Revealed: Georgia Republicans use power of state to suppress minority vote

2aguy said:
Absentee ballots are the bread and butter of democrat voter fraud....
Don't Forget Vote Harvesting
California Has That
You Know, California
The State That Put Hillary Over The Top On The 'Popular Vote'
Revealed: Georgia Republicans use power of state to suppress minority vote

Top Georgia Republicans continue to use the power of the state to investigate political rivals, executing a strategy that voting rights activists say is designed to intimidate voting rights organizations and activists serving minority communities.

Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state, and David Emadi, executive secretary of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission, are investigating and issuing subpoenas to political opponents, without publicly showing evidence there was wrongdoing by those parties.

Its a dirty business aint it ?
/——-/ Not that the democRATs would stoop so low as to use the power of the state to investigate their political rival President Trump. Nahh never happen, especially with no evidence of wrong doing.
Is this not the same tactics Republicans are calling Nadler out for? (As did I). Investigation after investigation with nothing to show for it?
Is this not the same tactics Republicans are calling Nadler out for? (As did I). Investigation after investigation with nothing to show for it?
Nadler would have more to show if he could get witnesses to testify...these groups in Georgia can't claim "absolute immunity" like the Trump administration is trying to do.
More race baiting by Democrats. They think black people are to dumb to vote and evil racist Republicans want to stop them.

If you buy Democrat propaganda, you're dumber the brainwashed drone spewing the propaganda.
At least we can both agree on the evil racist Republicans part. If African-Americans were so stupid, they wouldn’t be fighting back.
And yet Republicans are fighting back. Only they’re fighting back against education and racial equality.
More race baiting by Democrats. They think black people are to dumb to vote and evil racist Republicans want to stop them.

If you buy Democrat propaganda, you're dumber the brainwashed drone spewing the propaganda.
At least we can both agree on the evil racist Republicans part. If African-Americans were so stupid, they wouldn’t be fighting back.
And yet Republicans are fighting back. Only they’re fighting back against education and racial equality.
/—-/ How are we fighting back? Against what?
Revealed: Georgia Republicans use power of state to suppress minority vote

Top Georgia Republicans continue to use the power of the state to investigate political rivals, executing a strategy that voting rights activists say is designed to intimidate voting rights organizations and activists serving minority communities.

Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state, and David Emadi, executive secretary of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission, are investigating and issuing subpoenas to political opponents, without publicly showing evidence there was wrongdoing by those parties.

Its a dirty business aint it ?
still saying blacks are stupid!!
Revealed: Georgia Republicans use power of state to suppress minority vote

Top Georgia Republicans continue to use the power of the state to investigate political rivals, executing a strategy that voting rights activists say is designed to intimidate voting rights organizations and activists serving minority communities.

Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state, and David Emadi, executive secretary of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission, are investigating and issuing subpoenas to political opponents, without publicly showing evidence there was wrongdoing by those parties.

Its a dirty business aint it ?
The only thing that is dirtier than the bottom of the sewer is a Democrat Politician.
Of course the Democrat Politicians will scream racism when they are caught in their corruption.
More race baiting by Democrats. They think black people are to dumb to vote and evil racist Republicans want to stop them.

If you buy Democrat propaganda, you're dumber the brainwashed drone spewing the propaganda.

Figures racists like you would say that. Clearly Republicans do everything they can to stop people from voting especially anyone who is not white. Or if they manage to vote then they come up with schemes to not count them. Officials in Georgia also prevented black senior citizens in a nursing home from voting by taking them off of the bus that was taking them to vote. You are the one providing propaganda for white supremacists.
Revealed: Georgia Republicans use power of state to suppress minority vote

Top Georgia Republicans continue to use the power of the state to investigate political rivals, executing a strategy that voting rights activists say is designed to intimidate voting rights organizations and activists serving minority communities.

Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state, and David Emadi, executive secretary of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission, are investigating and issuing subpoenas to political opponents, without publicly showing evidence there was wrongdoing by those parties.

Its a dirty business aint it ?

No, moron, the democrats in this country are the party of voter don't understand this because you are dumb, and you are British....

Absentee ballots are the bread and butter of democrat voter fraud....

Emadi, to head a commission overseeing campaign finance. Emadi quickly opened an investigation into Stacey Abrams’ campaign, alleging Kemp’s rival exceeded maximum contribution limits.

Emadi issued subpoenas seeking banking and financial records. The subpoenas also seek extensive communications between the campaign and a network of political groups that are run by or are focused on people of color, which has sparked accusations of racial and political motivations behind the investigation.

Emadi has denied any racial or political motivations.

The Guardian obtained communications between attorneys for the campaign and Emadi which show that the commission did not provide any evidence of their allegations, or the “basis for the finding of probable cause”, as required in the commission rules.

Emadi said he could not comment on open investigations.


In 2019, Raffensperger opened an investigation into an alleged 4,700 missing absentee ballot requests in DeKalb county, coming from voters the Abrams campaign targeted, from November’s midterm elections. Using absentee ballots as a way to increase voter turnout among unlikely or first-time voters was a primary strategy of the Abrams campaign, which led to Abrams outperforming Kemp in mail-in ballots by 53,709 votes.

One of the first calls from investigators was to the mail-processing vendor the Abrams campaign used, according to Lauren Groh-Wargo, Abrams’ former campaign manager. She now runs Fair Fight, an organization started by Abrams to challenge current voting laws and procedures in Georgia.

The investigation remains open, with no conclusion as to what happened to the ballot applications.
These crooks have presented no evidence that this has happened. It is just harassment.

You have no idea what you are talking about........

You are a Trump supporter which means you are as dumb as a post. Trump doesn't even know what a Cat 5 hurricane is.
Why are whiny Democrats always sore losers?
/——/ Because they think they are entitled to power, and when they lose they can’t accept Americans rejected their agenda. They think the election was stolen from them.
More race baiting by Democrats. They think black people are to dumb to vote and evil racist Republicans want to stop them.

If you buy Democrat propaganda, you're dumber the brainwashed drone spewing the propaganda.

Figures racists like you would say that. Clearly Republicans do everything they can to stop people from voting especially anyone who is not white. Or if they manage to vote then they come up with schemes to not count them. Officials in Georgia also prevented black senior citizens in a nursing home from voting by taking them off of the bus that was taking them to vote. You are the one providing propaganda for white supremacists.
Just dumb.

Democrats see a black person and be like... there's a black person, be he is a Democrat, you know because he is black...

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