REVISION ACCOMPLISHED: Bush Gave Us Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

But Americans shouldn’t forget so easily.

We’ve all seen the picture. It’s the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.

When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan “Awww!” that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed “The Embrace Seen Around the World” by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.

Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.

If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the “normalizing” of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.

The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internet’s power to turn anything — even yesterday’s calamities — into today’s cute moments. It’s also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory. As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.

Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administration’s failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab League’s ominous admonition that such a move would “open the gates of hell.”

Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance can’t stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.

Much More: REVISION ACCOMPLISHED: Bush Gave Us Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.

Yes, Bush gave us Trump - and ISIS. We must never forget the Bush years and their negative impact on America and the world. We must never forget.
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Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

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The Onion sums it up best:

WASHINGTON, DC–Mere days from assuming the presidency and closing the door on eight years of Bill Clinton, president-elect George W. Bush assured the nation in a televised address Tuesday that "our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over."

"My fellow Americans," Bush said, "at long last, we have reached the end of the dark period in American history that will come to be known as the Clinton Era, eight long years characterized by unprecedented economic expansion, a sharp decrease in crime, and sustained peace overseas. The time has come to put all of that behind us."

Bush swore to do "everything in [his] power" to undo the damage wrought by Clinton's two terms in office, including selling off the national parks to developers, going into massive debt to develop expensive and impractical weapons technologies, and passing sweeping budget cuts that drive the mentally ill out of hospitals and onto the street.

During the 40-minute speech, Bush also promised to bring an end to the severe war drought that plagued the nation under Clinton, assuring citizens that the U.S. will engage in at least one Gulf War-level armed conflict in the next four years.

More: Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'
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But Americans shouldn’t forget so easily.

We’ve all seen the picture. It’s the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.

When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan “Awww!” that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed “The Embrace Seen Around the World” by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.

Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.

If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the “normalizing” of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.

The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internet’s power to turn anything — even yesterday’s calamities — into today’s cute moments. It’s also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory. As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.

Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administration’s failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab League’s ominous admonition that such a move would “open the gates of hell.”

Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance can’t stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.

Much More: REVISION ACCOMPLISHED: Bush Gave Us Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.

Yes, Bush gave us Trump - and ISIS. We must never forget the Bush years and their negative impact on America and the world. We must never forget.
Stupid squaw, "But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power" through the maxists/commie obongo administration which surpassed the carter adm as the worst potus in history, thank God the republicans STOPPED him/she/it...

But Americans shouldn’t forget so easily.

We’ve all seen the picture. It’s the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.

When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan “Awww!” that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed “The Embrace Seen Around the World” by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.

Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.

If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the “normalizing” of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.

The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internet’s power to turn anything — even yesterday’s calamities — into today’s cute moments. It’s also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory. As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.

Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administration’s failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab League’s ominous admonition that such a move would “open the gates of hell.”

Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance can’t stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.

Much More: REVISION ACCOMPLISHED: Bush Gave Us Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.

Yes, Bush gave us Trump - and ISIS. We must never forget the Bush years and their negative impact on America and the world. We must never forget.
Stupid squaw, "But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power" through the maxists/commie obongo administration which surpassed the carter adm as the worst potus in history, thank God the republicans STOPPED him/she/it...
I'd be interested in hearing your response to my question above

But Americans shouldn’t forget so easily.

We’ve all seen the picture. It’s the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.

When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan “Awww!” that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed “The Embrace Seen Around the World” by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.

Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.

If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the “normalizing” of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.

The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internet’s power to turn anything — even yesterday’s calamities — into today’s cute moments. It’s also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory. As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.

Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administration’s failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab League’s ominous admonition that such a move would “open the gates of hell.”

Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance can’t stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.

Much More: REVISION ACCOMPLISHED: Bush Gave Us Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.

Yes, Bush gave us Trump - and ISIS. We must never forget the Bush years and their negative impact on America and the world. We must never forget.
Stupid squaw, "But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power" through the maxists/commie obongo administration which surpassed the carter adm as the worst potus in history, thank God the republicans STOPPED him/she/it...
I'd be interested in hearing your response to my question above
Wake the fuck up, you got your wires crossed from another post moron...

But Americans shouldn’t forget so easily.

We’ve all seen the picture. It’s the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.

When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan “Awww!” that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed “The Embrace Seen Around the World” by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.

Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.

If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the “normalizing” of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.

The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internet’s power to turn anything — even yesterday’s calamities — into today’s cute moments. It’s also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory. As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.

Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administration’s failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab League’s ominous admonition that such a move would “open the gates of hell.”

Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance can’t stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.

Much More: REVISION ACCOMPLISHED: Bush Gave Us Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.

