Reuters/Ipsos poll: Romney's bounce from convention is short-lived: Sweet!

obama will WIN, WIN WIN.

That's why his slide in the polls is accelerating and it's still the weekend.

It will be interesting to see if obama gets anything from his own convention. Depending on how heavily democrats hit on social issues, ignoring economic issues, it might be none.

What are the Democrats going to say? They've had control of Congress for 5 years. In that time they have failed to pass a budget. They've passed stimulus after stimulus. They've blown the deficit sky high. They've passed crap like Dodd Frank and Lilly Ledbetter. And of course Obamacare, the most unpopular new program in history.
So sitting around complaining how the Republicans are meanies isn't going to resonate too well.
Good points, all, Greenbeard.

The thing is, Over sixty was the only age demographic McCain won, so older voters do tend to skew Republican...

But I think when more of them realize what the Ryan plan is about, they won't.

Indeed, it's odd that they chose to fire a shot across the bow of their own demographic base. They've put forth a Medicare plan that's unpopular generally but very unpopular among seniors and they've chosen to bring it front and center in their campaign.
There is no Ryan plan. It's been scrapped. What's changing the minds of seniors is that they are finally understanding what taking 716 billion dollars out of medicare really means.
Good points, all, Greenbeard.

The thing is, Over sixty was the only age demographic McCain won, so older voters do tend to skew Republican...

But I think when more of them realize what the Ryan plan is about, they won't.

Indeed, it's odd that they chose to fire a shot across the bow of their own demographic base. They've put forth a Medicare plan that's unpopular generally but very unpopular among seniors and they've chosen to bring it front and center in their campaign.

But not nearly as unpopular as Obamacare.
Obamascared: Fla. seniors prefer Ryan
This entire forum has become nutters trying to convince themselves that Romney will win.

Who is the first person to effectively institute Obamacare?
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McCain/Palin got an 8 point bounce out of their convention and took the lead.

The Republican hatefest topped off with an old folk's home version of theater of the absurd was a stunning failure.

And all over THIS country-- this is going on. Bunch of dammed racist's is all they are.

[ame=]The Hope And The Change - Official Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Such racist, racist people.
Did you actually read the link you posted, because page four lists most of the polls taken in November and Ocotober and the mostly showed Reagan in the lead...

It's not November or October, yet.

So why not post polls that show what the race looked like in September of 1980?

Oh, wait, I'll do it for you...

AllPolitics - Back in TIME for September 15, 1980

The latest public opinion poll conducted for TIME by Yankelovich, Skelly and White discloses just how close the race is once again. Carter and Reagan are deadlocked at 39% each, while Anderson's support is 15% -- precisely the level set by the League of Women Voters for him to qualify as a "viable" candidate and therefore earn a third spot in its crucial opening debate, set tentatively for Sept. 21 in Baltimore. Carter, who insists on meeting Reagan first without Anderson, still threatened last week not to appear if the Congressman was included. The league's directs were to meet this week to examine the range of recent poll results and decide whether or not to invite Anderson.

In short- They were running even, and Anderson was polling at 15%...
Did you actually read the link you posted, because page four lists most of the polls taken in November and Ocotober and the mostly showed Reagan in the lead...

It's not November or October, yet.

Reagan did not take the lead until the debates.

If the WMR is depending on the debates to save him, he's got some problems.

Did you all just forget the Republican debates in January, when Romney blurted out gaffes like, "I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office for Pete's Sake" and "I'll bet you $10,000!"

Reagan benefitted from the debates because he was in his element. He was, after all, a TV actor. He understood TV and understood how to use it. It didn't help that carter was a prick about including Anderson in the debates and gave Reagan an oppurtunity to look like a good guy by debating Anderson one one one.
Does any of this mean any of you will work any less harder for your candidate ?

I expect you do work for them ? At some level ?

If not....don't you have a soup kitchen you could work at.....

There is an election people. Polls mean nothing to us. Everyone here seems to have made up their minds.
Does any of this mean any of you will work any less harder for your candidate ?

I expect you do work for them ? At some level ?

If not....don't you have a soup kitchen you could work at.....

There is an election people. Polls mean nothing to us. Everyone here seems to have made up their minds.

Yes, they have...

And frankly, if you don't live in one of the 8 swing states that are going to decide this thing, you probably don't have much today one way or the other on the issue.

From an analytical view, it's interesting. This should be the best week of Romney's campaign.

Because next week the President has his Tax-payer funded commercial (seriously, the conventions are useless and just need to stop happening) and things bounce back in his direction.

This is the closest the voters are ever going to look at him... and he can't top 50% in any poll.
Romney supporters are hoping that Mitt comes to the debates armed with "zingers" and nastiness.

Obama supporters are expecting Obama to bring his usual calm, pragmatic self. No snark required.

Will Mitt demonstrate respect for the office of the President?
Romney supporters are hoping that Mitt comes to the debates armed with "zingers" and nastiness.

Obama supporters are expecting Obama to bring his usual calm, pragmatic self. No snark required.

Will Mitt demonstrate respect for the office of the President?

Obama can occassionally be a little snarky himself.... I think it would be nice if they could both avoid snark and have an adult conversation about the future of our country..

But let's be honest, that's never going to happen.
But not nearly as unpopular as Obamacare.

Are you trying to convince yourself?

No. But no point trying to convince you. I cited evidence.
Only thing that will is the election in November. And then you'll be crying like a bitch that those mean racists scared people into voting for Romney.

No, there's no point in trying to convince me that old folks hate Medicare and the average American is itching to torpedo it. I live in the real world.
Are you trying to convince yourself?

No. But no point trying to convince you. I cited evidence.
Only thing that will is the election in November. And then you'll be crying like a bitch that those mean racists scared people into voting for Romney.

No, there's no point in trying to convince me that old folks hate Medicare and the average American is itching to torpedo it. I live in the real world.

You can't even frame the question.
Old folks love Medicare. And they want to keep it. And Obama is the one who is threatening to bankrupt the system by draining money out of it. That was the polling.
Real world? You couldn't find it with both hands.

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