Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?
This should be applicable if threads were started in good faith; many are not, however, and are consequently deserving of no respect.

There is, for example, a thread started recently in bad faith which puts forward the moronic notion that “Democrats have been trying to disarm law-abiding Americans for decades.”

When a thread author seeks only to contrive and propagate lies such as the example above, he forfeits any expectation of respect.

The thread in question was not only started in good faith. it was started in a forum initiated for just that purpose -- having an area where constitutional issues do not get lost in the bickering and snit fits popular in the other forums a thread of this type could be put
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?

Dear Dante: For extreme cases, I've had to learn the art of juggling.
How to play with the banter back at the person, while taking turns keeping addressing the topic.
If I'm lucky, I can do both at the same time, play around back, but still answer and address the issues!

At worst, the msg and post may ping pong, and some go off topic and then jump back on.

The real test of patience is like reverse psychology.
Don't let it bother you, and then it's no fun.

I think you can have 2-3 convo going on on the same thread. it's harder to follow
but if you include people, they tend to back off instead of pushing harder.

So I use reverse pscyhology
and consider it a form of "ZEN conversation" of trying to answer koan riddles
int he middle of the topic convo, and still try to relate at least SOME of the banter to the comments that are relevant.

It's like an exercise in Improv Comedy
Where the audience throws random cues or elements at the players on stage,
and you have to use them while telling your story and still try to make a cohesive storyline.

Honestly Dante, that is the most I can do with some of these off topic remarks
that creep in. Try to incorporate them into the convo and "connect anyway" while keeping the topic intact.

It's a real intellectual challenge, but I find it dilutes or diffuses the need to distract.
if people are trying to throw you off, and you keep including them anyway, then they are forced to stay on topic.

That's what I try to do, and it can lead to some fun interesting interactions and comments
that happen to work out anyway. And I get to know some of these people and how to engage them constructively,
so it reduces the problems as we go.
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder

Another person who doesn't get the whole "internet persona vs. real persona" thing.

Dainty has a sads.....awwwwwww.

Hi MartyBegan I am interested in both. I agree people have multiple levels.
With me, I try to keep max transparency. I post as my real name, use real links to my real writings,
and try to keep it real. I find it encourages others to get real and stop the confusion with multiple personas.

of course we come across different in different contexts with different people.
but since that is already complicated, why complicate it worse by adding even more layers?

So i try to minimalize the confusion and stick to where we AGREE, so we can find and focus on meaningful things
to both of us. Each person may have different points of interest, so it isn't the same but changes when we
interact with different people.

its enough work to figure out, like stickers on a Rubik's cube lining up, why create more work!

You are attempting to be rational in a Dainty thread, which is like trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.


Ok, Marty, that was funny. !!!
There is this English dude who puts out youtube videos based on comments from certain social websites. It would be a hoot to do a video with actors based on some of our more golden threads.
Dear Dante: For extreme cases, I've had to learn the art of juggling.
How to play with the banter back at the person, while taking turns keeping addressing the topic.
If I'm lucky, I can do both at the same time, play around back, but still answer and address the issues!

At worst, the msg and post may ping pong, and some go off topic and then jump back on.

The real test of patience is like reverse psychology.
Don't let it bother you, and then it's no fun.

I think you can have 2-3 convo going on on the same thread. it's harder to follow
but if you include people, they tend to back off instead of pushing harder.

So I use reverse pscyhology
and consider it a form of "ZEN conversation" of trying to answer koan riddles
int he middle of the topic convo, and still try to relate at least SOME of the banter to the comments that are relevant.

It's like an exercise in Improv Comedy
Where the audience throws random cues or elements at the players on stage,
and you have to use them while telling your story and still try to make a cohesive storyline.

Honestly Dante, that is the most I can do with some of these off topic remarks
that creep in. Try to incorporate them into the convo and "connect anyway" while keeping the topic intact.

It's a real intellectual challenge, but I find it dilutes or diffuses the need to distract.
if people are trying to throw you off, and you keep including them anyway, then they are forced to stay on topic.

That's what I try to do, and it can lead to some fun interesting interactions and comments
that happen to work out anyway. And I get to know some of these people and how to engage them constructively,
so it reduces the problems as we go.
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder

Another person who doesn't get the whole "internet persona vs. real persona" thing.

Dainty has a sads.....awwwwwww.

Hi MartyBegan I am interested in both. I agree people have multiple levels.
With me, I try to keep max transparency. I post as my real name, use real links to my real writings,
and try to keep it real. I find it encourages others to get real and stop the confusion with multiple personas.

of course we come across different in different contexts with different people.
but since that is already complicated, why complicate it worse by adding even more layers?

