rick perry knows obama's a fake..

OMG well let's hope Romney doesn't go down the path of whackjobbery. I'd really like to see Obama booted and if the GOP starts making @sses of themselves with this BS again, they're doomed...
It's the economy stupid.
The story about Obama and his birth certificate isnt BS. There is a massive coverup going on. Obama isn't a natural born citizen and computer graphic experts from all over have declared his abstract long form a created fake. They have signed sworn affidavits attesting to it.

Um yeah. That's why the CIA, FBI and everyone else couldn't prove this under Bush. Okay. You guys just focus on that. Brilliant idea... :cuckoo:
OMG well let's hope Romney doesn't go down the path of whackjobbery. I'd really like to see Obama booted and if the GOP starts making @sses of themselves with this BS again, they're doomed...
It's the economy stupid.
The story about Obama and his birth certificate isnt BS. There is a massive coverup going on. Obama isn't a natural born citizen and computer graphic experts from all over have declared his abstract long form a created fake. They have signed sworn affidavits attesting to it.

Um yeah. That's why the CIA, FBI and everyone else couldn't prove this under Bush. Okay. You guys just focus on that. Brilliant idea... :cuckoo:
It's mot the job of the FBI or CIA to vet candidates and certainly not Bush who wasn't running anymore. They leave it up to the media and the voters. In Obama's case, the media never vetted him. They went by his autobiography as his nativity story to go on and became their so called black boy instead of golden boy so to speak. The DNC altered their OCON forms not certifying that he met Article 2 Section 1 because the Hawaii Democratic Party refused to. This was discovered 8 months after his swearing in but the media refuses to report it when questioned about it. Lets face it. The fix was in.
I really don't get why Republicans seeking the nomination keep meeting with Trump. It seems to involve appealing to their base, but why that sometimes conservative, always obnoxious New Yorker appeals to anyone is largely a mystery to me.

Perry is of course not embracing the birthers, but he isn't exactly rejecting them either. That's probably smart, since he doesn't have the not-Romney vote sown up and he doesn't want to get out-bid on the right.

Why does Perry matter? Despite Cain's success in the press and the polls, Perry is still well ahead of him in the prediction markets. If the president in 2013 is not Obama or Romney, it will probably be Perry, who is at about 6-7% to be the next president, not nominee, on Intrade. Someone who has a 1/16 shot of being the next president (and a greater shot at playing some sort of national role in the Cabinet or in later election cycles) is certainly still relevant to the national debate.

I think Perry is not doing himself any favors embracing the birthers or Trump, honestly.

I do think the GOP nomination will come down to Perry and Romney, but the GOP establishment is trying its best to rig the game in Romney's favor.
They have to tie a rope around his neck or their myopic Marxist universe might not happen, because he is a conservative and people in his state like him a lot because he goes out and gets jobs and brings them home to Texas. :)

Obama fans should hope that Perry gets the nomination. It's the best way to guarantee an Obama re-election.
There is an old saying that goes something like this; "A man with one watch always knows what time it is; a man one on each wrist is never quite sure." Obama is the quintessential man with two watches. Except add in two pocket watches, and 3 I-Phones.

I wonder if you even comprehend the simplistic brilliance you've espoused here. Would you mind if I repeat this elsewhere?
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
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OThe story about Obama and his birth certificate isnt BS. There is a massive coverup going on. Obama isn't a natural born citizen and computer graphic experts from all over have declared his abstract long form a created fake. They have signed sworn affidavits attesting to it.

Dude, you're going to get me fired. Everyone is sitting here wondering what is wrong with me that I can't stop laughing like a lunatic!

I have to say, that's an amazing story. A massive conspiracy within state and federal governments, spanning both parties and 5 decades, all to get Obama elected. But the graphics experts have got it figured out. Let me guess, the Freemasons are behind it, aren't they? The Illuminati? Skull and Bones? Well, I'll agree, this whole thing is about bone-heads. :lol: Thanks for making my morning.
They have to tie a rope around his neck or their myopic Marxist universe might not happen, because he is a conservative and people in his state like him a lot because he goes out and gets jobs and brings them home to Texas. :)

Obama fans should hope that Perry gets the nomination. It's the best way to guarantee an Obama re-election.

Oh, no they don't.

Come on, look at what the media does. They avoid criticizing Romney while savaging whoever else happens to be flavor of the week for the majority that doesn't want Romney.

Perry probably scares Obama more. He's someone the GOP base can get excited about.
Oh, no they don't.

Come on, look at what the media does. They avoid criticizing Romney while savaging whoever else happens to be flavor of the week for the majority that doesn't want Romney.

Perry probably scares Obama more. He's someone the GOP base can get excited about.

Please don't tell me you're going to trumpet the "liberal media" BS. The media demonizes whomever will get the most ratings at the time. They demonized Clinton, they demonized Gore, they demonized Bush, and they occasionally demonize Obama and will continue to do so if they find it lucrative.

As for whether Obama supports REALIZE that they should be hoping for a Perry nomination is irrelevant. The truth is that Perry will NEVER win against Obama without anything less than a campaign that makes Kerry look like a genius.
Please don't tell me you're going to trumpet the "liberal media" BS. The media demonizes whomever will get the most ratings at the time. They demonized Clinton, they demonized Gore, they demonized Bush, and they occasionally demonize Obama and will continue to do so if they find it lucrative.

