Revisionist history by some neoconservatives and left wingers toward US involvement in World War II.


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Thereā€™s been some revisionist history from a small number of people on the US message board toward World War II. Including but not limited to the following false claims,

ā€œThe United States was anti-Semitic. The United States was a racist country. FDR was anti-Semitic, FDR was racistā€

ā€œGermany wasnā€™t that bad in World War IIā€

The undeniable fact of the matter is that the 1940s was a much different time in the entire world compared to today. There was actually legalized slavery in some areas of the world in this time.. For example, Ethiopia had legalized slavery until ironically fascist Italy invaded Ethiopia in the 1930s it took over. Germany and Japan used slave labor in ww2 and worked many of their slaves to death.

We must consider how the empire of Japan, and the third Reich in how they treated their POWs and even their own citizens. There was something known as the holocaust, German Jews were exterminated.

In response to saying what countries other than America did during the 1940s, Iā€™ve seen a few radical left-wingers say who cares. Two words. ā€œWho caresā€ . They say that because these people have no leg to stand on, and no substance to their arguments. Iā€™ve noticed the same troll argument when we talk about slavery in the USA compared to slavery around the world. People say ā€œwho cares weā€™re talking about America.ā€

That is the deprived mindset of the left winger. They donā€™t care about history or facts. And so they only talk about how Japanese Americans were interned on the West Coast in the USA. During World War II the internment of Japanese, Italian and German Americans occurred but it wasnā€™t enacted upon all Japanese people. Only Japanese on the West Coast. There is a segment of fanatical left wingers who talk about ā€œAmerican racism toward Asiansā€ in ww2 ā€¦. But never talk about is the fact that also Italians and Germans were interned as well. Or the fact that the United States were allies of China during World War II. Chinese diplomats toured the USA to roaring thunderous applause from American people. So that destroys the allegation that the USA was against Asians, or somehow racist against Asians in World War II.

The United States was perhaps the most liberal country in the world in the 1940s. Anybody who is honest about the discussion has to compare how the USA conducted itself to every other country of the world, especially the world powers. How do we compare in our treatment of our own citizens, compared to say Germany, Italy, or Japan in 1942???. itā€™s the most critical question of the topic ..Once people do this, they will realize that there is zero merit to the anti-American view that ā€œFDR was anti-Semitic, FDR was racist, the USA was a racist country, the USA was an anti-Semitic countryā€. There is no merit to these allegations. Left wingers donā€™t ask themselves these questions, especially fanatical left wingers they have not even gotten this far into the post they donā€™t they simply react to thread titles Perhaps due to a drug addiction, or some problem in their life.

ā€œFdr was a racistā€ so say the drug addicted, porn, addicted, cartoon anime watching loser in the USA whoā€™s never done anything worthwhile. We got to watch out for these people. They are anti-American and they are not patriots.

A critical point regarding how the USA treated Japanese citizens on the West Coast. The 1940s was a different time morally speaking. And for anybody who wants to criticize what the United States did ā€¦they also have to mention what Germany did. And if they donā€™t, they are hypocrites of the highest order, and they deserve no recognition nobody should talk to them. They donā€™t deserve a place at the table because theyā€™re engaging in propaganda. Of course, the Empire of Japan was a ferocious power. They had spies operating all over the world. They were so good that who is to say that some of their spies operating in America were never caught. This is something that the anti-Americans donā€™t consider. So for somebody to suggest that the interment of Japanese, Italian, or Germans in the USA during World War II was a ā€œstain on our historyā€ is wrong because of a number of reasons. First the potential of spies, secondly the 1940s was a different time morally speaking compared to today.

the United States nor FDR were anti-Semitic. That is a blatant insult toward America to suggest so. Itā€™s an insult to our parents and grandparents who supported the American war effort. All throughout this board various links and articles have proven that the USA and its leadership during World War II did more to help Jews than any other country of the world. I mean itā€™s also a matter of common sense. Simply look at the photos of who liberated the concentration camps in World War II. It was the Soviets, the Americans and the British. They ought to be thanked for that.

Knowing that the trolls and fanatics donā€™t even read this far. Most of them donā€™t read posts anywhere. They simply react like the trolls they are. But hopefully they have gotten this far and they can understand that it is anti-patriotic to criticize or insult the USA actions during World War II. Talk to any World War II veteran. They love our country and they stand by what we did in World War II and they stand by our leadership. World War II was a time when Republicans and Democrats came together. They did so on the level of citizens and government. It was perhaps the most important time in world history, and one that many years from now will continue to be celebrated by American patriots ā€¦because the USA was on the right side and did the right things in that war.
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So specifically who said these things?

Name names, and link to posts.

I just ask because it's usually the right defending and excusing the Nazis. After all, all the people currently sporting swastikas align themselves with Trump, and most of conservatives are fine with that.

There are certainly no calls to remove the Nazis from the GOP. While most conservatives aren't Nazis themselves, they all have a high tolerance for Nazis.

The left doesn't tolerate Nazis. The left punches Nazis.
  • Fact
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Japanese citizens weren't just "detained" during WW2. American citizens were rounded up and imprisoned for the duration of the war and forced to sell off their assets and property at cut rate prices to (mostly) FDR real estate speculators and supporters. The problem is that there has been so much pro FDR propaganda that Americans never learned that that FDR had the power to imprison Americans without due process under an "executive order" and the media and the judicial branch of government was so corrupt that they went along with it. It's not "revisionist" to note that FDR turned away a ship loaded with Jewish refugees and sent them back to Germany to be murdered.

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