Reuters/Ipsos poll: Romney's bounce from convention is short-lived: Sweet!

Old folks love Medicare. And they want to keep it.

Indeed! A rare acknowledgement of reality creeps in.

Must make it difficult to put on that happy face for Romney ("bankrupt the HI trust fund in 2016") - Ryan ("smash Medicare up into bits and sell them off to Anthem and Aetna"). You have my sympathy.
Reuters/Ipsos poll: Romney's bounce from convention is short-lived: Sweet!

As expected given the negative and divisive theme of the convention and Romney’s inane and pointless speech.
Old folks love Medicare. And they want to keep it.

Indeed! A rare acknowledgement of reality creeps in.

Must make it difficult to put on that happy face for Romney ("bankrupt the HI trust fund in 2016") - Ryan ("smash Medicare up into bits and sell them off to Anthem and Aetna"). You have my sympathy.

Deflecting again. You have nothing.
Reuters/Ipsos poll: Romney's bounce from convention is short-lived: Sweet!

As expected given the negative and divisive theme of the convention and Romney’s inane and pointless speech.

Having seen a lot of Republican Conventions, this is the worst one I've seen since at least 1992.

People are saying that this latest RNC is quite possibly the worst convention ever. Period!
Good points, all, Greenbeard.

The thing is, Over sixty was the only age demographic McCain won, so older voters do tend to skew Republican...

But I think when more of them realize what the Ryan plan is about, they won't.

Indeed, it's odd that they chose to fire a shot across the bow of their own demographic base. They've put forth a Medicare plan that's unpopular generally but very unpopular among seniors and they've chosen to bring it front and center in their campaign.

Well, I understand why they did it.

Because the GOP is currently dominated by the TEA Party, and the notion that Medicare must be cut and privatized is central to their philosophy.

Romney may not be able to win with the TEAbaggers, but he can't possibly win without them in the trenches for him, and he knows it.
As expected given the negative and divisive theme of the convention and Romney’s inane and pointless speech.

Having seen a lot of Republican Conventions, this is the worst one I've seen since at least 1992.

People are saying that this latest RNC is quite possibly the worst convention ever. Period!

Well, here's the thing. THe ratings for it were down.

Aug. 31: TV Ratings May Be Leading Indicator of Convention Bounce -

Nate Silver has some interesting feedback on this...
Good points, all, Greenbeard.

The thing is, Over sixty was the only age demographic McCain won, so older voters do tend to skew Republican...

But I think when more of them realize what the Ryan plan is about, they won't.

Indeed, it's odd that they chose to fire a shot across the bow of their own demographic base. They've put forth a Medicare plan that's unpopular generally but very unpopular among seniors and they've chosen to bring it front and center in their campaign.

Well, I understand why they did it.

Because the GOP is currently dominated by the TEA Party, and the notion that Medicare must be cut and privatized is central to their philosophy.

Romney may not be able to win with the TEAbaggers, but he can't possibly win without them in the trenches for him, and he knows it.

Precisely the reason that Mittens picked Ryan as his running mate, it was the only way he could solidify the GOP base. know..............its really too early to say much about the polls, because the Democrats haven't had their convention yet. Talk to me around the end of this week or the beginning of next about the polls.

Wanna know why Mittens isn't getting any kind of bumps in the polls right now? Because everything at this convention this year outshone him, from the hurricane, to his wife, to Ryan, to Clint Eastwood. We haven't been talking about him, we've been talking about everything else, but..............hey..............maybe that's the GOP strategy, to keep their candidate at the top of the ticket in the shadows.

I'd be willing to bet that the Dem's convention is gonna go a lot smoother than the GOP's did.
Democrats are whistling past the graveyard. :eusa_whistle:

Everything is fine!!! Obama's great!! It'll be a landslide!! :eusa_whistle:
Democrats are whistling past the graveyard. :eusa_whistle:

Everything is fine!!! Obama's great!! It'll be a landslide!! :eusa_whistle:

Well, if you guys had nominated a decent candidate instead of the Weird Mormon Robot you went with, you should be cleaning up.

By all rights, Obama should be behind by double digits with this economy. Heck, George H. Bush was, and frankly, neither Obama nor Romney are worthy to carry his breifcase.

Again, if this were a referendum, Obama would be toast.

But it's a choice, and you all made the wrong one.
Having seen a lot of Republican Conventions, this is the worst one I've seen since at least 1992.

People are saying that this latest RNC is quite possibly the worst convention ever. Period!

Which people? Democrats and Libertarians?
lol. what a fucking tool bag.

Actually, anyone who observes these things.

Christy's keynote was a flop, Romney's aides are all pointing fingers about who gave the crazy old guy a microphone, you had this embarrassing incident where a camerawoman was racially insulted...

The only saving grace was that viewership was down, so people didn't see what a debacle it was.
People are saying that this latest RNC is quite possibly the worst convention ever. Period!

Which people? Democrats and Libertarians?
lol. what a fucking tool bag.

Actually, anyone who observes these things.

Christy's keynote was a flop, Romney's aides are all pointing fingers about who gave the crazy old guy a microphone, you had this embarrassing incident where a camerawoman was racially insulted...

The only saving grace was that viewership was down, so people didn't see what a debacle it was.

OK so the only one who said it is you.
GOP Convention, Romney Speech Evoke Lukewarm Reactions
PRINCETON, NJ -- Last week's Republican National Convention had a minimal impact on Americans' self-reported voting intentions, with just about as many saying the convention made them less likely to vote for Mitt Romney as say it made them more likely to vote for him.
Romney's acceptance speech this year scored low by comparison to previous convention speeches going back to 1996. Thirty-eight percent of Americans rated the speech as excellent or good, while 16% rated it as poor or terrible. The 38% who rated the speech as excellent or good is the lowest rating of any of the eight speeches Gallup has tested since Bob Dole's GOP acceptance speech in 1996.
Reinforcing this, the 51% of Americans who said they watched "a great deal" or "some" of the convention on TV is the second-lowest for any of the eight conventions Gallup has asked about going back to 1996.

Only the Republican convention in 1996 was viewed on TV by fewer Americans.

Romney's Convention Bounce Appears Middling So Far
The Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. received mediocre television ratings — and the polling data so far suggests that it may produce only a modest bounce in the polls for Mitt Romney.

The most favorable number for Mr. Romney is from the Rasmussen Reports tracking poll.
People are saying that this latest RNC is quite possibly the worst convention ever. Period!

Which people? Democrats and Libertarians?
lol. what a fucking tool bag.

Actually, anyone who observes these things.

Christy's keynote was a flop, Romney's aides are all pointing fingers about who gave the crazy old guy a microphone, you had this embarrassing incident where a camerawoman was racially insulted...

The only saving grace was that viewership was down, so people didn't see what a debacle it was.

Yeah..................."Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" (a TLC show about a tiara wearing redneck kid) had higher ratings than what the GOP convention did.

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