So i try to minimalize the confusion and stick to where we AGREE, so we can find and focus on meaningful things
to both of us. Each person may have different points of interest, so it isn't the same but changes when we
interact with different people.

its enough work to figure out, like stickers on a Rubik's cube lining up, why create more work!

You are attempting to be rational in a Dainty thread, which is like trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.


Ok, Marty, that was funny. !!!

Only somebody as brain dead as martybegan would consider trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.
There is this English dude who puts out youtube videos based on comments from certain social websites. It would be a hoot to do a video with actors based on some of our more golden threads.

Some of the religious posts are eerily similar to Shultz's Charlie Brown characters arguing about xmas presents to your sister being in the bible
Often the the threads go something like this:

"OP: There is a debate raging over whether to finance a further manned mission to Enceladus after the first colonization of 2037.

VagiCrap23: you are a cocksucking nanny-state tranny troll sheepherder ******. Go fuck yourself and your money grubbing, plantation Libs.

OP: Can you stay on topic, please?

VagiCrap23: You are a fucking racist, because only racists go to a white moon like Enceladus. So suck my dick.

PoliticalPapSmear608: (cut) (paste) (cut) (paste) I win the argument. Liberals suck!

JakeSmirky: Once the Right wing extremists are gone, we can go to Enceladus.

LottoVotto: It's all Obama's fault.

OP: But don't you think that with proper funding...

VagiCrap23: Oh, suck my dick, you faggot troll. That's all that Libs want, bunch of perverts.

StatislaxGMT: Damn, those Righties couldn't steer a truck through an empty field without bumping into something. VagiCrap needs a creme or something.

VagiCrap23 (PM to the Mods): Statislax commie sheeplez fucknut was mean to me, make him go away, WAAAAHHHHH!!!

Grokkie: This place has really gone downhill. Even my horse hates it now.

DeriRisionVision: Only because you lost your glasses on Enceladus, playing on the ice. :D

VagiCrap23: Fuck you all, you commie bastards! Perverts!! Deviants! AAAAAARGGGHHHHH!

OP: Well, that was enlightening...."

Yes, we can feel the 1st amendment love in USMB.

BTW, all of those characters were purely coincidental and have absolutely no relationship to actual members of USMB.
Last edited:
Often the the threads go something like this:

"OP: There is a debate raging over whether to finance a further manned mission to Enceladus after the first colonization of 2037.

VagiCrap23: you are a cocksucking nanny-state tranny troll sheepherder ******. Go fuck yourself and your money grubbing, plantation Libs.

OP: Can you stay on topic, please?

VagiCrap23: You are a fucking racist, because only racists go to a white moon like Enceladus. So suck my dick.

PoliticalPapSmear608: (cut) (paste) (cut) (paste) I win the argument. Liberals suck!

JakeSmirky: Once the Right wing extremists are gone, we can go to Enceladus.

LottoVotto: It's all Obama's fault.

OP: But don't you think that with proper funding...

VagiCrap23: Oh, suck my dick, you faggot troll. That's all that Libs want, bunch of perverts.

StatislaxGMT: Damn, those Righties couldn't steer a truck through an empty field without bumping into something. VagiCrap needs a creme or something.

VagiCrap23 (PM to the Mods): Statislax commie sheeplez fucknut was mean to me, make him go away, WAAAAHHHHH!!!

Grokkie: This place has really gone downhill. Even my horse hates it now.

DeriRisionVision: Only because you lost your glasses on Enceladus, playing on the ice. :D

VagiCrap23: Fuck you all, you commie bastards! Perverts!! Deviants! AAAAAARGGGHHHHH!

OP: Well, that was enlightening...."

Yes, we can feel the 1st amendment love in USMB.

BTW, all of those characters were purely coincidental and have absolutely no relationship to actual members of USMB.

pretty much so. :rofl:

twas a dark and stormy night in twat-town
Often the the threads go something like this:

"OP: There is a debate raging over whether to finance a further manned mission to Enceladus after the first colonization of 2037.

VagiCrap23: you are a cocksucking nanny-state tranny troll sheepherder ******. Go fuck yourself and your money grubbing, plantation Libs.

OP: Can you stay on topic, please?

VagiCrap23: You are a fucking racist, because only racists go to a white moon like Enceladus. So suck my dick.

PoliticalPapSmear608: (cut) (paste) (cut) (paste) I win the argument. Liberals suck!

JakeSmirky: Once the Right wing extremists are gone, we can go to Enceladus.

LottoVotto: It's all Obama's fault.

