"Rewarding the base" AKA "The bribes continue..."

Excuse me? I'd admit it in a heartbeat if i had been one of the ones who swallowed his rubbish and voted for him. But I held my nose and voted against him.

i think its pretty clear that he could walk on water and you'd still vote against him.

i'd have voted for almost anyone to make sure sarah palin never got near the oval office except on a white house tour.
p.s. to Rabbi

Uncool ad hominem attack, man. :eusa_hand:
Lord knows, libs give us enough to work with that we don't have to get down on that level. I mean, it's one thing if they 'poke the bear', another when all they've done is lay out their incomprehension of the subject matter.

The decent thing to do would be to edit... and then take on her content. I've seen your posts, dude. You've got too much on the ball to need to go there.

thanks, murf. but he isn't decent. i'd think that would be clear from his posts. there's a certain type of right wing loon like him who really hates women who don't see the world like they do. it's a bullying misogynist thing.

as for "libs", anyone who's actually read what i write would know they shouldn't ever presume what i believe.

i made it pretty clear that after the pathetic 8 years prior to this, i find the whining self-serving and disingenuous. there isn't any set of circumstances in which what the GOP offered was going to be acceptable to me this time around.

(and i say that as someone who has never voted for a democrat for mayor and is as capable of voting repub or dem for governor). so it's not like i vote straight party line.... but the misogynist would actually have to read and comprehend to *get* that.

Mostly, it's about the issues that matter most to us. I don't want the religious right anywhere near our supreme court appointments.
Excuse me? I'd admit it in a heartbeat if i had been one of the ones who swallowed his rubbish and voted for him. But I held my nose and voted against him.

i think its pretty clear that he could walk on water and you'd still vote against him.

i'd have voted for almost anyone to make sure sarah palin never got near the oval office except on a white house tour.

So instead you have Joe Biden.
Of course the race had nothing to do with Biden or Palin. It had to do with a very inexperienced junior senator with exceptionally bad judgment who made people feel empowered and liberated and was seen as a "transitional figure."
You have admitted that you have no principles, only raw political and emotional calculation. So you supported Clinton, despite his anti-feminist personal life, because he had the right politics. You supported Obama because the idea of a successful feminist in power makes you feel substandard, or whatever she makes you feel.
I am just going to dance in this thread long enough to say I think the whole point of it is backwards.

The goal should be to elevate the discourse and hold all politicians accountable, not just the ones we don't like. Saying Idiot A is better than idiot b because he is my idiot is the road to ruin.

0bama made specific promises and should be held to the promises he made. Just as the Bushes made promises and should be held accountable.

The answer should not be to defend the indefensible, but to hold your own guy accountable. I voted Buchanan in the 92 primaries, not because I thought Pat would be a good president. I was pretty sure even by May of that year that Bush was going to loose. I just wanted to make sure that Bush got the message that breaking promises was a bad thing.

I think I voted Libertarian that year.

Unless you hold them directly responsible, they will only get worse.

Just saying "Cheney was worse, so I will swallow this wad" enables the bad guys on both sides. You need to jump on the table and tell them "you broke your promise, and I am holding you directly accountable for what your did." Only then can everyone move forward.
Funny how the Barry supporters don't want to discuss this.

I wonder why....

discuss it with whom?

people who haven't stopped whining since november 2009?

or people who would do anything to be obstructive?

How about people like me who just want the bullshit, bribes and non-transparency to stop?
That's why we need the slush fund called the "Federal Budget" to be dismantled and all the power they have usurped on the states, returned to the states along with the monies.

That would return accountability and control to the local people who know better what's going on and have a personal connection to all that dough.
Excuse me? I'd admit it in a heartbeat if i had been one of the ones who swallowed his rubbish and voted for him. But I held my nose and voted against him.

i think its pretty clear that he could walk on water and you'd still vote against him.

i'd have voted for almost anyone to make sure sarah palin never got near the oval office except on a white house tour.

So instead you have Joe Biden.
Of course the race had nothing to do with Biden or Palin. It had to do with a very inexperienced junior senator with exceptionally bad judgment who made people feel empowered and liberated and was seen as a "transitional figure."
You have admitted that you have no principles, only raw political and emotional calculation. So you supported Clinton, despite his anti-feminist personal life, because he had the right politics. You supported Obama because the idea of a successful feminist in power makes you feel substandard, or whatever she makes you feel.

actually, i AM a successful female. I love other sucessful females. i don't understand why pathetic loons like you think it's "jealousy". Maybe if McCain had picked Baily-Hutchinson as his running mate instead of Caribou Barbie, he'd be president.

and please don't call little miss "i love the pro-america parts of the country" a feminist. No feminist would try to take away my control over my own body.

now crawl back under your rock because you make yourself look more ignorant with every post.
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That's why we need the slush fund called the "Federal Budget" to be dismantled and all the power they have usurped on the states, returned to the states along with the monies.

