Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.
Totally different in South Korea I was amazed every time a young person gave up their seats for an elder meanwhile back in the US that old person would have just as likely gotten mugged by the younger one.
Remember when it was safe to hitchhike and pick up hitchhikers?
Betcha that I can guess the race of the violent aggressive woman without even watching the video. .... :cool:
Remember when it was safe to hitchhike and pick up hitchhikers?

Yes. 17 total cross country trips in the 60's and 70's. Some of the best times, and best memories I have. You cannot duplicate those experiences.
You know, I don't really mind riding mass transit. Sometimes you can meet some really interesting people. Same thing with taking a commercial bus for long distance travel.
Notice the media identified the victim as an asian woman several times.

But not once was the race of the violent aggressive woman ever mentioned. ... :cool:
Notice the media identified the victim as an asian woman several times.

But not once was the race of the violent aggressive woman ever mentioned. ... :cool:
That Asian woman is not a minority in the eyes of the left.
If feral negroes are allowed to be on public transportation, can I bring a rabid wolf?
Pretty much the stereotype I have of the typical New Yorker. They all seem to have at least one screw loose.
Here's a story from my time driving the Clark County municipal bus.

Reached a stop and opened the door. Several people got on and paid there fares. One black came on board and refused to pay. I explained that he would have to pay or get off. I also pointed out it would be unfair to let him ride for free when everyone else on the bus had paid.

He got belligerent, called me a f**king whitie racist, and refused to get off the bus.

I explained that I was not going to move the vehicle until he either paid or got off.

I was about to radio for assistance when two very large black males came from the back of the bus and removed the guy from the vehicle, pointing out that he would get his "ass whupped" if he tried to get back on.

They came back aboard and without a word, returned to their seats and I closed the door, driving off.
Public transportation is exactly that: "public." And that means you will be in contact with all kinds of human beings, ranging from the merely inconsiderate (who will plop themselves in the aisle seat even though the window seat is unoccupied, or who will put their belongings in the window seat while they plop their butts in the aisle seat) to the mentally ill or just plain vicious criminal types.

That's why some people refuse to take public transportation. (Of course, if you take public transportation at night, you are just plain loco.)

I will not go into the ethnic aspect of this topic.
I will, however, say this (based on many years of using public transportation in the "multicultural" city of Los Angeles): when it comes to bad manners on public transportation, many human beings of every ethnicity are guilty of being rude. They could not care less about anyone else.

There is one good thing about public transportation, though: It is inoculates you against being a bleeding heart for the so-called "poor" or the so-called "underserved."

Here in California, the liberal politicians want us to get out of our cars and ride public transportation. Of course, they (and their families) would not be caught dead on public transportation.
Public transportation is exactly that: "public." And that means you will be in contact with all kinds of human beings, ranging from the merely inconsiderate (who will plop themselves in the aisle seat even though the window seat is unoccupied, or who will put their belongings in the window seat while they plop their butts in the aisle seat) to the mentally ill or just plain vicious criminal types.

That's why some people refuse to take public transportation. (Of course, if you take public transportation at night, you are just plain loco.)

I will not go into the ethnic aspect of this topic.
I will, however, say this (based on many years of using public transportation in the "multicultural" city of Los Angeles): when it comes to bad manners on public transportation, many human beings of every ethnicity are guilty of being rude. They could not care less about anyone else.

There is one good thing about public transportation, though: It is inoculates you against being a bleeding heart for the so-called "poor" or the so-called "underserved."

Here in California, the liberal politicians want us to get out of our cars and ride public transportation. Of course, they (and their families) would not be caught dead on public transportation.

A bit of history about California politicians and public transportation.

When I was a kid, LA had a great system of light rail. A red or express line that went from El Monte to Venice Beach and Pasadena to the harbor. That was mixed with a system of yellow or local lines that could get you just about anywhere one wanted. And that was services by buses that ran on both electrical lines and fuel.

What happened?

Some idiots in Sacramento were conned into accepting that motor vehicle transportation was the future and they spent billions on freeways.

And now? I'm not gonna even go there.
Public transportation is exactly that: "public." And that means you will be in contact with all kinds of human beings, ranging from the merely inconsiderate (who will plop themselves in the aisle seat even though the window seat is unoccupied, or who will put their belongings in the window seat while they plop their butts in the aisle seat) to the mentally ill or just plain vicious criminal types.

That's why some people refuse to take public transportation. (Of course, if you take public transportation at night, you are just plain loco.)

I will not go into the ethnic aspect of this topic.
I will, however, say this (based on many years of using public transportation in the "multicultural" city of Los Angeles): when it comes to bad manners on public transportation, many human beings of every ethnicity are guilty of being rude. They could not care less about anyone else.

There is one good thing about public transportation, though: It is inoculates you against being a bleeding heart for the so-called "poor" or the so-called "underserved."

Here in California, the liberal politicians want us to get out of our cars and ride public transportation. Of course, they (and their families) would not be caught dead on public transportation.

Of course, they (and their families) would not be caught dead on public transportation.

Only if for an political opportunity.

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