent threat to the united states.

Bush never said there was an URGENT threat. Nor Imminent. Perhaps you reading challenged democrats could go back and read what it is he ACTUALLY said.
Bush and Cheney are not "The United States", as much as your worshipping ass think they are.

They are public servants, in the employment of the people of the United States.

If a group of citizens think their actions have been criminal towards the interests of the nation, they have every right to pass a non-legal, non-binding resolution calling for impeachment.

What are you, a Nazi?

Are you incapable of reading? They passed a BINDING order to ARREST and deport the President and Vice President of the Country to an enemy state. Perhaps your just to stupid to have read it? Or perhaps your Liberal tinted glasses change the meaning of words in your adled brain?

NO individual nor collective citizen has the right to "impeach" the President, ONLY Congress has that power. You remember them don't you? Both houses controlled and run BY democrats since January 2007?

Any act to arrest the elected officials of the Federal Government is a violation of Federal law. Unless a FEDERAL power with that AUTHORITY issues the arrest order and carries it out. And NO one but Congress has that power in regards the President and the Vice President. Not even the FBI can arrest them without an act of Congress.

When citizens of the country take up arms against the President and the Vice President that is rebellion, insurrection. When they try to send those men to Enemy States to be tried as criminals THAT is an act of TREASON. Just issuing the order is an act of Treason.

Now one of the towns is so small it may not even have an active police force, if so and the order does not direct citizens of the town to act then it would be symbolic and thus could be argued as a Freedom of Speech protection. If either town has actual police or has ordered the citizens of the towns to act, that is insurrection and that is Treason.
luckily, most Americans are not anywhere near as narrowminded and bigoted as middle class blue collar New Jersey democrats. WRONG Most americans would not fail to consider someone for the presidency simply on the basis of their gender or their race.WRONG AGAIN Most americans are damned glad they don't live anywhere near New Jersey and the troglodytes who inhabit it.True it is filled with liberal scum

And I'll bet money that New Jersey is a blue state on election eve.
OK lets bet site access... Cumacrats win the general I'll leave the site forever!....Republicans win the White House AGAIN and you leave FOREVER
OK lets bet site access... Cumacrats win the general I'll leave the site forever!....Republicans win the White House AGAIN and you leave FOREVER

nah...let's just bet money. It spends a lot easier.

name a dollar figure.
Are you incapable of reading? They passed a BINDING order to ARREST and deport the President and Vice President of the Country to an enemy state. Perhaps your just to stupid to have read it? Or perhaps your Liberal tinted glasses change the meaning of words in your adled brain?

NO individual nor collective citizen has the right to "impeach" the President, ONLY Congress has that power. You remember them don't you? Both houses controlled and run BY democrats since January 2007?

Any act to arrest the elected officials of the Federal Government is a violation of Federal law. Unless a FEDERAL power with that AUTHORITY issues the arrest order and carries it out. And NO one but Congress has that power in regards the President and the Vice President. Not even the FBI can arrest them without an act of Congress.

When citizens of the country take up arms against the President and the Vice President that is rebellion, insurrection. When they try to send those men to Enemy States to be tried as criminals THAT is an act of TREASON. Just issuing the order is an act of Treason.

Now one of the towns is so small it may not even have an active police force, if so and the order does not direct citizens of the town to act then it would be symbolic and thus could be argued as a Freedom of Speech protection. If either town has actual police or has ordered the citizens of the towns to act, that is insurrection and that is Treason.

Wrong dummy.
It's you who didn't read it.

The vote is symbolic, but organizer Kurt Daims said that it contains the message that such a thing can be done.

Brattleboro Town Clerk Annette Cappy said that the town attorney is not authorized to draw up the arrest papers, but as long as the issue is on the ballot it is worthwhile considering it.

The fact that you equate these americans as treasonists, for excersing a SYMBOLIC measure of protest, shows you may be a fascist at heart.
Cakewalk? I appreciate this moment of candor, where you bascially admit you voted twice for a moron is the the most unpopular president of the century, and who has done such a horrible job.Unpopular today...yes... 20 years from now he will be looked at as one of the best

New Jersey is going to be blue. Your predictions are worthless. You thought Iraq was a great idea, and you thought so much of Bush you voted for him twice. Your judgement and predictions are laughable.Dont put words in my mouth dickweed... I never said Iraq was a good Idea... I said we have to finish what we started, if only for the Iraqi people... One thing (the only thing) MM and I always agreed on is the fact that we should be hunting down and killing those responsable for 9/11 instead of being tied down in Iraq... But I must admit we have killed and captured a terrific amount of the enemy though our efforts there... I am happy to see sadam dead, and proud of the men that did the job... Now we have to let them finish the job

I'm sure our recent success is making you sick...
Riiiight. You opposed the iraq war, but now think we have to stay.

Funny how many republicans have been "suddenly" popping up in the last twelve months who claimed they were against the iraq war in the beginning, and that they never voted for bush.

Riiiight. You opposed the iraq war, but now think we have to stay.

Funny how many republicans have been "suddenly" popping up in the last twelve months who claimed they were against the iraq war in the beginning, and that they never voted for bush.


No your putting words in my mouth again.... I said we have to stay and finish what we started... Its called integrity... and I can see why the concept eludes you as it does most liberals... You talk the talk but you dont walk the walk... I always said I believe Sadam had WMD's and thanks to the UN they could get them out before we invaded... The bottom line is BUSH's plan is working... Sadam is dead... AQ network is working from caves sending its terrorist troops to iraq where they are engaged and killed by our troops on muslim soil...We are in a better position to protect israel .... and we have access and a hand on the oil we need to keep the wheels turning here.... excelent! ... the only thing we havnt done is killed BL... but who cares... Bush has rendered him powerless... And we will get him...
I am now retired.... and if I were afraid, I wouldn't ask you to name the dollar amount.


I retired myself a few weeks ago...

Money?... I can get money anywhere... Your Public humiliation!!! Priceless....

Your Chicken!.... Just like your posistion in Iraq... Cut and run... retreat!
Riiiight. You opposed the iraq war, but now think we have to stay.

Funny how many republicans have been "suddenly" popping up in the last twelve months who claimed they were against the iraq war in the beginning, and that they never voted for bush.


I don't see any republicans claiming they did not vote for Bush. But then I don't wear blinders like you do. The war was justified by the information we had at the time. It was not absolutely needed, but that is why the President sold it to Congress and THEY agreed we should do it.

The only deniers I SEE are the dems that willingly voted FOR war now pandering to the far left and claiming they didn't know what they were doing. The ones that have claimed for 5 years we lost and now have gone so silent. The ones that want to sell out millions of Iraqis JUST to get even with Bush.
Did I say that. Read the link, or will the view burn your eyes.
From article.
"Bush and Cheney are guilty of numerous impeachable offenses,"
This is nothing more than opinion, from a bigot.
You know, a bigot -- like you.

I retired myself a few weeks ago...

Money?... I can get money anywhere... Your Public humiliation!!! Priceless....

Your Chicken!.... Just like your posistion in Iraq... Cut and run... retreat!

my chicken? I don't OWN a chicken, and if I did, it would never never be in Iraq, that's for sure!:rofl:

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