Could a motion to vacate flip the House to the Democrats? Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R- FL) says it could.

I do not see it passing. I do not think the Dems will support it, just to watch more House Chaos, and the Republicans cannot even lead their own party, as they are totally dysfunctional and of such a small majority, it is basically no majority at all, and getting smaller. We are looking at a coalition governing body now, where the Republicans get the well deserved blame for whatever goes on, while the Dems get to have their votes and counsel courted to an extent, just so the speaker can get anything done and keep his job.
Straight out of the basic Democrat playbook....
The remaining sane members of the party are in a no-win situation, as is anyone who goes near the orange stain. And yeah, they'd better be sure they have ample security if they bolt.

I forget who it was, but a Republican who recently said he was resigning hinted that there would be more resignations to come.

I hope this party can be saved from the cult. We need two strong parties to keep the other in check.
Maybe if you were trying to make a saliant point here, you could for once leave out the childishness of calling a former President names like a third grader...I won't hold my breath though....

But, let's be clear Mac...You really don't want a strong GOP, because as the party has awakened to the decades long scam of Dems controlling what goes on in DC, in or out of power, and won't put up with it anymore, you want to return to those days of Republicans pussing out to get along, giving Dems everything they want...In essence you want Democrats, and Democrat lite....That's no choice.
That would be a good thing in my mind. As a Conservative, I’d rather see the House openly controlled by the people who control it already. There is no actual Conservative leadership in the House OR the Senste.,
Maybe if you were trying to make a saliant point here, you could for once leave out the childishness of calling a former President names like a third grader...I won't hold my breath though....

But, let's be clear Mac...You really don't want a strong GOP, because as the party has awakened to the decades long scam of Dems controlling what goes on in DC, in or out of power, and won't put up with it anymore, you want to return to those days of Republicans pussing out to get along, giving Dems everything they want...In essence you want Democrats, and Democrat lite....That's no choice.
What do you mean "a return to"?....Just the very mention of any republican standing up against the continual leftist onslaught, has brought out the defamatory shit storm of browbeating since before I began paying attention.

The tradition of moral cowardice in the GOP is endemic.
That would be a good thing in my mind. As a Conservative, I’d rather see the House openly controlled by the people who control it already. There is no actual Conservative leadership in the House OR the Senste.,
All that's happening in the House just underscores how the GOP is incapable of governing. Performative politics is valued most because they have to perform their silly tricks for primary voters because said voters largely believe anyone who compromises in any way is a RINO/ traitor/ Uniparty(!) or whatever.

This is the result of 2022's much touted red tsunami. I love it.

All that's happening in the House just underscores how the GOP is incapable of governing. Performative politics is valued most because they have to perform their silly tricks for primary voters because said voters largely believe anyone who compromises in any way is a RINO/ traitor/ Uniparty(!) or whatever
I have no use for the GOP. Neither the RINOs nor the MAGA wing have an iota of true Conservatism to them. They’re gutless, brainless, centrist fools who would sell their own mothers out for a little more political power.

I’m an ideologue. I do not believe in compromise and never will.
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I have no use for the GOP. Neither the RINOs nor the NAGA wing have an iota of true Conservatism to them. They’re gutless, brainless, centrist fools who would sell their own mothers out for a little more political power.

I’m an ideologue. I do not believe in compromise and never will.
So is your contention that true "conservatism" should not involve compromise?
Democrat play book? BS. Standard conservative playbook.
Complete with a left media shill to back you up…good job.

The father of the 1990 "Contract with America", a left wing media shill? I don't think so. Try again.
That response just exemplifies the attitude of the MAGA base. Anyone or anything they don't like immediately becomes lefty/RINO/Dem/whatever. Always the simplistic, easy way out.

This is what the once respectable GOP has become.
That response just exemplifies the attitude of the MAGA base. Anyone or anything they don't like immediately becomes lefty/RINO/Dem/whatever. Always the simplistic, easy way out.

This is what the once respectable GOP has become.
You certainly are a fast read. I just posted it. What answers in the that long article did you disagree with?
The father of the 1990 "Contract with America", a left wing media shill? I don't think so. Try again.
The original shill for The State, who got flushed out into the open when he *unexpectedly * got put into a position of power.

Passed his ten messaging bills that he knew were going nowhere, made a big show in front of the cameras, then capitulated on the eve of victory, and slunk out of town like a whipped little pussy when the heat got turned up to 11.
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You certainly are a fast read. I just posted it. What answers in the that long article did you disagree with?
I'd read the piece yesterday and can't recall disagreeing with anything Newt said. Apologies if what I wrote implied I was referring to you, when it was in reference to the post to which you were replying, namely,

j-mac said: Complete with a left media shill to back you up…good job.
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So is your contention that true "conservatism" should not involve compromise?
They have been conditioned -- by the voices they trust -- to equate compromise with capitulation, communication with weakness.

Point out the glaring fact that our Consititution was the result of compromise and communication, and they'll start spinning and playing the victim.

They appear to lack the intellectual skillset and character to work with others, and so they just don't want ANYONE doing it.
This is worth the read. The last three paras:

It’s not a unanimous position, though. Freedom Caucus co-founder Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), for example, supported the rule.

And some centrists went even further. They didn’t just blame conservatives for forcing Johnson’s hand — they explicitly said any sort of deal or extra power that went to Democrats from now on was hardliners’ fault.

“It’s not good enough that they can just vote no,” said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), who represents a swing seat carried by Biden. “It’s like they have to force all the rest of us to vote a certain way or they will take the ship down.”


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