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Rick Santorum Is Insane

I found this post, just to bash a person you don't like..
Classless, and disgusting..

I will be the first to use something against a person if it's stupid.

But to bring in a man's dead child, that sent chills through me....

Just when I think I've seen the new low, someone comes along and proves me wrong...

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jillian said:
Grump isn't a "Christophobe"... it's extremists ramming things down the throats of others that shouldn't be tolerated. Trying to make it seem as if there is something wrong with NOT allowing extremists free reign is just disingenuous.

Libs are the intolerant ones. Libs want to remove al references of God from the public view to appease the small minority how do not believe in God, and are "offended"

Of course, libe still blame Christians for their election losses and have declared war on anyone who expresses their faith in public
jillian said:
Grump isn't a "Christophobe"... it's extremists ramming things down the throats of others that shouldn't be tolerated. Trying to make it seem as if there is something wrong with NOT allowing extremists free reign is just disingenuous.

1. Jillian, some historical and cultural perspective is needed. Before World War II, it was customary in this country to have the viewing performed AT HOME. There were no funeral parlors in this country before World War II. My ex-wife's aunt died as an infant during the 1917 flu pandemic, she was shown in the family living room, as was customary at the time. The practice still survives in Europe today. My grandfather died in Italy in 1986. He, also, was displayed at my grandparents' home. There is nothing insane about having the dead body at home, although the practice has stopped in this country. True, I find Senator Santorum's practice somewhat unusual, and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that, either. However, I also respect the right of his wife and him to decide what is best for their children. With all due respect, I believe that you think Senator Santorum is insane, not for what he did in this case, but because of his political views. Isn't that the real issue?

2. Now, on to that bit about "extremists ramming things down the throat of others".... Jillian, that is what the conservative movement has been fighting against for years! A partial list:
a. Sex education and AIDS education in public schools which is nothing more than a leftist attempt to promote their world view and introduce a deviant lifestyle with proven health risks as a "alternative lifestyle choice". Since sex education was introduced in this country, we've managed to increase out of wedlock births in this country by a factor of at least 10 and have experienced epidemics of venereal disease.
b. One of the cornerstones of liberalism "Roe vs. Wade" - in other words, the liberal elite has decided that the voters do not have the right to vote on abortion, instead, by judicial fiat, abortion is now legal. And partial birth abortion is defended to the last standing man by the abortion lobby. All that noise about Bush judicial nominees, the smearing of Justice Thomas by Anita Hill, the "borking" of Bork? That was all because of Roe v Wade.... how extreme is that?
c. Harassment laws and other insanities that presume guilt before innocence.
d. Confiscatory taxes that mostly go to fund, social programs that the Left has dreamed up.
e. Hate Crime legislation - killing a person is a crime, but killing a black or a gay person is a REALLY big crime. Since when is a gay person or a black person better and of more worth than I am?
f. Gay marriage - well, if that isn't judicial activism and an attempt to get around the will of the people, I don't know what is. The Massachusetts Supreme Court ORDERED the Boston Legislative Branch to draft legislation making gay marriage legal in that state?!??!?! That is an outright abuse of power. The judicial branch cannot do that. And in California, where the voters had already gone to the polls and decided to keep gay marriage illegal, the Left does what? Ignore the will of the people, go ahead and perform gay marriage!
g. Income Tax - before the 1930s, income tax was only the worry of the rich. In order to fund his New Deal programs and expansion of the federal government, FDR imposed this on the entire citizenry. Did I mention Social Security? No "opt out" option for that, either.
h. DDT - no evidence exists for the claims made by Rachel Carson regarding this pesticide. Over 2 million people die each year from malaria, and die needlessly, because DDT has been proven to be an effective means of killing mosquitoes. In fact, the United States has put pressure on African nations to stop using DDT or risk losing funding.
i. PBS - what is that? A tax payer funded, government owned and operated network that is not much more than.... a mouthpiece for the Left. Did I mention the National Endowment for the Arts? Liberals like to talk about runaway government spending (as if for the first time in 75 years, they realize that it exists) but will scream bloody murder if someone takes an axe to one of those two.
j. The liberal media - far from being fair, objective or anything close. When Fox News appears, a network that simply reports both sides of the story, not just the DNC approved version, liberals scream bloody murder.
k. The Iraq War - just try to be a democrat that favors our involvement in Iraq and watch what happens.... Joe Lieberman did! For a party that is supposed to be in love with dissent, there is no tolerance for dissent within the ranks of their own party!
l. Conservatives want to ALLOW prayer in schools, liberal MANDATE that it cannot be, because of a fictitious construct known as "separation of church and state". Leftist organizations have gone to court to prevent Bible Clubs from meeting on school grounds after hours, prevent prayer at High School commencements, mandate that Nativity scenes be removed from town halls, tablets of the Ten Commandments be removed from public buildings.... is atheism now the State Religion?
j. Did I forget to mention, gender and racial based preferences for hiring, promotion, and admission into colleges? Some of which are federally mandated?
k. Did someone just ask, why did AIDS become such a huge health menace? Yes, my imaginery friend, Harvey just did! I'm glad he asked that question! The spread of contagious diseases is prevented by identifying the carriers and taking steps to prevent those persons from infecting others. That includes quarantine, the most famous case involved "Thphoid Mary". Instead, gay activists managed to champion privacy rights over the interests of public health. And the result has been... a lot of dead gays. And to make things even better, gay activists have managed to sabotage one proven method that helped prevent the spread of AIDS, the closing of all gay bath houses in major cities.
m. Environmental policies that prevent managing forests and wildlife in environmentally friendly and level headed ways that have been pushed through by enviromental activists (or "whackos" as some like say) that have resulted in overpopulation of certain animal species and wildfires.
n. Suing, regulating and suing yet again over tobacco, too much fat in our food, too much alcohol, Red Dye #7, too much meat, too little fiber, too much sugar, too much transfat, not enough tofu, too much caffeine in our food.