OP: But don't you think that with proper funding...

VagiCrap23: Oh, suck my dick, you faggot troll. That's all that Libs want, bunch of perverts.

StatislaxGMT: Damn, those Righties couldn't steer a truck through an empty field without bumping into something. VagiCrap needs a creme or something.

VagiCrap23 (PM to the Mods): Statislax commie sheeplez fucknut was mean to me, make him go away, WAAAAHHHHH!!!

Grokkie: This place has really gone downhill. Even my horse hates it now.

DeriRisionVision: Only because you lost your glasses on Enceladus, playing on the ice. :D

VagiCrap23: Fuck you all, you commie bastards! Perverts!! Deviants! AAAAAARGGGHHHHH!

OP: Well, that was enlightening...."

Yes, we can feel the 1st amendment love in USMB.

BTW, all of those characters were purely coincidental and have absolutely no relationship to actual members of USMB.

pretty much so. :rofl:

twas a dark and stormy night in twat-town

and the brilled twoves....
Often the the threads go something like this:

"OP: There is a debate raging over whether to finance a further manned mission to Enceladus after the first colonization of 2037.

VagiCrap23: you are a cocksucking nanny-state tranny troll sheepherder ******. Go fuck yourself and your money grubbing, plantation Libs.

OP: Can you stay on topic, please?

VagiCrap23: You are a fucking racist, because only racists go to a white moon like Enceladus. So suck my dick.

PoliticalPapSmear608: (cut) (paste) (cut) (paste) I win the argument. Liberals suck!

JakeSmirky: Once the Right wing extremists are gone, we can go to Enceladus.

LottoVotto: It's all Obama's fault.

OP: But don't you think that with proper funding...

VagiCrap23: Oh, suck my dick, you faggot troll. That's all that Libs want, bunch of perverts.

StatislaxGMT: Damn, those Righties couldn't steer a truck through an empty field without bumping into something. VagiCrap needs a creme or something.

VagiCrap23 (PM to the Mods): Statislax commie sheeplez fucknut was mean to me, make him go away, WAAAAHHHHH!!!

Grokkie: This place has really gone downhill. Even my horse hates it now.

DeriRisionVision: Only because you lost your glasses on Enceladus, playing on the ice. :D

VagiCrap23: Fuck you all, you commie bastards! Perverts!! Deviants! AAAAAARGGGHHHHH!

OP: Well, that was enlightening...."

Yes, we can feel the 1st amendment love in USMB.

BTW, all of those characters were purely coincidental and have absolutely no relationship to actual members of USMB.

Sadly this ^ was more intelligent than most threads on here actually are
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder

Another person who doesn't get the whole "internet persona vs. real persona" thing.

Dainty has a sads.....awwwwwww.

Hi MartyBegan I am interested in both. I agree people have multiple levels.
With me, I try to keep max transparency. I post as my real name, use real links to my real writings,
and try to keep it real. I find it encourages others to get real and stop the confusion with multiple personas.

of course we come across different in different contexts with different people.
but since that is already complicated, why complicate it worse by adding even more layers?

So i try to minimalize the confusion and stick to where we AGREE, so we can find and focus on meaningful things
to both of us. Each person may have different points of interest, so it isn't the same but changes when we
interact with different people.

its enough work to figure out, like stickers on a Rubik's cube lining up, why create more work!

You are attempting to be rational in a Dainty thread, which is like trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.


Ok, Marty, that was funny. !!!

Only somebody as brain dead as martybegan would consider trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.

That's the best you can do? Really?

Dainty is off his game. Maybe you should practice trolling 6 year olds on the Hello Kitty Message Board for a bit to get back into form.
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?
The problem is the right wing can't handle the truth.

When we pointed out that Republicans blocked this administration from investigating BP, all threads were swarmed with personal attacks and denial.

Check this out. Right wingers defending the indefensible:

Senate Republicans block BP investigation US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

or this, attacking a right wing source for telling the truth:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

The Republicans on the USMB can't even name a single GOP policy for the last 40 years that has helped a majority of Americans. Why do they even support their party. The answer is "they aren't Democrats". And we know they hate gays and blacks and so on. How do we know? They tell us by the threads they start.
Em., it doesn't really bother me. It's just that I wonder why some people like martybegan are so consistently lonely and frustrated with life. Do they lose a loved one and then become bitter and angry? Were they showed no respect at all as children or later in life? Did they ever learn to play well with the other children? Maybe their parents failed miserably, we'll never know. But hey, it's a free country. I can wonder
poignant observation.
Another person who doesn't get the whole "internet persona vs. real persona" thing.

