Riots in Holland


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
What happens when you go into another country waving your flag and you have been told not to come and asked to leave?

Riots in Holland

Riots now in Rotterdam as protesters gather and throw bottles and rocks at police cars. The protestors who were throwing rocks at the police vehicles were dispersed with water cannons. A Dutch camera team was also attacked while filming at the Turkish consulate building as the protesters became violent.

The protesters started gathering after Betül Sayan Kaya Minister of Family and Social Policy - AK Party Istanbul Deputy started tweeting complaints claiming that the Holland government is a "fascist administration needs to get the world's attitude". She tweeted that "Europe, so-called center of contemporary civilization! We are not allowed to step in Turkish Consulate General, our own land." In her pleas she also stated, "We will never surrender this lawlessness as a Turkish citizen and a woman, not just as a minister." She also claims that, "Democracy has no fundamental values, human rights, freedoms. There is bullying and pressure" in her tweets.

The consulate is in Holland but as it is throughout the world in varying countries the consulate would be considered a safe haven for Turkish citizens who need help while in a foreign land.................More Wonderful Word Today: Riots in Holland
Plus a brief video^^^
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It gets better. I'll put the other one up in a few minutes.
It's OK, it's multiculturalism .It's what people that don't have to live with the consequences of free and open immigration DO, create phony conflicts to feed their self righteousness. Heaven forbid all these assholes actually live with the people they are exploiting, that's always off topic . Racism my sweet bippy.
Didn't Erdogan make a claim a while back about being the HMIC of Islamic state or something to that effect.

Sunday, March 12, 2017
Turkey's president Erdogan claims the Netherlands has remnants of "Nazi's..."

From Reuters: Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan branded the Netherlands "Nazi remnants, fascists" on Saturday after the Dutch government withdrew permission for his Foreign Minister to land there. Rotterdam city authorities had on Friday withdrawn permission for him to attend a meeting to rally support for President Tayyip Erdogan's plans for extended powers, to be put to a referendum next month. Several other Euroepan cities have banned such meetings to be attended by Turkish officials

Reported from various News Organizations a full day had not passed after Dutch authorities deny entrance into Turkey to Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu that Turkey's family minister, Betul Sayan Kaya,announced she would be going to Rotterdam. The switch and bait did not work out well as Betul......Wonderful Word Today: Turkey's president Erdogan claims the Netherlands has remnants of "Nazi's..."
Its off topic, My Ex Boss fled from Hungary, fled from the oppression of Russian communism. He was refugee. From that very same country that is now opposing Muslims It's NOW a sanctuary to Europeans fleeing the Muslim diaspora, it's a odd thing History and human nature. Germans especially want to buy homes in HUNGARY. Germany is were all these Muslims want to go TOO.
It takes awhile to translate their Twitter conversations but appears they possibly are dreaming of retaking/restoring all of the Ottoman Empire.

I think I’ve got it down now. I live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
I think I’ve got it down now. I live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Quit your bitching. Atheism is based on materialism.
I think I’ve got it down now. I live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Quit your bitching. Atheism is based on materialism.

Those are just thoughts, apologies if you're threatened or upset by mental activites of others you will never be able to control.
I think I’ve got it down now. I live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Quit your bitching. Atheism is based on materialism.

Those are just thoughts, apologies if you're threatened or upset by mental activites of others you will never be able to control.
Oh no, I'm not bothered by it at all. I'm not a linear thinker like you are. I know that we live in a cyclical universe and what is happening now is just another part of the cycle. I just can't help laughing my ass off at idiots like you who get so worked up about things beyond their control never realizing that the society they live in is of their own making. I call this a predictable surprise. Surprise!
I think I’ve got it down now. I live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Quit your bitching. Atheism is based on materialism.

Those are just thoughts, apologies if you're threatened or upset by mental activites of others you will never be able to control.
Oh no, I'm not bothered by it at all. I'm not a linear thinker like you are. I know that we live in a cyclical universe and what is happening now is just another part of the cycle. I just can't help laughing my ass off at idiots like you who get so worked up about things beyond their control never realizing that the society they live in is of their own making. I call this a predictable surprise. Surprise!

Wonderful then, you were given examples of cycles, g'nite.
I think I’ve got it down now. I live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Quit your bitching. Atheism is based on materialism.

