Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

Procrustes Stretched

This place is nothing without the membership.
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?

Dear Dante: For extreme cases, I've had to learn the art of juggling.
How to play with the banter back at the person, while taking turns keeping addressing the topic.
If I'm lucky, I can do both at the same time, play around back, but still answer and address the issues!

At worst, the msg and post may ping pong, and some go off topic and then jump back on.

The real test of patience is like reverse psychology.
Don't let it bother you, and then it's no fun.

I think you can have 2-3 convo going on on the same thread. it's harder to follow
but if you include people, they tend to back off instead of pushing harder.

So I use reverse pscyhology
and consider it a form of "ZEN conversation" of trying to answer koan riddles
int he middle of the topic convo, and still try to relate at least SOME of the banter to the comments that are relevant.

It's like an exercise in Improv Comedy
Where the audience throws random cues or elements at the players on stage,
and you have to use them while telling your story and still try to make a cohesive storyline.

Honestly Dante, that is the most I can do with some of these off topic remarks
that creep in. Try to incorporate them into the convo and "connect anyway" while keeping the topic intact.

It's a real intellectual challenge, but I find it dilutes or diffuses the need to distract.
if people are trying to throw you off, and you keep including them anyway, then they are forced to stay on topic.

That's what I try to do, and it can lead to some fun interesting interactions and comments
that happen to work out anyway. And I get to know some of these people and how to engage them constructively,
so it reduces the problems as we go.
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?

Dear Dante: For extreme cases, I've had to learn the art of juggling.
How to play with the banter back at the person, while taking turns keeping addressing the topic.
If I'm lucky, I can do both at the same time, play around back, but still answer and address the issues!

At worst, the msg and post may ping pong, and some go off topic and then jump back on.

The real test of patience is like reverse psychology.
Don't let it bother you, and then it's no fun.

I think you can have 2-3 convo going on on the same thread. it's harder to follow
but if you include people, they tend to back off instead of pushing harder.

So I use reverse pscyhology
and consider it a form of "ZEN conversation" of trying to answer koan riddles
int he middle of the topic convo, and still try to relate at least SOME of the banter to the comments that are relevant.

It's like an exercise in Improv Comedy
Where the audience throws random cues or elements at the players on stage,
and you have to use them while telling your story and still try to make a cohesive storyline.

Honestly Dante, that is the most I can do with some of these off topic remarks
that creep in. Try to incorporate them into the convo and "connect anyway" while keeping the topic intact.

It's a real intellectual challenge, but I find it dilutes or diffuses the need to distract.
if people are trying to throw you off, and you keep including them anyway, then they are forced to stay on topic.

That's what I try to do, and it can lead to some fun interesting interactions and comments
that happen to work out anyway. And I get to know some of these people and how to engage them constructively,
so it reduces the problems as we go.
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder
Did you know that while Elvis Presley did win Grammy's, they were all for his gospel recordings?

Hey hjmick not to go off topic from your off topic post,
but I did post a parody of an Elvis song for Luddly and he didn't appreciate it though it was meant positive not negative:

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What do you think of my song?
If Luddly doesn't like my Inclusion song, maybe Dante will like it, though not in the middle of his thread. Sorry!

My theory is that even if one post branches off topic onto some other tangent, that conversation can still go on,
and so can the OP in between. So it doesn't have to hijack the thread just because some people have ADD or whatever.

If it really starts going somewhere, a new thread can be started if needed. It doesn't have to compete with the OP.

If you don't want your threads derailed.....Don't post on USMB

If you don't want your threads derailed.....Don't post on USMB
Not exactly true.

I have started many a thread that initially went well before people like martybegan would show up chasing after one other member or just plain shitting in the thread.

I remember being able to take down early starts of a thread in the past. I think staff ought to comply with an OP if a thread is in it's early stages "first page of posts" and it is being taken off to the Rubber Room or into a two-way Bull Ring pissing contest.

that's my view and I'll be stalking you! :laugh2:

If you don't want your threads derailed.....Don't post on USMB
Not exactly true.

