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Rick Santorum Is Insane

When I saw the thread title I was ready to come in here with a hearty "hell yeah!" and high-five since I really don't like senator anal leakage, but after reading the article I can't.

It is a bit creepy letting the kids play with it (IMO), but not something I would choose to make a big deal out of.
rtwngAvngr said:
SuperJillian, Undercover Jew!

Shaming the goyim for the Greater Good!


RWA you are crossing the line into Big D territory with this post and with your pitiful cries for attention on Jews, zog and the holocaust.

You go around spouting off about the islamofascists and 9/11 and saying how we have evetry right to do what we do but the Jews lost 6,000,000 and you call it "Jew holocaust guilt" or something to that effect.

Get on with the debating and find a proper time, like I do, for flaming.
OCA said:
RWA you are crossing the line into Big D territory with this post and with your pitiful cries for attention on Jews, zog and the holocaust.

You go around spouting off about the islamofascists and 9/11 and saying how we have evetry right to do what we do but the Jews lost 6,000,000 and you call it "Jew holocaust guilt" or something to that effect.

Get on with the debating and find a proper time, like I do, for flaming.

So jews have the right to do what? Keep the guilt about the holocaust alive as a pummelling tool forever? My family was here during the holocaust. I had nothing to do with it. Jews feel entitled to denigrate anyone who dare claim a positive ethnic identity. And it's b.s. Get bent, ape.
This reminds me.

Does everyone remember the cultural phenomenon of dead baby jokes?

Such a proud time for america.

http://www.skrause.org/humor/deadbaby.shtml (I know attribution is very important for this post.)

Dead-Baby Jokes

1. What is funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown costume.
2. What is the difference between a baby and a onion?
No one cries when you chop up the baby.
3. What is the difference between a dead baby and a water melon?
One's fun to hit with a sledge hammer, the other one's a water melon.
4. What is the difference between a baby and a dart-board?
Dart-boards don't bleed.
5. What is the difference between a baby and a mars bar?
About 500 calories.
6. Why did the family take the dead baby along on the cookout?
So they could light it and toast their marshmallows.
7. Why was the dead baby kept in the kitchen drawer?
The family used it to crack nuts.
8. Why do people keep dead babies in the rec. room?
They cut off one leg and use it as a ping pong paddle.
9. Why do you put babies into blenders feet first?
So you can see the expression on their faces.
10. Why do they boil water when a baby is being born?
So that if its born dead they can make soup.
11. Why did the baby cross the road?
It was stapled to the chicken.
12. How many babies does it take to make a bottle of baby oil?
It depends on how hard you squeeze them.
13. How many babies fit in a blender?
Depends on how powerful the blender is.
14. How do you know when a baby is dead?
It doesn't cry if you nail its feet to the ceiling.
15. How do you find the live baby in a pile of dead ones?
Jab 'em all with a pitchfork.
16. How do you save a drowning baby?
Harpoon it.
17. How do you turn a baby into a dog?
Pour gas over it and light a match. Woof.
18. How do you turn a baby into a cat?
Freeze it solid, then run it through a bandsaw. Meeow.
19. How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
With a blender.
How do you get them out again?
With Doritos.
20. How do you make a dead baby float?
Take your foot off its head.
A glass of soda water and 2 scoops of baby.
21. What do you call two abortions in a bucket?
Blood brothers.
22. What is red and is creeping up your leg?
An abortion with homesickness.
23. What is a foot long and can make a woman scream?
24. What is a foot long, blue, and makes women scream in the morning?
Crib death.
25. What do you call a dead baby pinned to your wall?
26. What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding?
A baby in a microwave.
27. What is blue and yellow and sits at the bottom of the pool?
Baby with slashed floaties.
28. What is red and yellow and floats at the top of the pool?
Floaties with a slashed baby.
29. What is red and hangs around trees?
A baby hit by a snow blower.
30. What is green and hangs around trees?
Same baby 3 weeks later.
31. What is pink and red and silver and crawls into walls?
A baby with forks in its eyes.
32. What is pink and goes black with a "hiss."?
A baby thrown into a furnace.
33. What is brown and gurgles?
A baby in a casserole.
34. What is purple, covered in pus, and squeals?
A peeled baby in a bag of salt.
35. What is black and goes up and down?
A baby in a toaster.
36. What is red and hangs out of the back of a train?
A miscarriage.
37. What is red and goes round and round?
A baby in a garbage disposal.
38. What is red and swings back and forth?
A baby on a meat hook.
39. What is red, screams, and goes around in circles?
A baby nailed to the floor.
40. What is red and sits in the corner?
A baby with razor blades.
41. What is blue and sits in the corner?
A baby in a baggie.
42. What is black and sits in a corner?
A baby with it's finger in a power socket.
43. What is green and sits in the corner?
Same baby two weeks later.
44. What is black and charred?
A baby chewing on an extension cord.
45. What is black and white, runs around the room, and smokes?
A baby with his hair on fire.
46. What is blue and flies around the room at high speeds?
A baby with a punctured lung.
47. What is cold, blue and doesn't move?
A baby in your freezer.
48. What is pink, flies and squeals?
A baby fired from a catapult.
What do you call the baby when it lands?
Free pizza.
49. What is red and has more brains than the baby you just shot?
The wall behind it.
50. What is white and glows pink?
A dead baby with an electrode up its ass.
51. What is more fun than nailing a baby to a wall?
Ripping it off again.
52. What is more fun than throwing a baby off the cliff?
Catching it with a pitchfork.
53. What is more fun than swinging babies around on a clothesline?
Stopping them with a shovel.
54. What is more fun than shoveling dead babies off your porch?
Doing it with a snow blower.
55. What sits in the kitchen and keeps getting smaller and smaller?
A baby combing it's hair with a potato peeler.
56. What bounces up and down at 100mph?
A baby tied to the back of a truck.
57. What goes plop, plop, fizz, fizz?
Twins in an acid bath.
58. What is red and pink and can't turn round in a corridor?
A baby with a javelin through its throat.
59. What is little and can't fit through a door?
A baby with a spear in its head.
60. What is the definition of fun?
Playing fetch with a pitbull and a baby.
61. What has 4 legs and one arm?
A doberman on a children's playground.
62. What has 10 arms and blood all over it?
A pitbull in front of a pile of dead babies.
63. What is red and pink and hanging out of your dog's mouth?
Your baby's leg.
64. What present do you get for a dead baby?
A dead puppy.
65. What is grosser than ten dead babies nailed to a tree?
One dead baby nailed to ten trees.
66. What is worse than a dead baby in a trash can?
100 dead babies in a trash can.
What is worse than that?
There's a live one at the bottom.
What is worse than that?
It eats its way out.
What is worse than that?
It comes back for seconds.
67. Know what's gross?
Running over a baby with a truck.
Know whats worse?
Skidding on it.
Worse than that?
Peeling it off the tires.
68. What is the worst part about killing a baby?
Getting blood on your clown suit.
Nienna said:
I can't think of anything more tasteless, degrading, or disgusting.
Which? RWA's list? Jillian's post? Santorum's actions?
From the same article:
He and Karen brought Gabriel's body home so their children could "absorb and understand that they had a brother," Santorum says. "We wanted them to see that he was real," not an abstraction, he says.

