REVEALED: CNN Memo: 'We Will Orchestrate A Series Of Plane Hijackings Throughout Year


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Wow, the Communist News Network really has lost it.

Confidential Memorandum

To: CNN executives, reporters and other staff

From: Jeff Zucker, president, CNN Worldwide

Date: March 23, 2014

Subject: Programming changes

Since taking the helm of CNN some 14 months ago, I’ve learned a lot about the cable news business, often through failure. Today, I would like to announce some major changes to our programming line-up that I think will return CNN to the top of the ratings mountain:

1.) Wolf Blitzer’s out. Since joining the network in 1990, Wolf’s served CNN with great distinction — yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. The short of it we can’t justify his salary given his ratings. Effective immediately, “The Situation Room w/ Wolf Blitzer” will be replaced by “The Situation Room w/ Wolf.” Now, if you read the last sentence and for a second thought we might be replacing Wolf Blitzer with an actual wolf, well, give yourself a pat on the back because that’s exactly what we’re doing. Over the last several months we focus-grouped a show hosted by a real, honest-to-God wolf and the response has been just through the roof. I’ve never seen anything like it in my nearly 30 years in the TV business. The American people have spoken and we’re going to listen. (As an added bonus, we will be able to reuse our promotional material for “The Situation Room” by just whiting-out “Blitzer.”)...

5.) Finally, we are getting rid of our entire primetime line-up. Burnett, Cooper and of course Morgan — all gone. That block will be replaced by a 4-hour show hosted by Jones. Over the last two weeks, CNN has seen a major ratings boost following the missing Malaysian Airlines flight. While the situation is obviously tragic, we must not let the lessons we learned go to waste. We will use the money we save from axing our entire prime time talent to orchestrate a series of plane hijackings throughout the year. My expectation is CNN will lead the way in covering these manufactured crises. And I think we can all agree that there is no one better to lead the coverage of these missing/hijacked flights than our own Mr. Jones, who has proven throughout his career that he is willing to probe the most ludicrous theories, on-air, with absolutely no trace of concern for his credibility or dignity. Let him serve as an example to the rest of you.

Read more: Secret CNN memo outlining new ratings strategy | The Daily Caller
The Communist News Network is goin more Communist. Go figure.
CNN apparently got a spike in ratings during their coverage of the missing 777 airliner. It's fine if that's what people want to watch.
What do you expect from CNN? There's a reason it's known as "Conservative News Network". The more it's tried to be like FOX, the more ridiculous it looks.
What do you expect from CNN? There's a reason it's known as "Conservative News Network". The more it's tried to be like FOX, the more ridiculous it looks.

CNN is actually known as the 'Communist News Network' and the 'Clinton News Network.' The have never been known to be 'Conservative' in any way, shape, or form. You've been duped. If you're not a Communist/Democrat Globalist stooge, your chances of being employed at CNN are very slim.

And now they're in full meltdown mode. No one's watching. I expect them to go even more Communist/Globalist though. They currently have British Communists running things. So i'm pretty sure even less people will be watching. I suspect it won't be long before they start begging for Taxpayer Cash ala NPR and PBS. They're all done.

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