

Oct 27, 2009
the people are ready for it.

but there is no leader to unite them.

have you noticed?

even Noam Chomsky said something to the effect of "thank god there is not a single charismatic leader" ( or shit would hit the fan ! )

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I am gonna be short and honest with you here. The government and the media have done a FANTASTIC job at keeping the races biting eachother's necks. When their is no trust between races of the populace, the leader that could emerge would be faced with immediate disdain from the races he is not affilliated with. It's win win for total control in Washington.
It's not just races, it's geographical regions. Urban vs. rural. Religion. Policy differences. People turned against each other instead of working together to change what we all dislike about Washington. The two party system, the network of PACs and think tanks, the lazy and/or partisan media left AND right, they're all culprits - but none more so than the people who line up to buy what they're selling.

And no, there won't be any revolution. There will be individual whackjobs who go on shooting sprees and fly planes into buildings, but most people would prefer to fix what we've got than join a bloody coup. They're the ones who need a leader, not the nutjobs.
It's not just races, it's geographical regions. Urban vs. rural. Religion. Policy differences. People turned against each other instead of working together to change what we all dislike about Washington. The two party system, the network of PACs and think tanks, the lazy and/or partisan media left AND right, they're all culprits - but none more so than the people who line up to buy what they're selling.

And no, there won't be any revolution. There will be individual whackjobs who go on shooting sprees and fly planes into buildings, but most people would prefer to fix what we've got than join a bloody coup. They're the ones who need a leader, not the nutjobs.

Opening new avenues for the feds to create more laws to restrict freedoms of the average citizen.

I used to tell people that I don't believe there is anyone in Washington looking in the mirror and thinking, "Oh my diabolical self" with a smile. I always said everything is done with honest and good intentions. I am now rethinking that these days. I find it difficult to believe that everything so far has actually been done with good intentions as far as our government and media goes.
It's not just races, it's geographical regions. Urban vs. rural. Religion. Policy differences. People turned against each other instead of working together to change what we all dislike about Washington. The two party system, the network of PACs and think tanks, the lazy and/or partisan media left AND right, they're all culprits - but none more so than the people who line up to buy what they're selling.

And no, there won't be any revolution. There will be individual whackjobs who go on shooting sprees and fly planes into buildings, but most people would prefer to fix what we've got than join a bloody coup. They're the ones who need a leader, not the nutjobs.

Opening new avenues for the feds to create more laws to restrict freedoms of the average citizen.

I used to tell people that I don't believe there is anyone in Washington looking in the mirror and thinking, "Oh my diabolical self" with a smile. I always said everything is done with honest and good intentions. I am now rethinking that these days. I find it difficult to believe that everything so far has actually been done with good intentions as far as our government and media goes.

Are you kidding? Of course it hasn't.

But remember Occam's Razor, sometimes corruption is exactly what it looks like - a way to line their own pockets without giving a damn about the people one way or the other, not some diabolical scheme to take away people's freedoms. I honestly think they don't give enough of a fuck to make the effort as long as they get theirs. Why should they? They're making money.

Same with the media, they parrot what the partisan hacks feed them not necessarily because they're in on some grand conspiracy, but because it's cheap and easy to simply skim the surface and give their target market exactly what it wants to hear. I doubt they care one way or the other about the truth, or ethics or integrity, why should they? They're making money.

In both cases it's all about cash, and too many of us are lining up to pony up. Get rid of the profit motive and abuse in both government and media and you'll get rid of at least 80% of the problems.
yeah i agree they have done an OUTSTANDING FUCKING JOB at dividing us over ultimately irrelevant issues like Abortion and Gay Marriage.

they run away with TRILLIONS of our money and we're at each other's throats over whether you should call two faggots living together "marriage" or "civil union" ...

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