Rick Santorum: 'Millions of Americans' with preexisting conditions are scammers stealing health care

i wonder what jesus would think about ricky's so called 'christianity'.
Oh, that will play well in Middle America.

Sadly, it very well may.
Until it hits them personally.

Too late then. This has been the mindfuck of the american paradigm all along as it relates to power and the economic system. There is no such thing as community, unity, the commons, or collectivity. The individual and his relationship to property is sacred. There is no "us" or "we" for the masses, that's one reason unions came under attack. Gathering in a collective fashion is only for the aristocracy.
....Santorum, however, offered no evidence that “millions of Americans” were using Obamacare’s protections for people with preexisting conditions to scam health insurance companies.

the entirely typial GOP insane rant below, not sure where the wingers find these guys, holy cow

Rick Santorum: ‘Millions of Americans’ with preexisting conditions are scammers stealing health care

He is a Big Pig..He makes money from Big Phama and so many others that he is protecting..he is Scum...Fucking Crook

This was just for his last run

  1. GlaxoSmithKline – at least $68,305 ( pharmaceutical

As Bloomberg reported recently, since his 2006 Senate re-election defeat, Santorum has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in directors’ fees and stock options from Universal Health Services Inc. Though it did not rank among his top patrons, Santorum received at least $11,500 from that company’s PAC.
Do we let people buy fire insurance AFTER their house has burned down?. Can you buy car insurance after you wreck your car?

Of course millions of people are scamming obamacare and everybody knew they would. But idiot obama still insisted on this feature. We must resolve to never again elect as president a semi-literate affirmative action baby.

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