reversing Trump's legacy, Biden plans to fully restore DACA, enact 100-day freeze on deportations, limit ICE arrests, overturn green card restrictions


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

This will cause a rush on the border during a global pandemic and he’s going to handcuff ICE and border controls enforcement abilities. He’s setting up for a crisis in his first 3 months in office.

Are saggy pants back in?

This will cause a rush on the border during a global pandemic and he’s going to handcuff ICE and border controls enforcement abilities. He’s setting up for a crisis in his first 3 months in office.
Not worried about DACA restore. Was under the impression temp visa's were at all time high above the 66,000 authorized by law, having been augmented by trump executive order for an additional 30,000 last year and and additional 33,000 this year. Need to normalize that or change the law instead of authorization by executive order to please political friends. I prefer ICE concentrate on criminals and recent arrival, as the Obama policy that used to be in place. I see no need for a freeze on deportations. I thought green cards were at an all time high, as the same with H2Bs. Not sure where he is going with that one.
Trump administration announces additional 35,000 seasonal worker visas Updated 1:22 PM ET, Thu March 5, 2020
This is how migrations begin; Media will stay quiet as progressives open loopholes for coyotes & migrants to do their part for Wall St's stock values

WHen Trump is re-sworn in on January 20 there is going to be real screaming at the sky...
Hell yes. Reverse every. single. thing. that. fat, stinking. son-of-a-bitch did in Office for these last 4 years.

Time to get the country back on track.
Hell yes. Reverse every. single. thing. that. fat, stinking. son-of-a-bitch did in Office for these last 4 years.

Time to get the country back on track.
How on earth do you expect Biden to do that? He doesnt have the votes, retard. You may have won the presidency, but you lost big time. Biden will be remembered as a weak and ineffectual president who ruined our economy.
Hell yes. Reverse every. single. thing. that. fat, stinking. son-of-a-bitch did in Office for these last 4 years.

Time to get the country back on track.

Boy you sure are a dumbass. Back on track to spend billions more on illegals?? You might not mind your tax dollars going to take care of illegals but most Americans want them out of our country.

What a moron you are.

This will cause a rush on the border during a global pandemic and he’s going to handcuff ICE and border controls enforcement abilities. He’s setting up for a crisis in his first 3 months in office.

He's setting up to screw the American taxpayer. Illegals cost us billions each year. ICE has been doing a great job keeping them out of America. Now he will hamstring ICE so more can make their way in.

Man sure ain't the sharpest knife in any drawer.
If Biden does that it's proof that he hates Blacks, legal immigrants and the working poor. Why is it that only conservatives can see that?
Do Support DACA. Still Hope we keep our immigration tight, we need to get our act together & deal with the illegals that are here now.
The Republicans had the White House, House and Senate and did nothing about any of this.


This will cause a rush on the border during a global pandemic and he’s going to handcuff ICE and border controls enforcement abilities. He’s setting up for a crisis in his first 3 months in office.
Biden is an idiot.

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