"Rewarding the base" AKA "The bribes continue..."

On Monday:

In a speech before the National Press Club (and comments beforehand), AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka insisted that Democrats are "inviting a repeat" of the 1994 midterm elections by instituting a tax on high-end insurance plans as part of their final health care compromise, among other things.

Trumka: Democrats Are Inviting A Repeat Of 1994

Then on Wednesday:

In their latest effort to pass a health care bill by any means necessary, Democrats have struck a "tentative deal" with their big labor allies to exempt union benefits from a tax on high value health care plans, CongressDaily reports.

If this policy is adopted, it would mean that there could be two Americans receiving the exact same benefits, but one American may be taxed and one wouldn't, and the only difference would be one of them being a member of a union. This is unseemly and unfair, even by the standards of Obamacare. It has nothing to do with policy-making. It's simply an outright bribe to a constituency that has contributed handily to Democratic campaigns.

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Report: Dems to Grant Special Exemption to Unions on "Cadillac Tax"

In addition to this admin obviously favoring unions, it sounds like a backdoor way to get more people to unionize.

The Amish are exempt from this . . . . what do have to do to change your 'status' to Amish? Just say so or is there a multi-part form to fill out?
Funny how the Barry supporters don't want to discuss this.

I wonder why....

discuss it with whom?

people who haven't stopped whining since november 2009?

or people who would do anything to be obstructive?
No, that 'change we can believe in' was, is, and always will be a massive fraud perpetuated on the American public by the liar in chief and his cabal of tax and spend morons in the house and senate.

Dems proved my long standing contention that both parties are the same, self serving bloodsuckers who lie and cheat us to hold on to power.

Jillian will not cease worshipping Obama's large Negro penis long enough to see that he is a disaster. "More thoughtful approach to the military"?? Ha. He spent months contemplating Afghanistan and then opted for a plan that his own hand-picked general had said has a high chance of failure.
She cannot see that his policies have prolonged and deepened what should have been a short lived recession. Nor does she see that the same policies have hurt the very people she would claim to care about: working class people, Blacks, etc.
No, she feels righteous about voting for a black man--no taint of racism on her! And anyone who doesn't feel the same way must be a closet bigot.
No surprise she still admires Clinton, a serial rapist and abuser of women. Some people never learn.
discuss it with whom?

people who haven't stopped whining since november 2009?

or people who would do anything to be obstructive?
No, that 'change we can believe in' was, is, and always will be a massive fraud perpetuated on the American public by the liar in chief and his cabal of tax and spend morons in the house and senate.

Dems proved my long standing contention that both parties are the same, self serving bloodsuckers who lie and cheat us to hold on to power.

Jillian will not cease worshipping Obama's large Negro penis long enough to see that he is a disaster. "More thoughtful approach to the military"?? Ha. He spent months contemplating Afghanistan and then opted for a plan that his own hand-picked general had said has a high chance of failure.
She cannot see that his policies have prolonged and deepened what should have been a short lived recession. Nor does she see that the same policies have hurt the very people she would claim to care about: working class people, Blacks, etc.
No, she feels righteous about voting for a black man--no taint of racism on her! And anyone who doesn't feel the same way must be a closet bigot.
No surprise she still admires Clinton, a serial rapist and abuser of women. Some people never learn.
I'll thank you not to insult my friends, which Jill is which such nonsense.
No, that 'change we can believe in' was, is, and always will be a massive fraud perpetuated on the American public by the liar in chief and his cabal of tax and spend morons in the house and senate.

Dems proved my long standing contention that both parties are the same, self serving bloodsuckers who lie and cheat us to hold on to power.

Jillian will not cease worshipping Obama's large Negro penis long enough to see that he is a disaster. "More thoughtful approach to the military"?? Ha. He spent months contemplating Afghanistan and then opted for a plan that his own hand-picked general had said has a high chance of failure.
She cannot see that his policies have prolonged and deepened what should have been a short lived recession. Nor does she see that the same policies have hurt the very people she would claim to care about: working class people, Blacks, etc.
No, she feels righteous about voting for a black man--no taint of racism on her! And anyone who doesn't feel the same way must be a closet bigot.
No surprise she still admires Clinton, a serial rapist and abuser of women. Some people never learn.
I'll thank you not to insult my friends, which Jill is which such nonsense.

Truth hurts, I know.
discuss it with whom?

people who haven't stopped whining since november 2009?

or people who would do anything to be obstructive?
No, that 'change we can believe in' was, is, and always will be a massive fraud perpetuated on the American public by the liar in chief and his cabal of tax and spend morons in the house and senate.

Dems proved my long standing contention that both parties are the same, self serving bloodsuckers who lie and cheat us to hold on to power.