Dainty has a sads.....awwwwwww.

Hi MartyBegan I am interested in both. I agree people have multiple levels.
With me, I try to keep max transparency. I post as my real name, use real links to my real writings,
and try to keep it real. I find it encourages others to get real and stop the confusion with multiple personas.

of course we come across different in different contexts with different people.
but since that is already complicated, why complicate it worse by adding even more layers?

So i try to minimalize the confusion and stick to where we AGREE, so we can find and focus on meaningful things
to both of us. Each person may have different points of interest, so it isn't the same but changes when we
interact with different people.

its enough work to figure out, like stickers on a Rubik's cube lining up, why create more work!

You are attempting to be rational in a Dainty thread, which is like trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.


Ok, Marty, that was funny. !!!

Only somebody as brain dead as martybegan would consider trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.

That's the best you can do? Really?

Dainty is off his game. Maybe you should practice trolling 6 year olds on the Hello Kitty Message Board for a bit to get back into form.
I have no idea what you are talking about but the fact that you know so much about 6 year olds creeps me out
Hi MartyBegan I am interested in both. I agree people have multiple levels.
With me, I try to keep max transparency. I post as my real name, use real links to my real writings,
and try to keep it real. I find it encourages others to get real and stop the confusion with multiple personas.

of course we come across different in different contexts with different people.
but since that is already complicated, why complicate it worse by adding even more layers?

So i try to minimalize the confusion and stick to where we AGREE, so we can find and focus on meaningful things
to both of us. Each person may have different points of interest, so it isn't the same but changes when we
interact with different people.

its enough work to figure out, like stickers on a Rubik's cube lining up, why create more work!

You are attempting to be rational in a Dainty thread, which is like trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.


Ok, Marty, that was funny. !!!

Only somebody as brain dead as martybegan would consider trying to teach string theory to a brain damaged aardvark.

That's the best you can do? Really?

Dainty is off his game. Maybe you should practice trolling 6 year olds on the Hello Kitty Message Board for a bit to get back into form.
I have no idea what you are talking about but the fact that you know so much about 6 year olds creeps me out

Fail response from a fail poster.
Respect For Members Posts Threads Staff & USMB as a Forum

after a few attempts to keep a thread hijack and flame free early on in the thread, I posted this to some:
"When early on in a thread, the OP asks you to please don't hijack or take a thread off topic, why is it so difficult for you to be respectful?"

Of course most of us love to play and we sometimes purposefully and inadvertently take threads off topic and flame in them. But when a thread is new and the OP asks to keep it on topic why not agree to? Any thread can be taken into the Rubber Room, but if you respect the forum or members, why keep doing it?

There are places to do this stuff. There was an attempt at the Bull Ring to have a place where one on one debates could transpire. People had a difficult time with it. I personally entered into somebody else's debate and realized it later and stayed out of it.

Just wondering why some would rather derail a thread or get staff involved when it is so much easier (in threads not designed to flame or on subjects that are emotional and in the news), to just walk away from flaming and off topic when asked to do so by other members?

who cares? 90% of the posters who post here are idiots unworthy of even being allowed an opinion.

Seriously,90% of the people who post here should be told to shut up and we adults will tell them how things are going to be.

So, when a thread gets derailed, who cares, it's not like anyone is missing any insightful discussion.

Dear SmarterThanTheAverageBear:

Actually 90% is a rather high estimate, leaving 10% in the productive range.
I find the areas of key points of agreement as low as 2% or 1%.

But those are the most important, and outweigh the other 98-99% that is useless tripe.

SmarterTTABear, how I treat this is different:
Instead of trying to find the 1-2% "of the people" and ignoring the other 98-99% of the group,

I try to find the *1-2% WITHIN EACH PERSON* that is like finding gold or a diamond
and don't worry about the other 98% in each person that I don't relate to.
Who knows, maybe that part works for someone else.

What is trash to one person is a treasure to others.

So I just focus on what I can relate to, and agree on with EACH PERSON,
and make the most of that 1% that is invaluable, priceless and well worth digging for.

The best part, is the harder work it takes to uncover and focus on those one or two points,
the greater the rewards and benefits.

As hard as it is for Dante and me to dig through all our ways that don't align and miss the mark,
when we DO find where we align, that is TRULY powerful. I need to find that with Dante
and with each person on here. We can change the world by what we can work out.

The rest, you're right, is garbage. But, no reason to toss out whole chunks of coal
when there are diamonds inside. Pearls are even more precious the more oysters you have to shuck through to find the
really rare ones that shine above the rest.

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