RIP Nel Noddings, 1 of the most influential education philosophers of the field's history. Her work on ethics of care fundamentally changed education

Never heard of her. I did read a little of her biography and like many educators....she seems full of gobbledygook.

like this:

Educating the whole child​

In the ethic of care model, the aim of education is centered around happiness. Incorporating this component into education involves not only helping our students understand the components of happiness by allowing teachers and students to interact as a whole community. In regard to the education of the whole child, Noddings (2005) stated that, "We will not find the solution to problems of violence, alienation, ignorance, and unhappiness in increasing our security, imposing more tests, punishing schools for their failure to produce 100 percent proficiency, or demanding that teachers be knowledgeable in the subjects they teach. Instead, we must allow teachers and students to interact as whole persons, and we must develop policies that treat the school as a whole community."

total educational elite bullshit. LOL

... Educating the whole child​

total educational elite bullshit. LOL

Yep, in the end, all that has done is dumb down several generations of Americans.

The reason why American students are so behind in math, science, etc. than the countries that spend far less per pupil.

But everyone gets to go to college!
Yep, in the end, all that has done is dumb down several generations of Americans.

The reason why American students are so behind in math, science, etc. than the countries that spend far less per pupil.

But everyone gets to go to college!

Really? What country would that be, Ex?
I said in America everyone gets to go to college. Have difficulty with a bit of hyperbole?
That's not what you said!

"The reason why American students are so behind in math, science, etc. than the countries that spend far less per pupil.

But everyone gets to go to college!"

If that was supposed to be hyperbole, you need to work on it, because that was a massive fail. You suck at it.

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