While I find what Santorum did to be bizarre...his reason for doing so seems sound and firmly based in his deep belief in Christianity. He had young children, and it was important for him and his wife to make sure they understood they had a baby brother who was a real and living person before he died.

The hospital allowed the Santorums to do this, so obviously it was legal. Child Services did not choose to get involved, so obviously it was handled in a manner in which they did not feel the Santorum children were harmed by the knowledge that they had a little brother who died two hours after being born.

Nevertheless, I do agree that it was strange.

However, what I find FAR more disturbing....is someone posting a mocking thread about how a man chose to mourn his son's death in a political forum.

Santorum is a very easy target, Jillian. His politics are controversial and he has many statements about a variety of topics that are troubling and severe in their scope.

You, however, chose to post an article about how he and his wife reacted moments after their son died...and mock him for it. I find that to be far more disgusting then a family mourning the loss of their newest member in a way I wouldn't choose to mourn.

Perhaps it would be best if you would stick to Santorum's politics...rather than mocking his grief and calling him names.

You might go a little crazy if your child died, Jillian. You might choose to grieve in a way someone else wouldn't find comforting. I, first and foremost hope it never happens to you. Second, I hope if it does happen...no one stands around and judges you for your grief.
Where I disagree with youl, Gem, is that I don't believe having your three living children play with a corpse has anything in the slightest to do with Christianity. What I saw was him using it for political purpose and to try to legislate his beliefs into law. That makes him fair game.

And I can understand his being grief-stricken, but if he was too out of control to act appropriately with his kids, I think he should have sought help, not use it in an interview with a political reporter.

I mean, shouldn't grief, if that's what it was, be private?
jillian said:
Where I disagree with youl, Gem, is that I don't believe having your three living children play with a corpse has anything in the slightest to do with Christianity. What I saw was him using it for political purpose and to try to legislate his beliefs into law. That makes him fair game.

And I can understand his being grief-stricken, but if he was too out of control to act appropriately with his kids, I think he should have sought help, not use it in an interview with a political reporter.

I mean, shouldn't grief, if that's what it was, be private?
Again Jillian, you are projecting your feelings onto another. I don't think it should be done to or by you.
Kathianne said:
Again Jillian, you are projecting your feelings onto another. I don't think it should be done to or by you.

I appreciate that, Kathianne. But I have to tell you, when I read the article, I was sick to my stomach and outraged that he would treat his children that way.

I'm not sure how that's projecting. But I do feel that if he used it for political gain in an interview with the Washington Post, it's fair to comment on the behavior and the fact that I, personally, think it indicates he's too unstable to be in government.

