Rightwingers fell for the hoax

Two completely separate things
Biden treats alien illegal crossers to the reward of $1,000/night hotel paradises. He hates the American poor. What's so difficult for you to understand that, and furthermore, he runs off to extort more money at foreign country headquarters hoping to make a deal to get good treatment for bad with a million or more tucked away for Biden's offshore accounts, so he won't get caught extortion schemas he's been doing for 44 damn years of his career in criminal ripping off 30% of the foreign aid packages he can convince poor countries to give him so he won't use his power to cancel everything., I mean the Senate and Vice Presidency.... Don't act surprised, Lushy. And for your information, four years after the fact, it will be "revealed" that the 2020 election was stolen, just like foreign aid package money. Threatening the FBI with carrot stick money is lower than snake snot. that's what your alleged leaders are doing--creating chaos as a chink in the chain of frustrating voters to convert this free nation into a Communist hellhole that the snap of the leader's fingers mean someone who worked hard all their life to earn a comfortable retirement is gonna get ripped off, but begosh and begorra, Democrat pals who pay to play are going to get their hands on all that tax money collected from people who work for a living, raise families frugally, and save for the future are gonna get ripped off by taxing and taxing and taxing their funds until nothing is left but a massive graveyard of Democrat enemies carcasses. You better believe we're going to oppose Biden and his bully pit commies.
Trump is a traitor for trying to shake down a foreign leader in an attempt to rig his own election. Do you know what people are who say things like "deep state"? They`re crazy people. The Republicans are "not gonna take it anymore". Are you planning another riot? Don`t forget to smear feces on the walls of our Capitol. Marjorie Trailer Queen wants you to bring guns this time.
Ring! Ring! You failed to read the Durham Report. Well, another lefty can't face up to the corruption of his own asshole leaders. I'm gonna faint!
Trump is a traitor for trying to shake down a foreign leader in an attempt to rig his own election.

Yet after 7 years of pushing the Hillary Hoax and these liberal narratives you still have no evidence and no convictions...

While protecting and defending Obama, the 1st black Presidrnt proven to be a traitor, and Biden and his family who have taken millions from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, etc...

We listened to liars from the left telling God and everybody in the world that Trump was a traitor for contacting Russia to give him negative spy findings on Hillary Rodham Clinton. That was a lie repeated 50 times a day on 300 different Television stations across this great country. Democrats use omerta to cover their stinkin' butts. Republicans don't, and we are also not appreciating the recent revelation that 280,000 of us who defend Trump online were targeted by orders from the Democrat deep state to the FBI insiders who did the bidding of Hillary Clinton for dirt, Nancy Pelosi for illegal advantage behaviors, Maxine Waters for location, location, location of Trump Staffers to stalk and harrass other government employees who served in the executive branch, and not the legislative branch. that pisses the hell all over the Constitution, and Republicans are not going to take it anymore..

Yes. Damn, you wingnuts are flailing and failing all over the place. :laugh:


So, no. The border is not secure in spite of the Biden Politburo mouthpieces claiming otherwise.

In fact, it’s a terrorist / drug cartel free-for-all that the Democrats / Marxists are promoting.
Do you really think people are stupid to not question how can there be no money for SS but endless of money for Ukraine and illegals?
We`ve been hearing about SS being out of money for over 60 years. I`m still getting mine. Illegals are human beings, Vlad.
Do you really think people are stupid to not question how can there be no money for SS but endless of money for Ukraine and illegals?
If SS is threatened it will return to being the 'third rail' with a vengeance. :omg:
Yet after 7 years of pushing the Hillary Hoax and these liberal narratives you still have no evidence and no convictions...

While protecting and defending Obama, the 1st black Presidrnt proven to be a traitor, and Biden and his family who have taken millions from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, etc...

The only Hillary hoax was Trump saying LOCK HER UP!

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