Jillian will not cease worshipping Obama's large Negro penis long enough to see that he is a disaster. "More thoughtful approach to the military"?? Ha. He spent months contemplating Afghanistan and then opted for a plan that his own hand-picked general had said has a high chance of failure.
She cannot see that his policies have prolonged and deepened what should have been a short lived recession. Nor does she see that the same policies have hurt the very people she would claim to care about: working class people, Blacks, etc.
No, she feels righteous about voting for a black man--no taint of racism on her! And anyone who doesn't feel the same way must be a closet bigot.
No surprise she still admires Clinton, a serial rapist and abuser of women. Some people never learn.

Obama ain't got nothin compared to my large Negro-like penis.

And STFU and GTFO with that blather about Jillian.
Jillian will not cease worshipping Obama's large Negro penis long enough to see that he is a disaster. "More thoughtful approach to the military"?? Ha. He spent months contemplating Afghanistan and then opted for a plan that his own hand-picked general had said has a high chance of failure.
She cannot see that his policies have prolonged and deepened what should have been a short lived recession. Nor does she see that the same policies have hurt the very people she would claim to care about: working class people, Blacks, etc.
No, she feels righteous about voting for a black man--no taint of racism on her! And anyone who doesn't feel the same way must be a closet bigot.
No surprise she still admires Clinton, a serial rapist and abuser of women. Some people never learn.
I'll thank you not to insult my friends, which Jill is which such nonsense.

Truth hurts, I know.
I was polite to you boy, don't make me regret that.

Funny how the Barry supporters don't want to discuss this.

I wonder why....

There's no coherent defense possible on this one. It's clearly a bribe to the unions, and as Zoom-Boing pointed out, a sweetener to get more people on the union rolls. It's not even smart revenue-raising. Because the first thing employers and insurers will do... is stop offering these "Cadillac plans". So, unless you're getting it through a union, likely you won't be getting it at all. And the money that they were supposed to be using to pay for this pile of crap... isn't going to be there.

On top of all that, I can't begin to imagine what sort of Machiavellian twisting they plan to use to get this by the Constitution. Excise taxes must be apportioned, and while there's an argument to be made for benefits as "income", how do you make it the employer's responsibility rather than the employees? :rolleyes:

This whole bill is a mega-pile of shit, and the back-room deals we've seen tell us everything we need to know about who these people really are (fascists) and what a sham the liberal mantra of "fairness" is (a manipulative lie). They could give a rat's ass about what's "fair" and what isn't. All they care about is establishing a framework for socialized medicine that they can build upon... or as Tom Harkin likes to refer to it, "a starter home":

Funny how the Barry supporters don't want to discuss this.

I wonder why....

There's no coherent defense possible on this one. It's clearly a bribe to the unions, and as Zoom-Boing pointed out, a sweetener to get more people on the union rolls. It's not even smart revenue-raising. Because the first thing employers and insurers will do... is stop offering these "Cadillac plans". So, unless you're getting it through a union, likely you won't be getting it at all. And the money that they were supposed to be using to pay for this pile of crap... isn't going to be there.

On top of all that, I can't begin to imagine what sort of Machiavellian twisting they plan to use to get this by the Constitution. Excise taxes must be apportioned, and while there's an argument to be made for benefits as "income", how do you make it the employer's responsibility rather than the employees? :rolleyes:

This whole bill is a mega-pile of shit, and the back-room deals we've seen tell us everything we need to know about who these people really are (fascists) and what a sham the liberal mantra of "fairness" is (a manipulative lie). They could give a rat's ass about what's "fair" and what isn't. All they care about is establishing a framework for socialized medicine that they can build upon... or as Tom Harkin likes to refer to it, "a starter home":

But as Jillian points out "everybody does it" so that makes it OK.
p.s. to Rabbi

Uncool ad hominem attack, man. :eusa_hand:
Lord knows, libs give us enough to work with that we don't have to get down on that level. I mean, it's one thing if they 'poke the bear', another when all they've done is lay out their incomprehension of the subject matter.

The decent thing to do would be to edit... and then take on her content. I've seen your posts, dude. You've got too much on the ball to need to go there.
So we have gone back 100 years to the days of backroom deals in cigar smoke filled rooms. I can almost picture the servants serving shots of scotch, and emptying the ashtrays.

And we the people are happy because we are getting screwed again.

And this is the most transparent congress ever............:eusa_whistle:
I'm tired of being nice to people like that. Some truths are inconvenient but need to be told. And the truth is that only racism could enable someone to see Obama as any kind of success.
But as Jillian points out "everybody does it" so that makes it OK.