Just my feelings. And people can fairly differ on that.
jillian said:
I appreciate that, Kathianne. But I have to tell you, when I read the article, I was sick to my stomach and outraged that he would treat his children that way.

I'm not sure how that's projecting. But I do feel that if he used it for political gain in an interview with the Washington Post, it's fair to comment on the behavior and the fact that I, personally, think it indicates he's too unstable to be in government.

Just my feelings. And people can fairly differ on that.
I'm sorry Jillian, while I can't give you an example, there may well be things you do or have done with your son that some might find 'so wrong' as to be beyond the pale. That would not make you wrong and them right. You fail to give this benefit to anyone else?
jillian said:
I appreciate that, Kathianne. But I have to tell you, when I read the article, I was sick to my stomach and outraged that he would treat his children that way.

I'm not sure how that's projecting. But I do feel that if he used it for political gain in an interview with the Washington Post, it's fair to comment on the behavior and the fact that I, personally, think it indicates he's too unstable to be in government.

Just my feelings. And people can fairly differ on that.

I'm confused.

What did he do, in your eyes, that was so disgusting?

And what do you mean, he had his kids "play with a corpse"?

I think the truly sick one here is you.
nt250 said:
I'm confused.

What did he do, in your eyes, that was so disgusting?

And what do you mean, he had his kids "play with a corpse"?

I think the truly sick one here is you.

If you think what he did was ok, I think you have it backwards.
jillian said:
If you think what he did was ok, I think you have it backwards.

Jillian, if you can be the self-proclaimed arbiter, so can we all. Now we are not speaking of 'for ourselves', as you are not claiming any such limitation. Thus, we all have a right to say that 'your set of beliefs' marks you beyond the norm for whatever.

Personally, I don't want to go there. Seems you do.
Because a person did an interview on his beliefs on abortion, and then he brought up losing his child into it, that make him fair GAME..

You can criticize his stance on abortion, that's fair game...

But that's not what YOU DID.. You used his grief and how he dealt with their dead baby, to put this man down...

I think your the one who has leaped into being insane... AND ALL OVER POLITICTS...

Some people have no shame, and it's evident they have no compassion either...
:lame2: :puke3:
Jillian Wrote:
I don't believe having your three living children play with a corpse has anything in the slightest to do with Christianity. What I saw was him using it for political purpose and to try to legislate his beliefs into law. That makes him fair game.

Nowhere in the article does it mention that the children "played" with the children. It states that Mr. and Mrs. Santorum wanted their children to know their brother as a real person. There is a difference there, even if you have decided there isn't one.

He took the child home. Grieved with his family. Then arranged a mass. That is what he did because that is what he felt his Christian faith dictated. You, again, might not agree with it, Jillian...but no one is arguing with you about that...we are arguing with you taking a painful, private time that changed a man's life and trying to make it into a political tool.

I wonder if you were so callous and cold when John Edwards spoke so frequently on the campaign trail about how his dead son gave him guidance? Or when he "channeled the spirit" of a dead baby in court in order to have her "speak" from beyond the grave in order to get more money in a medical malpractice suit? Anyone on the Right who even hinted that Edwards might have used his son or the dead baby as a political tool was branded the worst type of person - a person willing to trample on the dead to make their political point. Yet here you are...fine with doing just that when it suits your purpose.

Santorum's feelings on abortion are based in his religious beliefs. His feelins on partial-birth abortion are probably intimately tied with the fact that his 20-week old son lived for two hours outside the womb prior to dying...and his 20-week old son would have been considered "abort-able" under some partial birth abortion laws.

Him having life experience that influences his opinions does NOT mean that he is bilking the memory of his son for political purposes - it means that he was influenced by a sad experience in his life and is willing to discuss it with people because he hopes it will help to explain his point of view.

Again, you are entitled to think that Santorum's family is a bit kooky. I certainly do. You can be against his views on the issues. I disagree with him on many of them. In my opinion you can even feel that he uses his son's memory to attempt to win over opinion regarding abortion, that is your right. But I'm going to hold to my earlier assertion that trying to hold up a family's grieving process for ridicule and/or scorn in a political forum is low.
Gem said:
Jillian Wrote:

Nowhere in the article does it mention that the children "played" with the children. It states that Mr. and Mrs. Santorum wanted their children to know their brother as a real person. There is a difference there, even if you have decided there isn't one.

She doesnt care. She knows that the article doesnt say play. She read it herself obviously. She has also had several of us point it out to her.

But she continues to use it. Why? I dont know. But its not intellectually honest.

Was Senator Santorums methods alittle unorthadox? yes. However, I hardly see how mourning and singing to a dead child equate to making his children "Play" with him. There is nothing wrong with holding a dead body in the mourning stage. Nor is there anything wrong with singing as part of the mourning process.

The fact is she dislikes his politics. But rather deal with anything he actually stands for she tries to twist things to discredit him. And whats incredibly sick about this is she is trying to use his dead child to do it.

Like I said earlier, it says more about her then Senator Santorum. Especially since most people here have no choice whether he is reelected or not. I do though. And he is staying.

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