I have started many a thread that initially went well before people like martybegan would show up chasing after one other member or just plain shitting in the thread.

I remember being able to take down early starts of a thread in the past. I think staff ought to comply with an OP if a thread is in it's early stages "first page of posts" and it is being taken off to the Rubber Room or into a two-way Bull Ring pissing contest.

that's my view and I'll be stalking you! :laugh2:

Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?

Dear Dante: For extreme cases, I've had to learn the art of juggling.
How to play with the banter back at the person, while taking turns keeping addressing the topic.
If I'm lucky, I can do both at the same time, play around back, but still answer and address the issues!

At worst, the msg and post may ping pong, and some go off topic and then jump back on.

The real test of patience is like reverse psychology.
Don't let it bother you, and then it's no fun.

I think you can have 2-3 convo going on on the same thread. it's harder to follow
but if you include people, they tend to back off instead of pushing harder.

So I use reverse pscyhology
and consider it a form of "ZEN conversation" of trying to answer koan riddles
int he middle of the topic convo, and still try to relate at least SOME of the banter to the comments that are relevant.

It's like an exercise in Improv Comedy
Where the audience throws random cues or elements at the players on stage,
and you have to use them while telling your story and still try to make a cohesive storyline.

Honestly Dante, that is the most I can do with some of these off topic remarks
that creep in. Try to incorporate them into the convo and "connect anyway" while keeping the topic intact.

It's a real intellectual challenge, but I find it dilutes or diffuses the need to distract.
if people are trying to throw you off, and you keep including them anyway, then they are forced to stay on topic.

That's what I try to do, and it can lead to some fun interesting interactions and comments
that happen to work out anyway. And I get to know some of these people and how to engage them constructively,
so it reduces the problems as we go.
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder

YEP I do believe if people can't let go and forgive, but project,
then it becomes a fishing game. You go out and throw out worms until you catch a fish.

So until you solve your problems, if they're projecting outward, it will take finding someone who helps you walk through that mess you are stuck in, and get somewhere with it. In the meantime you keep fishing.

People ask for help in weird ways. From protesting in the street, to workplace violence or school shootings to scream for help.

Drunk driving is asking for trouble: people need help but don't get it sometimes until someone gets killed and they're forced to get help by law.

Drunk dialing is similar. And trolling is like that.
Just fishing until you find the right help or answers you don't even know you're looking for.

I happen to have compassion for people, don't want anyone to suffer, and believe 98% of the problems
can be solved prevented or corrected by id the source. So I am fine talking to trollers or backbiters/hit and run posters
to unravel the problem of what they are really driving at or what is driving them. What do they need to get to a better place.
And find a meaningful connection so we can be better people and communicate on something of value we both care about.

Very very few trollers are so dysfunctional they can't interact at all.
If they are posting online and reacting to something, that usually means they are capable of communicating
what is really motivating them. But then again, I've had practice communicating and interpreting totally
off base people speaking and spouting "in tongues" and pinpointing the meaning behind their rants.

So to me, people on forums make sense and have purpose and points compared with pure rambling that is even harder to decipher. This is not as bad as what I've tried to work with in the past. Been there, done that. Trollers are easy in comparison.

If they are really impossible, they will run away and avoid me before I give up on them.
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?

Dear Dante: For extreme cases, I've had to learn the art of juggling.
How to play with the banter back at the person, while taking turns keeping addressing the topic.
If I'm lucky, I can do both at the same time, play around back, but still answer and address the issues!

At worst, the msg and post may ping pong, and some go off topic and then jump back on.

The real test of patience is like reverse psychology.
Don't let it bother you, and then it's no fun.

I think you can have 2-3 convo going on on the same thread. it's harder to follow
but if you include people, they tend to back off instead of pushing harder.