That would return accountability and control to the local people who know better what's going on and have a personal connection to all that dough.

well, at least it's not like ron paul who rails against "earmarks" while never having met an earmark he doesn't like.... and who demands term limits while never getting his scrawny butt out of his congressional seat.

see how it works? the faux outrage of the right is very selective.
That's why we need the slush fund called the "Federal Budget" to be dismantled and all the power they have usurped on the states, returned to the states along with the monies.

That would return accountability and control to the local people who know better what's going on and have a personal connection to all that dough.

well, at least it's not like ron paul who rails against "earmarks" while never having met an earmark he doesn't like.... and who demands term limits while never getting his scrawny butt out of his congressional seat.

see how it works? the faux outrage of the right is very selective.
Uh huh. So the fact that Ron Paul rails against them and then supports them means that all conservatives do?

What kinda bullshit logic is that?

I would like it made a 'violation of oath' to add a rider or earmark to a bill. Subject to immediate removal from office.

Either that or a line item veto. One or the other must be done.
i think its pretty clear that he could walk on water and you'd still vote against him.

i'd have voted for almost anyone to make sure sarah palin never got near the oval office except on a white house tour.

So instead you have Joe Biden.
Of course the race had nothing to do with Biden or Palin. It had to do with a very inexperienced junior senator with exceptionally bad judgment who made people feel empowered and liberated and was seen as a "transitional figure."
You have admitted that you have no principles, only raw political and emotional calculation. So you supported Clinton, despite his anti-feminist personal life, because he had the right politics. You supported Obama because the idea of a successful feminist in power makes you feel substandard, or whatever she makes you feel.

actually, i AM a successful female. I love other sucessful females. i don't understand why pathetic loons like you think it's "jealousy". Maybe if McCain had picked Baily-Hutchinson as his running mate instead of Caribou Barbie, he'd be president.

and please don't call little miss "i love the pro-america parts of the country" a feminist. No feminist would try to take away my control over my own body.

now crawl back under your rock because you make yourself look more ignorant with every post.

Clearly not. Clearly a succesful female like Palin is a challenge to your self image. If she were a non-entity you would just ignore her. But her popularity won't allow that. So you have to diminish her, demonize her and delegitimate her to assure yourself that "real women" don't really believe the things she does.
You become more transparent with every post. And it aint pretty.
That's why we need the slush fund called the "Federal Budget" to be dismantled and all the power they have usurped on the states, returned to the states along with the monies.

That would return accountability and control to the local people who know better what's going on and have a personal connection to all that dough.

well, at least it's not like ron paul who rails against "earmarks" while never having met an earmark he doesn't like.... and who demands term limits while never getting his scrawny butt out of his congressional seat.

see how it works? the faux outrage of the right is very selective.
Uh huh. So the fact that Ron Paul rails against them and then supports them means that all conservatives do?

What kinda bullshit logic is that?

I would like it made a 'violation of oath' to add a rider or earmark to a bill. Subject to immediate removal from office.

Either that or a line item veto. One or the other must be done.

Jillian=typical liberal bullshit argumentation. Say "the gov't is out of control" and she answers "Bush did it." Say "taxes are too high" and she says "they are higher in Sweden" Say "Obama delayed in Afghanistan and has bailed out wall street" and she says "Bush".
There are no arguments you can make because she is incapable of rational thought here. Whatever Ron Paul says or does is irrelevant to the argument that there needs to be an end to earmarks. It is a red herring,a non-argument.
That's called the "Our friends or predecessors jumped off the bridge... therefore, we must too" or The Lemming Argument.

Disproved by your mother when you were 4.
Is ther proof od a single bribe ? Or just partisan spewing? Read a book.

Is there proof of a bribe? Do you watch any news or read any papers? Or are you just naturally stupid? The Democrats have given up most of their major points just to buy the votes they need to pass any bill that they can call health care reform. And it still sucks.
Is ther proof od a single bribe ? Or just partisan spewing? Read a book.

Is there proof of a bribe? Do you watch any news or read any papers? Or are you just naturally stupid? The Democrats have given up most of their major points just to buy the votes they need to pass any bill that they can call health care reform. And it still sucks.

But it was all done in front of the cameras on CSPAN, right?
Obamacare has become a tar baby for the Democrats. Their desperation to pass something--anything-- has led them to pander to the worst impulses of the party, cutting back room deals and empowering and enriching small segments of their base.
The more they do this kind of stuff, the worse they look to the average American. Now even if Obamacare gets defeated they have lost. The damage is done.

I agree 1000%!!!

The preferential treatment of unions, and the states of Nebraska and Louisiana, have turned my stomach and I am adamantly against this reform bill. They should tear it up and start all over again...

The way they are cutting these disgusting deals and enriching party loyalists at the expense of average Americans is going to come back to haunt the Democratic party big-time in November...

I hope Brown wins in Massachusetts and is seated in time to vote against this pile of crap piece of legislation...

And this is coming from someone who voted for Obama and supported the kind of health care reform and new style of government that was spoken about during the 2008 campaign.

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