Platinum Member
On Monday:
In a speech before the National Press Club (and comments beforehand), AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka insisted that Democrats are "inviting a repeat" of the 1994 midterm elections by instituting a tax on high-end insurance plans as part of their final health care compromise, among other things.
Trumka: Democrats Are Inviting A Repeat Of 1994
Then on Wednesday:
In their latest effort to pass a health care bill by any means necessary, Democrats have struck a "tentative deal" with their big labor allies to exempt union benefits from a tax on high value health care plans, CongressDaily reports.
If this policy is adopted, it would mean that there could be two Americans receiving the exact same benefits, but one American may be taxed and one wouldn't, and the only difference would be one of them being a member of a union. This is unseemly and unfair, even by the standards of Obamacare. It has nothing to do with policy-making. It's simply an outright bribe to a constituency that has contributed handily to Democratic campaigns.
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Report: Dems to Grant Special Exemption to Unions on "Cadillac Tax"
In addition to this admin obviously favoring unions, it sounds like a backdoor way to get more people to unionize.
The Amish are exempt from this . . . . what do have to do to change your 'status' to Amish? Just say so or is there a multi-part form to fill out?