Jillian, it's one thing to have a cause that you're passionate about and willing to fight for. That is one thing that freedom allows. It's quite another to legally require everyone and their grandmother to support your cause and be subjected to your world view. That isn't respecting the freedom of others to choose. Freedom means having freedom to make choices then taking responsibility for the consequences. Also, a person with a differing viewpoint won't kill you, that's another thing that the Left doesn't get. Other people are entitled to their opinions, they aren't entitled to yours. You have the right to voice your opinions, but by God, so do I and I do have the right to ask you to back up what you say with facts. You have the right to dissent, but so do I. And guess what? Exercising my First Amendment right to disagree with the Left or the Right does not entitle you to ad hominem attack on my character. That is something the Left doesn't seem to get either. In my opinion, the Left's habitually tries to win an argument by digging up a disagreeable fact about the opposition. That's a piss poor way to win an argument, other people stop doing it about the 2nd grade.
Jillian, I have a whole list of things I'd do with your corpse before disposing of it. Wanna hear?:teeth:
jillian said:
Trying to make it seem as if there is something wrong with NOT allowing extremists free reign is just disingenuous.

extremists have the right to do as they please, within the confines of the law, just like you. They even have the right to influence society to the same degree as secular humanists or Rabbinic Jews.
rtwngAvngr said:
extremists have the right to do as they please, within the confines of the law, just like you. They even have the right to influence society to the same degree as secular humanists or Rabbinic Jews.

The libs have run out of talking points again so they have to play reruns.
jillian said:
Well, they're buried "as soon as possible" because Jews don't embalm. Can get nasty if the burial doesn't occur pretty quickly. Plus, the concept is that one should start to mourn, be with their loved ones and friends for a week, and then start to get back to real life.

