RIP Grumpy Cat

I nearly lost one of my cats to this last week. He had to be hospitalized at the Emergency Clinic for 3 days. He now has to eat the prescription C/D food and since I can't feed him separate from the others, have to give it to them too. Plus, I still have one more day of giving him an antibiotic twice a day. I've had to grind it into a powder and add a little water then suck it up into a syringe. I also had to get some rubber garden gloves to wear while I shoot it into his mouth.
We go in a few minutes for his follow up and I"m hoping everything will be normal.
Poor Grumpy Cat. She was so young. My Jet is only 5. It seems that younger cats are now getting things usually older cats only gotten before.
Grumpy Cat, the world-famous feline whose signature frown is used in memes everywhere, has died at the age of 7, her family announced in a statement on Friday. The cat, whose real name is Tardar Sauce, became an internet sensation after her photo went viral.


Despite care from top professionals and loved ones, her family said Grumpy Cat died on Tuesday in the arms of her owner, Tabatha, following complications with a recent urinary tract infection. Her memory will live on with her fans.

"Besides being our baby and a cherished member of the family, Grumpy Cat has helped millions of people smile all around the world — even when times are tough. Her spirit will continue to live on through her fans everywhere," the statement said.

Grumpy Cat, viral meme sensation, has died at age 7
That's young for a cat to die.
And it's pretty strange for a female cat to die from a urinary tract infection
Yes, Grumpy has had complications as a result of a recent urinary tract infection, which has become too important to be beaten.
And $ 125 million in revenue
In a few years, Grumpy Cat had become a real world phenomenon, thanks to several memes humorously featuring his head, whose appearance was however due to a malformation.
I am surprised she has made it this long TBH.
7 years old is young for a cat to die.

And it is very strange for a female cat to die from a urinary tract infection

These flat faced pets tend to have respiratory issues which leads to them not being able to be very active or eat proper which leads to other issues. As for UTI's IDK. I had a chat about one of my cats with the vet the last time I went in. She talked about cats tending to stay a little dehydrated because they won't drink like they should. I am guessing that may have been a factor when combined with his defective mouth/face. Anyway, she was asking about how my cat responded to the long-lasting antibiotic shots for her upper respiratory infection. She said she had some cats come through that she could not get that or other infections out of to save her life no matter what they try. Those cats are just chronically yucky. Fortunately, my cat isn't one of them.
I nearly lost one of my cats to this last week. He had to be hospitalized at the Emergency Clinic for 3 days. He now has to eat the prescription C/D food and since I can't feed him separate from the others, have to give it to them too. Plus, I still have one more day of giving him an antibiotic twice a day. I've had to grind it into a powder and add a little water then suck it up into a syringe. I also had to get some rubber garden gloves to wear while I shoot it into his mouth.
We go in a few minutes for his follow up and I"m hoping everything will be normal.
Poor Grumpy Cat. She was so young. My Jet is only 5. It seems that younger cats are now getting things usually older cats only gotten before.

Hope everything works out. All my cats came to me as almost dead feral kittens I felt sorry for. I have lost about as many as I have saved that way. Freaking sad little kittens are the devil even more than the cute ones. Lucky my dog tolerates them. I try not to get attached until they have been around a year at least but I have one that is almost a year that I have almost lost twice--once when he came to me with a raging eye infection, respiratory infection, half-starved/dehydrated and covered in fleas as a kitten and then he got the kitty flu around 6 months. He can't see out of the bad eye but he didn't lose it. The little bastard grew on me quick and I have fretted over his dumb ass more than I would care to admit. I never even bothered trying to find him a not-here forever home because of that eye. I have to be careful about keeping watch on their health because there are so many cats running about my neighborhood that upper respiratory infections are always spreading around.
Why isn't the FZ's official obituarian writing this? That lazy, dumb, fake-liberal Polack from Chicago is shirking his responsibilities. Nevermind tho...

Grumpy Cat is dead.

The cat, whose actual name is Tardar Sauce and who hailed from Arizona, died after complications arose from a urinary tract infection, her family wrote on Twitter.

“Besides being our baby and a cherished member of the family, Grumpy Cat has helped millions of people smile all around the world — even when times were tough,” according to the post.

Many Flame Zoners have become grumpy, offended, furious, dingerred, melty, snitchy and indignant since I've been here, and have daved hard about it. It's been a source of tremendous joy to me. You've been my Grumpy Cat. To anyone who has ever reported me over mere words typed on an anonymous messageboard, I cannot thank you enough.
My OP was merged with this thread. I guess Grumpy Cat is on everyone's mind tonight. A true icon, influencer and internet legend. Godspeed.


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