It's only "okay" when they like the policy. :lol:
They fail to comprehend that what goes around comes around. Hell, if we don't have to follow the Constitution anymore, what's stopping us from revoking their citizenship and shipping them off to Denmark. If the new rule is... do whatever you want just as long as you've got control of both Houses of Congress and the Presidency, what's to stop us?
So we have gone back 100 years to the days of backroom deals in cigar smoke filled rooms. I can almost picture the servants serving shots of scotch, and emptying the ashtrays.

And we the people are happy because we are getting screwed again.

And this is the most transparent congress ever............:eusa_whistle:

With Teddy gone there will be less Scotch flowing.
I'm tired of being nice to people like that. Some truths are inconvenient but need to be told. And the truth is that only racism could enable someone to see Obama as any kind of success.

There's no way a junior Senator with only two years in, who's never run so much as a hot dog stand on his own, could have been elected to the presidency without appealing to us emotionally. And I agree, it was his status as a biracial candidate and a smooth talker. He promised the things we wanted to hear... a post-racial, post-partisan era and a cleaning up of the "politics as usual". THAT was his mandate. And he has been a spectacular FAIL as he doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on all the things we hated about Washington politics.

They'll never admit it though. We all saw how they eviscerated Geraldine Ferraro for saying it, and she was one of their own.
I'm tired of being nice to people like that. Some truths are inconvenient but need to be told. And the truth is that only racism could enable someone to see Obama as any kind of success.

There's no way a junior Senator with only two years in, who's never run so much as a hot dog stand on his own, could have been elected to the presidency without appealing to us emotionally. And I agree, it was his status as a biracial candidate and a smooth talker. He promised the things we wanted to hear... a post-racial, post-partisan era and a cleaning up of the "politics as usual". THAT was his mandate. And he has been a spectacular FAIL as he doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on all the things we hated about Washington politics.

They'll never admit it though. We all saw how they eviscerated Geraldine Ferraro for saying it, and she was one of their own.

Excuse me? I'd admit it in a heartbeat if i had been one of the ones who swallowed his rubbish and voted for him. But I held my nose and voted against him.
I'm tired of being nice to people like that. Some truths are inconvenient but need to be told. And the truth is that only racism could enable someone to see Obama as any kind of success.

There's no way a junior Senator with only two years in, who's never run so much as a hot dog stand on his own, could have been elected to the presidency without appealing to us emotionally. And I agree, it was his status as a biracial candidate and a smooth talker. He promised the things we wanted to hear... a post-racial, post-partisan era and a cleaning up of the "politics as usual". THAT was his mandate. And he has been a spectacular FAIL as he doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on all the things we hated about Washington politics.

They'll never admit it though. We all saw how they eviscerated Geraldine Ferraro for saying it, and she was one of their own.

Excuse me? I'd admit it in a heartbeat if i had been one of the ones who swallowed his rubbish and voted for him. But I held my nose and voted against him.

I'd admit it too. That is, if I had been taken in. But I wasn't. I did my homework first, read his books, read his speeches... and saw him goose-stepping from a mile away.

I know it's merely human for people to not want to admit their errors, but damn... at some point people start looking utterly absurd when they don't The Emperor with No Clothes and his Likewise Naked Followers.
There's no way a junior Senator with only two years in, who's never run so much as a hot dog stand on his own, could have been elected to the presidency without appealing to us emotionally. And I agree, it was his status as a biracial candidate and a smooth talker. He promised the things we wanted to hear... a post-racial, post-partisan era and a cleaning up of the "politics as usual". THAT was his mandate. And he has been a spectacular FAIL as he doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on all the things we hated about Washington politics.

They'll never admit it though. We all saw how they eviscerated Geraldine Ferraro for saying it, and she was one of their own.

Excuse me? I'd admit it in a heartbeat if i had been one of the ones who swallowed his rubbish and voted for him. But I held my nose and voted against him.

I'd admit it too. That is, if I had been taken in. But I wasn't. I did my homework first, read his books, read his speeches... and saw him goose-stepping from a mile away.

I know it's merely human for people to not want to admit their errors, but damn... at some point people start looking utterly absurd when they don't The Emperor with No Clothes and his Likewise Naked Followers.
People have a hard time admitting they were fooled.

I have been against each POTUS since 1988 (when i realized the parties are a fraud, neither is for anyone but themselves) for different reasons.

For example, I knew the first gulf war a fraud, that Bush sr had no plan of ending it and it would come back to haunt us. I also knew his sending troops to somalia on his last day in office would be a debacle.

I was totally against Bubba's rediculous support of Balkan muslims which turned that area into a haven for extremists that is still a problem to this day.

I won't even go into the many things of Dumbya.

Now we have the latest phoney, barry.

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