Restaurants Charging Fees for using your Credit Cards.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.
Businesspeople really appreciate and prefer cash money.

I haven't seen what you've described around here when I choose to have Mexican cuisine or fried chicken at Taco Bell and KFC. However, the message has been given, if you want the convenience of using credit, you will have to pay.
Thank you for the very informative subject!

We used to eat out often, but haven't really at all since the pandemic started. So I appreciate your info on the big price rises. Shoooo, some restaurants near us literally are no longer doing dine-in, just take out.

The gas stations used to try that on with the charges for using credit cards ---- remember? They called it a discount for using cash. But it was really an extra charge for using credit cards. So now it's restaurants! I try to avoid using plastic anymore at all because then they've got you datamined and can send junk mail, sell your phone number, etc.

I suggest you complain bitterly on Yelp and all the Yelp imitators when you see this charge in a restaurant. Really: people love to read this stuff and I do think it could make a difference. If restaurants get no push-back, they'll just keep on doing it.
First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.
Hun, it is not just the fees for using a credit card....It's about getting cash that can be hidden from the IRS for tax purposes now. Workmen and many businesses are now wanting to be paid in cash to avoid paying taxes on it, which is the real reason why Biden wants more IRS and have banks report small cash donations to the banks. The taxes are getting ready to shut up---people will be inclined to go to a barter system or all cash to avoid paying.
First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.
The CC companies charge a fee, and take a percentage...the businesses are just trying to get that back.

So say it cost $25.00...if someone uses a card, and not cash, the CC might charge 2 percent, thus the business really isn't getting the $25.00.

I have no problem with this.
Not so much any more. There are several businesses in my home town which don't accept cash. Credit or debit card only .

I bet most of those businesses are national and international firms who seek to keep better control over their funds.
First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.


The banks I'm aware of charge the business 3% of the transaction for using a credit or debit card. If it is worked into the bill (overhead expenses) as you say then if I'm paying cash that means I'm paying part of the bill for those who use a credit or debit card.

Sorry no. If you want to use your credit or debit card to pay for your bill then "you" should have to pay for the 3% transaction to the bank as a customer using the card. On a one hundred dollar or more purchase that adds up to a couple dollars or more every purchase.

Don't expect the other customer (me) to pick up part of the cost when they (I) pay cash.


Worked for a jewish guy as a bike mechanic when I was 16 and he always gave a price break when you paid cash.
I can see the point. If you plan on going somewhere that you know will charge you for using plastic stop at the bank or ATM on the way.
Don't eat out. It less peoe here are eating out. About half of our restaurants closed. Most tried to come back but people aren't going out....I applaud them.
This is why it pays to use cash as much as you can. It only means less debt on your plate.

God bless you always!!!


No it doesn't.

Your credit card is supposed to represent money you can afford to spend because you can pay off the card.

It's no different than spending cash, sure you have the cash but you can just as easily spend too much and not have what you need later.

Credit, checking account, credit it all is part of your total value so it doesn't matter whether it's cash or credit it still comes out your total pool.

If I spend 100 bucks in cash it's the same as credit because it's money or potential money of mine gone.
^^^ True, but after reading this write up here, I only became more convinced that using cash as much as possible instead of credit cards isn't as much of a headache.

God bless you always!!!

First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.
When I was in business the credit card card companies wouldn't allow you to charge a fee for accepting their cards. Each merchant that accepted cards was charged a fee cleverly called called a discount fee. Mine was 1.5 percent of the total charge made to the card. So for taking their card on a $1500 job, I would be charged 22.50. I made up for it.
If you plan to cut back on credit card transactions then you'd be wise to invest in a wheelbarrow.

Xiden is still "president".

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