So I use reverse pscyhology
and consider it a form of "ZEN conversation" of trying to answer koan riddles
int he middle of the topic convo, and still try to relate at least SOME of the banter to the comments that are relevant.

It's like an exercise in Improv Comedy
Where the audience throws random cues or elements at the players on stage,
and you have to use them while telling your story and still try to make a cohesive storyline.

Honestly Dante, that is the most I can do with some of these off topic remarks
that creep in. Try to incorporate them into the convo and "connect anyway" while keeping the topic intact.

It's a real intellectual challenge, but I find it dilutes or diffuses the need to distract.
if people are trying to throw you off, and you keep including them anyway, then they are forced to stay on topic.

That's what I try to do, and it can lead to some fun interesting interactions and comments
that happen to work out anyway. And I get to know some of these people and how to engage them constructively,
so it reduces the problems as we go.
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder

Another person who doesn't get the whole "internet persona vs. real persona" thing.

Dainty has a sads.....awwwwwww.
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?

Dear Dante: For extreme cases, I've had to learn the art of juggling.
How to play with the banter back at the person, while taking turns keeping addressing the topic.
If I'm lucky, I can do both at the same time, play around back, but still answer and address the issues!

At worst, the msg and post may ping pong, and some go off topic and then jump back on.

The real test of patience is like reverse psychology.
Don't let it bother you, and then it's no fun.

I think you can have 2-3 convo going on on the same thread. it's harder to follow
but if you include people, they tend to back off instead of pushing harder.

So I use reverse pscyhology
and consider it a form of "ZEN conversation" of trying to answer koan riddles
int he middle of the topic convo, and still try to relate at least SOME of the banter to the comments that are relevant.

It's like an exercise in Improv Comedy
Where the audience throws random cues or elements at the players on stage,
and you have to use them while telling your story and still try to make a cohesive storyline.

Honestly Dante, that is the most I can do with some of these off topic remarks
that creep in. Try to incorporate them into the convo and "connect anyway" while keeping the topic intact.

It's a real intellectual challenge, but I find it dilutes or diffuses the need to distract.
if people are trying to throw you off, and you keep including them anyway, then they are forced to stay on topic.

That's what I try to do, and it can lead to some fun interesting interactions and comments
that happen to work out anyway. And I get to know some of these people and how to engage them constructively,
so it reduces the problems as we go.
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder

YEP I do believe if people can't let go and forgive, but project,
then it becomes a fishing game. You go out and throw out worms until you catch a fish.

So until you solve your problems, if they're projecting outward, it will take finding someone who helps you walk through that mess you are stuck in, and get somewhere with it. In the meantime you keep fishing.

People ask for help in weird ways. From protesting in the street, to workplace violence or school shootings to scream for help.

Drunk driving is asking for trouble: people need help but don't get it sometimes until someone gets killed and they're forced to get help by law.

Drunk dialing is similar. And trolling is like that.
Just fishing until you find the right help or answers you don't even know you're looking for.

I happen to have compassion for people, don't want anyone to suffer, and believe 98% of the problems
can be solved prevented or corrected by id the source. So I am fine talking to trollers or backbiters/hit and run posters
to unravel the problem of what they are really driving at or what is driving them. What do they need to get to a better place.
And find a meaningful connection so we can be better people and communicate on something of value we both care about.

Very very few trollers are so dysfunctional they can't interact at all.
If they are posting online and reacting to something, that usually means they are capable of communicating
what is really motivating them. But then again, I've had practice communicating and interpreting totally
off base people speaking and spouting "in tongues" and pinpointing the meaning behind their rants.

So to me, people on forums make sense and have purpose and points compared with pure rambling that is even harder to decipher. This is not as bad as what I've tried to work with in the past. Been there, done that. Trollers are easy in comparison.
Speaking of worms, Marty has his very own wormhole I set up for him in Flame forum. He can't resist. He says (pathetically and without a sense of humility) that it increases his post count./ I guess that makes lonely people feel relevant?

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