Rise of Liberty "Republicans"

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha Ha Ha Ha...


"Ron Paul’s final campaign for president ended nine years ago, but the political movement he ignited is far from over. After he passed the torch to his “libertarian legion” of mostly young and die-hard supporters, many wondered if the movement would fade without the iconoclastic Texas congressman lambasting the Federal Reserve and the Washington war machine on the presidential debate stage.

Since then, Paul’s supporters have won hundreds of elections in state legislatures across the country, reshaping the debate on issues ranging from gun rights to school choice. Young Americans for Liberty (formerly “Students for Ron Paul”) counts 178 state legislators in 37 states as members. However, it is “Live Free or Die,” New Hampshire, where Paul-inspired “Liberty Republicans” have become the dominant force in state politics.

Nine years ago, Paul took second place in the state’s first-in-the-nation Republican primary. Since then, a gradually growing coalition in the state Legislature has led successful efforts, including the passage of constitutional carry.

In November 2020, the coalition achieved critical mass, sweeping the New Hampshire House of Representatives by winning 86 seats (nearly a quarter of the entire body). Liberty Republicans became the “majority of the majority” and elected a former Ron Paul supporter, state Rep. Jason Osborne, to House majority leader.

Gov. Chris Sununu was recently caught on tape declaring, “Libertarians aren’t Republicans!” and suggesting this new energy should leave the party. His frustration is understandable."

Continued - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...?ocid=msedgntp


Here's what we do to the highest paid fed of the bunch. You know. The biggest bully? I mean you gotta take out the biggest one of the bunch in front of all of his friends to get any respect these days. Right? If we're going to adhere to that whole notion about "Strictly limited'' that the Founders were talking about and all of that...

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Remember the time President Trump said that the best member of Congress , Thomas Massie, should be kicked out of the Republican party? He was mad about the same thing his token counterpart, Nancy Pelosi, was mad about when she called him a dangerous nuisance.

It was just late last year.
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Remember the time those psyop Q dweebs said that a storm was coming.

Well...they stole that line from us.

Heh heh.

Actually, it's not really funny that they did that. I don't like the reason they did it. They're not slick.
Remember the time those psyop Q dweebs said that a storm was coming.

Well...they stole that line from us.

Heh heh.

Actually, it's not really funny that they did that. I don't like the reason they did it. They're not slick.
Actually, it's not really funny that they did that. I don't like the reason they did it. They're not slick.

They even stole the Ron's "REVOLUTION" logo...They're least original people to ever draw a breath
Actually, it's not really funny that they did that. I don't like the reason they did it. They're not slick.

They even stole the Ron's "REVOLUTION" logo...They're least original people to ever draw a breath


At least we know who they're really afraid of to have to resort to those shenanigans.

But it never works. Like...ever.
Notice how this thread got moved to the Philosophy forms instead of the politics forums where all the action is

It is also how they treated Ron Paul

This is why the movement is doomed. The media will simply ignore the movement, thus no one will hear about it.

Conversely, they talk about Trump 24/7. The Deep State is far more concerned with Ron Paul than Trump.
Notice how this thread got moved to the Philosophy forms instead of the politics forums where all the action is

No, I put it here.

I didn't want it under the circus tent.

I want as far away from that mess as possible.

They can do their own thing. It's just better off that way.

Ultimately, it's more of a philosophical discussion anyway, aside from a passing news worthy reference inserted here or there. This is the difference between just trying to hurry up and get elected and actually changing the course of history in a relevant way. Politics vs principles kind of deal.
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Ron Paul is. . to my knowledge, the only conservative politician that PRIMO, the populist lefty site, ever even bothered to invite to an interview. . .

Liberty is popular on the left and the right among populists.

The establishment did to Paul what they did to Sanders years before. . . and folks actually think primaries and caucuses matter. :rolleyes: Or elections for that matter.

. . . as if it came as a shock to those of us who know that the party apparatchiks are the ones who really decide who is nominated, and NOT the folks.
Notice how this thread got moved to the Philosophy forms instead of the politics forums where all the action is

It is also how they treated Ron Paul

This is why the movement is doomed. The media will simply ignore the movement, thus no one will hear about it.

Conversely, they talk about Trump 24/7. The Deep State is far more concerned with Ron Paul than Trump.

I love that clip so much, no matter how many times i see it. :laugh:
Ron Paul is. . to my knowledge, the only conservative politician that PRIMO, the populist lefty site, ever even bothered to invite to an interview. . .

Liberty is popular on the left and the right among populists.

The establishment did to Paul what they did to Sanders years before. . . and folks actually think primaries and caucuses matter. :rolleyes: Or elections for that matter.

. . . as if it came as a shock to those of us who know that the party apparatchiks are the ones who really decide who is nominated, and NOT the folks.

Ron and Bernie voted together quite a bit.

Not for the same reasons, of course, but they voted NAY together on a lot of bad legislation.

Which brings us to Justin. Keep an eye on what he's doing. He's grown unpopular among stablishment Republicans but his voting record is among the best in terms of civil liberties and strict constitutionalism. There's method to that ol boy's madness. And it sure do take a village. Oh yes indeed.
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How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha Ha Ha Ha...


"Ron Paul’s final campaign for president ended nine years ago, but the political movement he ignited is far from over. After he passed the torch to his “libertarian legion” of mostly young and die-hard supporters, many wondered if the movement would fade without the iconoclastic Texas congressman lambasting the Federal Reserve and the Washington war machine on the presidential debate stage.

Since then, Paul’s supporters have won hundreds of elections in state legislatures across the country, reshaping the debate on issues ranging from gun rights to school choice. Young Americans for Liberty (formerly “Students for Ron Paul”) counts 178 state legislators in 37 states as members. However, it is “Live Free or Die,” New Hampshire, where Paul-inspired “Liberty Republicans” have become the dominant force in state politics.

Nine years ago, Paul took second place in the state’s first-in-the-nation Republican primary. Since then, a gradually growing coalition in the state Legislature has led successful efforts, including the passage of constitutional carry.

In November 2020, the coalition achieved critical mass, sweeping the New Hampshire House of Representatives by winning 86 seats (nearly a quarter of the entire body). Liberty Republicans became the “majority of the majority” and elected a former Ron Paul supporter, state Rep. Jason Osborne, to House majority leader.

Gov. Chris Sununu was recently caught on tape declaring, “Libertarians aren’t Republicans!” and suggesting this new energy should leave the party. His frustration is understandable."

Continued - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...?ocid=msedgntp

That was a good read
Qtards are posers

Everyone picks on the qtards ...theyre just poor hopium addicts

Thier was a thread a few weeks back where qtards were being attacked by lefttards ...usual bullshit parroting left wing crap we had to set em straight ...Qs biggest mistake was larping as a fed but he did wake a ton of normies up .... That was a good thread one of the q tards blew it out ....I think I called Alex Jones an Uber q cause he's doing it for years

I haven't listened to Jones in a long time tuned back in when his listeners were out there calling Bill a rapist ....to good

I memba 07/2008 election...Ron Paul campaign workers were all over around Macy's in midtown everyday...... And speaking of the qtard thread where Alex Jones gets mentioned ...ron Paul always always made great appearances...live or on the phone

Friggin new Hampshire
The young right has just started on that strategy Local baby Local
I did a thread a couple months ago where local establishment Republicans resigned cause a bunch of young right wingers got involved ..I forget where ...threads back there somewhere

I don't call myself a libertarian but I have libertarian and objectivists views..
Open borders libertarians always turned me off to the party ..
Purist of any stripe can be almost as delusional as the leftards....almost

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