Reuters says napalitano to resign today

It's being reported on our local news that she is going to head up the U.C. system.

She has got to bring the last remaining decent University to heel. Her target is UC Irvine.
Another obarry bull dykes bites the dust.

You do realize that there is almost always turnover of cabinet positions in the second term of every Presidency, right? You very rarely see high profile cabinet posts held for an entire eight years.

The DHS Secretary is doing what hundreds of cabinet Secretaries before her have done. Leaving to work in the private sector.

This is not a scandal. It's a normal course of business.
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I'd be happier if the entire DHS agency was dissolved. WHo knows what the next head of this anti-Ameican agency will do and who it will be. Sometimes it's better to know what someone will do than guess on it.
Another corrupt government official gets recycled somewhere else within the system...

The way of Mordor on the Potomac
She has been a disaster since day one.
Her department is so full of scandals it's humiliating.
The sex scandals were the creepiest.
Another obarry bull dykes bites the dust.

You do realize that there is almost always turnover of cabinet positions in the second term of every Presidency, right? You very rarely see high profile cabinet posts held for an entire eight years.

The DHS Secretary is doing what hundreds of cabinet Secretaries before her have done. Leaving to work in the private sector.

This is not a scandal. It's a normal course of business.

Well at leat we agree that she is a bull dyke :cool:
I'd be happier if the entire DHS agency was dissolved. WHo knows what the next head of this anti-Ameican agency will do and who it will be. Sometimes it's better to know what someone will do than guess on it.

And they can take the Patriot Act and the AUMF with it.
not a huge surprise. being in that many people's business is probably exhausting

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