Those are just thoughts, apologies if you're threatened or upset by mental activites of others you will never be able to control.
Oh no, I'm not bothered by it at all. I'm not a linear thinker like you are. I know that we live in a cyclical universe and what is happening now is just another part of the cycle. I just can't help laughing my ass off at idiots like you who get so worked up about things beyond their control never realizing that the society they live in is of their own making. I call this a predictable surprise. Surprise!

Wonderful then.
Don't forget to set your clock forward!
I think I’ve got it down now. I live in this colonial authoritarian society. It arrived on this land mass from another land it had already rolled over after brutally subjugating the tribes of Europe. Then it “discovered” this “new world”, eradicated the people present, took over the land, imported slaves from Africa, and colonized this land mass, also for the pleasure of a male dominator god and his most affluent well connected adherents, to the detriment of society at large. “New world”, same disease; material gluttony and an inability to understand one’s biological place in the natural world. But alas, the world has so much natural wealth to be horded, the peasants be damned, let them eat cake. And the expansion continues, others must be vilified in the minds of the masses, oh thy name sweet Capitalism.
Quit your bitching. Atheism is based on materialism.

Those are just thoughts, apologies if you're threatened or upset by mental activites of others you will never be able to control.
Oh no, I'm not bothered by it at all. I'm not a linear thinker like you are. I know that we live in a cyclical universe and what is happening now is just another part of the cycle. I just can't help laughing my ass off at idiots like you who get so worked up about things beyond their control never realizing that the society they live in is of their own making. I call this a predictable surprise. Surprise!

Wonderful then.
Don't forget to set your clock forward!

Keep looking back my freind.
It's OK, it's multiculturalism .It's what people that don't have to live with the consequences of free and open immigration DO, create phony conflicts to feed their self righteousness. Heaven forbid all these assholes actually live with the people they are exploiting, that's always off topic . Racism my sweet bippy.
Actually I think the Turks were protesting a plane with Turkish dignitaries being turned without begin given clearance to land.

So the Turks are madder than hell and they won't take it anymore.

Had to blame them. The Turks are the poor laborers of Europe and have been exploited there for decades.

The reason for Turkish immigration into Europe was to replace all the KIA's there from WW1 and WW2.
It's OK, it's multiculturalism .It's what people that don't have to live with the consequences of free and open immigration DO, create phony conflicts to feed their self righteousness. Heaven forbid all these assholes actually live with the people they are exploiting, that's always off topic . Racism my sweet bippy.
Actually I think the Turks were protesting a plane with Turkish dignitaries being turned without begin given clearance to land.

So the Turks are madder than hell and they won't take it anymore.

Had to blame them. The Turks are the poor laborers of Europe and have been exploited there for decades.

The reason for Turkish immigration into Europe was to replace all the KIA's there from WW1 and WW2.
From what I read last night in tweets there are many who are recalling saying "do not forget" or "remember" February 28 and July 15 in Turkey.

Google book: The rise of political Islam in Turkey, Feb. 28, 1997 . On February 28, 2017 the trial of 330 for the coup attempt to overthrow Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 15, 2016 are facing multiple life sentences. The courtroom for the trial was built specially to hold more than 1,500 people, including 720 defendants. In the article link "With hundreds of thousands of people dismissed or detained without due process, an independent media silenced and Kurdish opposition members of parliament in jail, Turkey has been plunged into its worst crisis in a generation," Williamson added.

There is much more to what transpired in February of 1997 in Turkey. Twenty tanks and fifteen armored vehicles went through the streets of Sincan, Ankara. I will be updating what I wrote about last night with the details of why the Turks are Twittering recall or remember Feb 28 and July 15 on the blog. (I write slow so probably won't be finished with all of that until later this afternoon)

Interview of Jewish Dutch survivor Lien Con. She's very articulate in recounting the Nazi's occupation for those who are interested.
Quit your bitching. Atheism is based on materialism.

Those are just thoughts, apologies if you're threatened or upset by mental activites of others you will never be able to control.
Oh no, I'm not bothered by it at all. I'm not a linear thinker like you are. I know that we live in a cyclical universe and what is happening now is just another part of the cycle. I just can't help laughing my ass off at idiots like you who get so worked up about things beyond their control never realizing that the society they live in is of their own making. I call this a predictable surprise. Surprise!

Wonderful then.
Don't forget to set your clock forward!

Keep looking back my freind.
I'd rather stay in the present.

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