Rick Perry's Texas jobs boom: The whole story


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Rick Perry's Texas jobs boom:
The whole story
By Tami Luhby @CNNMoney
August 13, 2011

Of course, Texas enjoys advantages that have nothing to do with having Perry at the helm. Rich in natural resources, the state has been benefiting from the high price of oil and the expanded interest in natural gas exploration. Energy employment has soared by 16.8% over the past year alone.
Rick Perry and his Texas jobs boom: The whole story - Aug. 12, 2011

Shame on you, Scary Perry. That’s not the story he told the T-Bagger in Iowa. But hell they don’t know any difference if he told the truth.
Yeah, I'd love to see Perry run Illinois.. Just like I'd love to see Palin do it... they couldn't. They'd be run out on a rail.

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