RNC Start Running TV Ad’s About Nancy Pelosi District So People Can See Who She Really Is

“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to Nancy Pelosi. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Nancy, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged her. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful woman in the universe.”
“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to Nancy Pelosi. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Nancy, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged her. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful woman in the universe.”

Are you taking pills for that?

What is the female version of "putz"?
If this show were on air today Michael Douglas character would have a scene where he would say: “What a drag man...I just stepped in shit!”
“Tonight’s Episode: The case of the perpetual poop.”

Karl Malden character to homeless: “You people need to pack-up your shit and get outta here!”
Mayor Willie Brown: “You people don’t have go anywhere..put you shit back down!”
“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to Nancy Pelosi. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Nancy, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged her. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful woman in the universe.”
The fumes from the shit is getting to your head I see. Either that or you might have shit for brains. RNC needs to expose Pelosi for what she is. Career politician and a con-artist.
Despite the fake news agencies refusing to report it, Pelosi took a bigger negative hit in recent polling over the govt closure than both Trump and McConnell.
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

No matter what they do to attack Nancy Pelosi, you have Ronald Reagan, George Bush and now Donald Trump.
A trifecta of fukup and criminality. Lies and looting. America's enemies have nothing to worry about with Republicans attacking the country from within.
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

No matter what they do to attack Nancy Pelosi, you have Ronald Reagan, George Bush and now Donald Trump.
A trifecta of fukup and criminality. Lies and looting. America's enemies have nothing to worry about with Republicans attacking the country from within.

A blithering idiot and three good guys.
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

You tried running against her in 2018. The result was a Democrat House. You are really stupid.
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

You tried running against her in 2018. The result was a Democrat House. You are really stupid.

But I would watch Russia survive and the progressive areas of our nation be nuked.
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

You tried running against her in 2018. The result was a Democrat House. You are really stupid.

More indicative of the power of media than affection for Democrats. The Republicans really need to step up and fight equally dirty.
It's disingenuous to blame Pelosi for the issues going on in San Francisco. She's a federal representative, not the mayor or a local council person. The filth in San Francisco is largely the responsibility of the local government to tackle and they are to blame for the city's issues far more than she is.

Yup. If the city officials allow it then its on them. Pelousy has nothing to do with it.
Despite the fake news agencies refusing to report it, Pelosi took a bigger negative hit in recent polling over the govt closure than both Trump and McConnell.

That is so much bullshit. Trump ended up much worse. That is why he folded.
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

You tried running against her in 2018. The result was a Democrat House. You are really stupid.

More indicative of the power of media than affection for Democrats. The Republicans really need to step up and fight equally dirty.

You have no clue what you are talking about. Voters are smarter than you or Trump.
Despite the fake news agencies refusing to report it, Pelosi took a bigger negative hit in recent polling over the govt closure than both Trump and McConnell.

That is so much bullshit. Trump ended up much worse. That is why he folded.

So, faced with factual evidence, your emotional response is to declare it to be 'BS' because you say so without providing anything up to support your rant...

Snowflakes...gotta love 'em. :p
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

By all means, gin up the GOP Smear Campaign. Get a good head of righteous outrage going, you stupid troll!

Her district is a shithole, literally.
Pelosi district is out of step with 80% of America...at least. Now she thinks she is running the country? Hit her hard on the condition of her district. Run ads on major networks. The Super Bowl etc. Show the public what a blithering kook she is. Go after her ass...rip her ass they way they rip Trump.

Idiots watch any of that stuff from "either" side.

Edward Bernays - Wikipedia

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