As for whether Obama supports REALIZE that they should be hoping for a Perry nomination is irrelevant. The truth is that Perry will NEVER win against Obama without anything less than a campaign that makes Kerry look like a genius.

They were Clinton's biggest excuse makers. When Clinton got caught lying, they did stories on how lying is a good thing. Please. He could have been caught clubbing baby seals on the south lawn, and the MSM would have done "Seals- Threat or Menace" stories.


Dont look into it's eyes! It'll steal your soul!

Perry could win against Obama pretty easily. Obama's economy sucks. The reason why Kerry lost was because unemployment was at 5%, the Iraq war was going reasonable well, and honestly, he didn't make the case.

Obama will have unemployment over 8% at best. Gasoline will still be over $3.00 a gallon.

I think Perry would be more formidable than Romney because he doesn't lose any key components of the coalition the GOP needs to win. Romney does. Which is why the media is treating Romney with kid gloves right now. After he gets the nomination, we'll see those "Mormons- Threat or Menace Stories."
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Perry could win against Obama pretty easily. Obama's economy sucks. The reason why Kerry lost was because unemployment was at 5%, the Iraq war was going reasonable well, and honestly, he didn't make the case.

Kerry lost because he was a horrible candidate. Bush was very unpopular at the time. But Kerry couldn't do anything other than make an ass of himself on a daily basis. Perry is not much different. He's not even that popular in his own state. Perry's stances on illegal immigrations will alienate base conservatives, and his radical secessionist positions will alienate swing voters. Texas politics and federal politics are a vastly different thing, and Perry's main weakness as a candidate is that he has not and it seems cannot, distinguish between the two. By November of next year Perry will be seen as little more than a giant ass, a guy you can't stand living next door to, the kind of pompous jerk most people love to see getting a speeding ticket.

OMG well let's hope Romney doesn't go down the path of whackjobbery. I'd really like to see Obama booted and if the GOP starts making @sses of themselves with this BS again, they're doomed...
It's the economy stupid.
The story about Obama and his birth certificate isnt BS. There is a massive coverup going on. Obama isn't a natural born citizen and computer graphic experts from all over have declared his abstract long form a created fake. They have signed sworn affidavits attesting to it.

I hope you convince the Republican nominee to make this a substantial part of their campaign - screaming it from the treetops every time the RNC gets a microphone.
OMG well let's hope Romney doesn't go down the path of whackjobbery. I'd really like to see Obama booted and if the GOP starts making @sses of themselves with this BS again, they're doomed...
It's the economy stupid.
The story about Obama and his birth certificate isnt BS. There is a massive coverup going on. Obama isn't a natural born citizen and computer graphic experts from all over have declared his abstract long form a created fake. They have signed sworn affidavits attesting to it.

I hope you convince the Republican nominee to make this a substantial part of their campaign - screaming it from the treetops every time the RNC gets a microphone.

It is that important

Who does Obama think he is? Cheating to be president

Republicans need to make this their key issue
rick perry knows obama's a fake..
If Rick Perry isn't another "George Bush", are ALL Texans this....


"There are some interview venues that have obvious potential to force a presidential candidate into some kind of a revealing slip-up. “Meet the Press” comes to mind here. Parade, the devoutly middle American magazine that comes free with more than 500 Sunday newspapers, doesn’t.

And yet, Rick Perry managed to make a real mess of a lengthy q-and-a that ran in the magazine this weekend, telling interviewer Lynn Sherr.....

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJfdKClbH4]Proof Obama's 4/27/11 "Long Form Certificate of Birth" is Forged! - YouTube[/ame]

I think it was forged. Why did it take over 2 years to produce it
It's mot the job of the FBI or CIA to vet candidates and certainly not Bush who wasn't running anymore. They leave it up to the media and the voters. In Obama's case, the media never vetted him. They went by his autobiography as his nativity story to go on and became their so called black boy instead of golden boy so to speak. The DNC altered their OCON forms not certifying that he met Article 2 Section 1 because the Hawaii Democratic Party refused to. This was discovered 8 months after his swearing in but the media refuses to report it when questioned about it. Lets face it. The fix was in.

This will be one of many reasons why Obama will be reelected.

I think it was forged. Why did it take over 2 years to produce it

Of course you do.

And it’s understandable considering the fact the right can’t pin the December 2007 recession on Obama or its subsequent economic disaster.

Keep telling people you think the BC was ‘forged,’ you’ll have Obama for another 4 years.
The BC idiocy is in the same GOP political play book as IDs for voting and eliminating extended voting hours, a kind if rightwing temper-tantrum when an election doesn’t go their way.

It’s indicative of conservative disdain for the American voter: the stupid, ignorant, duped people who voted for Obama. So they contrive this BC nonsense, a pathetic political Hail Mary in an attempt to nullify the will of the American people.

The irony, of course, is the fact that the ‘blame’ for Obama goes to the republicans, who failed to field a viable candidate in 2008. And the ‘blame’ will be theirs again in 2012 for the same reason.
Why is anyone still talking about Perry?
Because Obama is going down, and now the Liberals are worried Rick Perry will work his way back up in the polls.

They have to tie a rope around his neck or their myopic Marxist universe might not happen, because he is a conservative and people in his state like him a lot because he goes out and gets jobs and brings them home to Texas. :)

That Obama stimulus money sure came in handy..didn't it? :lol:

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