I understand what you're saying, but there was no religious mandate that required him to force his children to play with a dead baby.
Jillian, you've been missing the point here, not like you. I understand all about the Jewish traditions of death, been there with my ex for his grandparents. No one said a religious mandate would make the 'insane' sane or vice versa. What you, your neighbor, or I might find offensive, whacked, or whatever term is used, someone else might find a source of comfort. I believe that no ritual that doesn't serve to protect the general health of society, (such as burial laws in general), should be mandated. One cannot keep grandma on ice for years, because we 'don't want to let her go.'

When it comes to grieving the loss of a loved one, I would leave pretty wide parameters. As I hinted at before, the Irish in particular had some weird ways of dealing with death.
jillian said:
Well, they're buried "as soon as possible" because Jews don't embalm. Can get nasty if the burial doesn't occur pretty quickly. Plus, the concept is that one should start to mourn, be with their loved ones and friends for a week, and then start to get back to real life.

I understand what you're saying, but there was no religious mandate that required him to force his children to play with a dead baby.

Can this be construed as evidence that Jillian is a jew? Or am I again the only one who can identify the 800 pound gorilla in the room? and no jillian, Im not saying your ass looks big.
rtwngAvngr said:
Can this be constued as evidence that Jillian is a jew? Or am I again the only one who can identify the 800 pound gorilla in the room. and no jillian, Im not saying your ass looks big.

No more a reason than Dillo found out the source of the 'religion through the mother.' I wonder, why the fascination with her religion?
Kathianne said:
No more a reason than Dillo found out the source of the 'religion through the mother.' I wonder, why the fascination with her religion?
This thread was not about anything jewish per se. She brought the jewish custom up after you were discussing the nature of one's beliefs and upbringing. It's not as much a fascination as it is just a natural curiousity in the context of threads regarding religion and personal opinion. It's quite natural. I wonder, why all the secrecy?
SuperJillian, Undercover Jew!

Shaming the goyim for the Greater Good!

rtwngAvngr said:
This thread was not about anything jewish per se. She brought the jewish custom up after you were discussing the nature of one's beliefs and upbringing. It's not as much a fascination as it is just a natural curiousity in the context of threads regarding religion and personal opinion. It's quite natural. I wonder, why all the secrecy?

As an American, I find it very unusual that one keeps hounding on someone's religion choices, when it would be clear that they do not wish to share that with you.

I believe we all have a right to share or not, what we choose. Of course, since you want information she refuses to share, you could decide not to respond, then she would have to deal with that.
jillian said:
Because he wants to know if he should hate me or not. :p:

I just think it informs one's opinions regarding religion. And it adds a new and more honest dimension to the discussion. So sue me.
Kathianne said:
As an American, I find it very unusual that one keeps hounding on someone's religion choices, when it would be clear that they do not wish to share that with you.

I believe we all have a right to share or not, what we choose. Of course, since you want information she refuses to share, you could decide not to respond, then she would have to deal with that.

Well you find basic logic unusual, so it's no suprise.

You could decide to eat marshmallows for lunch, it's still not a healthy choice.
rtwngAvngr said:
Can this be construed as evidence that Jillian is a jew? Or am I again the only one who can identify the 800 pound gorilla in the room? and no jillian, Im not saying your ass looks big.

no-5th amendment--she can't implicate herself--I'm throwing this evidence out.:banned:
rtwngAvngr said:
SuperJillian, Undercover Jew!

Shaming the goyim for the Greater Good!


Maybe it's an annonymity thing like in AA. Members don't identify themselves for fear that they might be seen as representative of the whole organization and if they look bad or back slide it's a mark on the whole organization.
dilloduck said:
Maybe it's an annonymity thing like in AA. Members don't identify themselves for fear that they might be seen as representative of the whole organization and if they look bad or back slide it's a mark on the whole organization.

More like the obvious drunkard who can't admit she has a problem.:wine:= :blues:

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