Yes, Bush gave us Trump - and ISIS. We must never forget the Bush years and their negative impact on America and the world. We must never forget.
Stupid squaw, "But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power" through the maxists/commie obongo administration which surpassed the carter adm as the worst potus in history, thank God the republicans STOPPED him/she/it...
I'd be interested in hearing your response to my question above
Wake the fuck up, you got your wires crossed from another post moron...
Do you approve of Bush over Trump?
Bush 41 "gave us" RINO opposition to collectivists in favor of globalism.

43 continued the "compromise" with the treasonous left.

The GOP followed trough by offering a statist piece of shit in 2008 and then a Taxachuesttes moonbat elitist to "challenge" the meat puppet faggot cult of personality.

The meat puppet faggot and the media sycophants behind the cult ushered in a consistent voter revolt that has democrooks at the lowest point of political relevance since the civil war freed their slaves.

Parasites like Lakoturd made regressive politics so repulsive that the world's richest professional clown easily beat the criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag the DNC forced out like a cat purging a hairball.

They still want to blame Bush.

Bush 41 "gave us" RINO opposition to collectivists in favor of globalism.

43 continued the "compromise" with the treasonous left.

The GOP followed trough by offering a statist piece of shit in 2008 and then a Taxachuesttes moonbat elitist to "challenge" the meat puppet faggot cult of personality.

The meat puppet faggot and the media sycophants behind the cult ushered in a consistent voter revolt that has democrooks at the lowest point of political relevance since the civil war freed their slaves.

Parasites like Lakoturd made regressive politics so repulsive that the world's richest professional clown easily beat the criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag the DNC forced out like a cat purging a hairball.

They still want to blame Bush.

I gotta say, this is hands down the most hilarious post I've read all day. :lmao:
Bush brought us Obama. Obama brough us Trump. So by the transative property, bush did bring us Trump, but I don't think that's the way the OP sees it.
Stupid squaw, "But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power" through the maxists/commie obongo administration which surpassed the carter adm as the worst potus in history, thank God the republicans STOPPED him/she/it...
At least Trump is showing how to really love the commies with some decent Putin love at last.

But Americans shouldn’t forget so easily.

We’ve all seen the picture. It’s the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.

When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan “Awww!” that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed “The Embrace Seen Around the World” by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.

Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.

If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the “normalizing” of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.

The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internet’s power to turn anything — even yesterday’s calamities — into today’s cute moments. It’s also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory. As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.

Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administration’s failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab League’s ominous admonition that such a move would “open the gates of hell.”

Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance can’t stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.

Much More: REVISION ACCOMPLISHED: Bush Gave Us Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.

Yes, Bush gave us Trump - and ISIS. We must never forget the Bush years and their negative impact on America and the world. We must never forget.
Only a fucking Cuckoo-bird snowflake would imagine Obama is "normal" and that Republicans need "normalizing."
Stupid squaw, "But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power" through the maxists/commie obongo administration which surpassed the carter adm as the worst potus in history, thank God the republicans STOPPED him/she/it...
At least Trump is showing how to really love the commies with some decent Putin love at last.

What kind of drugs are you doing?
Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Bushes gave us ISIS?


You post one whopper after another! ISIS didn't exist until Obama and Hillary's great foreign policy successes in the Middle East. That simply can't be disputed. However, leave it to the snowflakes to go back to some previous Republican president, no matter how absurd and tenuous the connection, and blame it on him.

You simply aren't in touch with reality. You're a snowflake in denial

Please keep it up so you can lose the next 5-6 elections.
Bush Gave Us Trump

Wrong, the democrats and their agenda gave us Trump.

In 2008 the demoquacks had it all...and then bungled it away with Obamacare, an unholy social agenda such as transgenders in women's restrooms, dividing the nation with racism using groups like BLM, attacking police officers, fucking up an already fucked up foreign agenda even more, fining hard working Christian business owners to the point of bankruptcy because of a goddamn homo cake, getting people fired because they dare to speak on their beliefs that homosexuality is wrong, cramming political correctness down America's throat, etc, etc, etc

THAT is why you have Trump. You idiots have nobody but yourselves to blame and the sad thing is you STILL don't get it. You don't get it because you're smug bastards, you can't admit your own party is decimated with no leadership and a rudderless ship and you STILL keep doing the very same things that cost you nearly all the power you had.

Last November and in midterms America gave you quacks a huge FUCK YOU!!! Sadly you don't know why
Bush 41 "gave us" RINO opposition to collectivists in favor of globalism.

43 continued the "compromise" with the treasonous left.

The GOP followed trough by offering a statist piece of shit in 2008 and then a Taxachuesttes moonbat elitist to "challenge" the meat puppet faggot cult of personality.

The meat puppet faggot and the media sycophants behind the cult ushered in a consistent voter revolt that has democrooks at the lowest point of political relevance since the civil war freed their slaves.

Parasites like Lakoturd made regressive politics so repulsive that the world's richest professional clown easily beat the criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag the DNC forced out like a cat purging a hairball.

They still want to blame Bush.

I gotta say, this is hands down the most hilarious post I've read all day. :lmao:

Imbeciles laugh at things they don't understand.

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