Restaurants Charging Fees for using your Credit Cards.

First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.
This is why it pays to use cash as much as you can. It only means less debt on your plate.

God bless you always!!!

Well, I never use debt in any way (I think that's very foolish) but I have learned this year not to use a debit Visa card, because stores or magazines get you on automatic renewal! They don't ask, or they pretend you said it was okay and just keep charging forever. AND the biggest cheat going now is the box you supposedly checked, as if, that the charity or politician group can take the amount contributed out of your account every month. I was caught TWICE by that and my husband once. We got free of them all, but we both lost money on all three of these thefts. In both cases, I at least will never contribute there again. And I pay for any subscription by check so they can't put me illicitly on automatic renewal. And contribute to any charity by check or PayPal or Amazon Pay ---- some way that can't be jiggered by these thieves.

BJs Warehouse is trying to force automatic renewal on all its members now --- we are just not going to renew at all, after having with great difficulty and literally hours on the phone and website gotten out of that, we hope. These are very crooked schemes and another problem with paying by plastic card of any kind is that they datamine you up one side and down the other. I don't accept that.

If we ever decide to rejoin BJS (which now has less and less and less of what we go for, because of the shortages --- they are worse affected by the shortages than any store in the county! --- I'll offer to renew with cash and not give them any card number. If they won't take cash, because they want so badly to cheat us, the heck with it.
Businesspeople really appreciate and prefer cash money.

I haven't seen what you've described around here when I choose to have Mexican cuisine or fried chicken at Taco Bell and KFC. However, the message has been given, if you want the convenience of using credit, you will have to pay.
Ooh! YUM foods!
Many places no longer take cash because handling it exposes their employees to possible COVID.
If places don't like the exchanging of cash from one person's hands to another anymore, how do they handle the fact that they do have to hang on to the credit card receipts that have to be signed by the customers?

God bless you always!!!

Not without advisement to and permission of the cardholder beforehand. Otherwise just walk out. Another unlawful overreach. When the government can get away with illegal bullshit then others want to try.
Many places no longer take cash because handling it exposes their employees to possible COVID.
Cash is always valid legal tender and that is just another “scare you” mechanism of the hoax. If they will not accept your lawful legal tender, take the items and go, You tried to pay. They refused, nothing the police nor courts can or will do. Best if you video tape their refusal
If places don't like the exchanging of cash from one person's hands to another anymore, how do they handle the fact that they do have to hang on to the credit card receipts that have to be signed by the customers?

God bless you always!!!

I think the whole mess was stupid, but you cannot argue that it is not happening.
First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.
With all due respect,'ve ALWAYS paid to use your credit card...the fee was built into the menu price! What those restaurants are doing now is fighting back against the credit card service providers...some of which are now charging more than 5% to process transactions. That's 5% of the GROSS in an industry that works on a rather small percentage of profit! All those ads you see on TV with "points" and "cash back" on their card? Who do you think pays for all of those freebies? The businesses are stuck with that fee and it's just a question with how they pass that cost along to you! A restaurant that I go to has done something unique. They charge you 4% if you use a credit card...they give you a 5% discount if you pay in cash! When I spoke to the owner about it he conveyed that he'd had it with the service providers gouging him and if he was going to be giving someone 5% he'd rather give it to his customers as a reward. So if you go into that restaurant and pay cash you save 9%. You're going to see more and more things like that going forward.
With all due respect,'ve ALWAYS paid to use your credit card...the fee was built into the menu price! What those restaurants are doing now is fighting back against the credit card service providers...some of which are now charging more than 5% to process transactions. That's 5% of the GROSS in an industry that works on a rather small percentage of profit! All those ads you see on TV with "points" and "cash back" on their card? Who do you think pays for all of those freebies? The businesses are stuck with that fee and it's just a question with how they pass that cost along to you! A restaurant that I go to has done something unique. They charge you 4% if you use a credit card...they give you a 5% discount if you pay in cash! When I spoke to the owner about it he conveyed that he'd had it with the service providers gouging him and if he was going to be giving someone 5% he'd rather give it to his customers as a reward. So if you go into that restaurant and pay cash you save 9%. You're going to see more and more things like that going forward.

Had a boss when I worked in a bike shop many years ago and he'd tell the customer we have a cash price and a card price.
It was a toss up between those who didnt care and those who ran to the bank to get cash.
Some people actually got pissed over having to pay more for using a card.
Had a boss when I worked in a bike shop many years ago and he'd tell the customer we have a cash price and a card price.
It was a toss up between those who didnt care and those who ran to the bank to get cash.
Some people actually got pissed over having to pay more for using a card.
The person that's always gotten screwed is the CASH customer who isn't given a different rate! They end up picking up part to the cost for people who use credit cards.
Credit card companies pay cash back for using it. Come on man.
First of all, let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after gtting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advancer, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..

First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either. So everyone is in the same predicament. We all feel the squeeze.
Then pay cash
As always, links to back up what is in the video, are at the link.

Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday - #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 07/26/2021
"While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. It's called the Going Direct Reset, and it's going to fundamentally transform the monetary system as we know it. Today Catherine Austin Fitts of joins us to talk about this transformation and what we can do about it."

With all due respect,'ve ALWAYS paid to use your credit card...the fee was built into the menu price! What those restaurants are doing now is fighting back against the credit card service providers...some of which are now charging more than 5% to process transactions. That's 5% of the GROSS in an industry that works on a rather small percentage of profit! All those ads you see on TV with "points" and "cash back" on their card? Who do you think pays for all of those freebies? The businesses are stuck with that fee and it's just a question with how they pass that cost along to you! A restaurant that I go to has done something unique. They charge you 4% if you use a credit card...they give you a 5% discount if you pay in cash! When I spoke to the owner about it he conveyed that he'd had it with the service providers gouging him and if he was going to be giving someone 5% he'd rather give it to his customers as a reward. So if you go into that restaurant and pay cash you save 9%. You're going to see more and more things like that going forward.
With all due respect,'ve ALWAYS paid to use your credit card...the fee was built into the menu price! What those restaurants are doing now is fighting back against the credit card service providers..

EXACTLY, thats why I get pissed now that they went to BOTH RAISING PRICES, AND CHARGING A. SUR-CHARGE!
The CC companies charge a fee, and take a percentage...the businesses are just trying to get that back.

So say it cost $25.00...if someone uses a card, and not cash, the CC might charge 2 percent, thus the business really isn't getting the $25.00.

I have no problem with this.
Then OK. Good for you, I do have a problem with it,

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