Nancy Pelosi at it again, screwing over the little guy, just so she can make more millions. If anyone else did this, they would be in jail..

Nancy Pelosi's husband just invested millions in 4 mega-cap tech stocks, including Apple and Amazon
So here is the bitch once again doing insider trading, while being in charge of the Congress that will decide upon legislation, while people like Martha Stewart went to jail for 5 years. Stop bitching about the little guy who doesnt vote for shitters like Nan from San Fransicko, but get in her face and call her what she is...a BITCH..

Apropos your meme signature ... And please, no whinging because of who took the video. I DARE you to listen to what the RWNJs said.
Apropos your meme signature ... And please, no whinging because of who took the video. I DARE you to listen to what the RWNJs said.

And? So there is poverty in the southern states, but at least they all man up to their problem. Not like poverty in the inner cities where they blame "white folks" and demand some Prog elite to give them stuff...

And? So there is poverty in the southern states, but at least they all man up to their problem. Not like poverty in the inner cities where they blame "white folks" and demand some Prog elite to give them stuff...

WHOOOSH!! Right over your head.

And the video is a fake. You know that. Everyone knows it was proven to be fake. And yet, you still use it.

A huge difference between right and left is the right has no choice but to lie and the left just points out facts. And you know that too.
WHOOOSH!! Right over your head.

And the video is a fake. You know that. Everyone knows it was proven to be fake. And yet, you still use it.

A huge difference between right and left is the right has no choice but to lie and the left just points out facts. And you know that too.
The one you showed is fake? Okay, thanks...

The Obamaphone lady isnt fake, because she was interviewed later and hated Obama after that..

As for lying, you guys are the masters of that, and when caught in a lie, you all double down. That is why no one trusts you fuckers ever...

I did no have sexual relations with that woman.
I landed in Bosnia under sniper fire.
At this point what difference does it make.
You can keep your doctor.
You will save $2,500
I am here to help you....

Fuck you all...
Democratic leadership think you're stupid for continuing to vote for them.

And damned if you don't agree.

How do you know what Democrat leadership think of me? If you're attempting to be funny, don't. You don't have the smarts boy.
I'm all over you like a cheap suit. I keep tearing off bits of your Republican skins and shitting on it. I know it hurts because of the childish way you retaliate.
But I love it. Carry on.
How do you know what Democrat leadership think of me? If you're attempting to be funny, don't. You don't have the smarts boy.
I'm all over you like a cheap suit. I keep tearing off bits of your Republican skins and shitting on it. I know it hurts because of the childish way you retaliate.
But I love it. Carry on.
Democrat leadership doesn't give a damn about any American citizen. They're bureaucratic lawyers, nothing more.

"Nancy Pelosi at it again, screwing over the little guy, just so she can make more millions. If anyone else did this, they would be in jail.."

The above has a typo that I am compelled to correct~~~~

"Elaine Shao is at it again, screwing over the little guy, just so she can make more millions. If anyone else did this, they would be in jail.."


She financed the fat guy above to star-dump

"Nancy Pelosi at it again, screwing over the little guy, just so she can make more millions. If anyone else did this, they would be in jail.."

The above has a typo that I am compelled to correct~~~~

"Elaine Shao is at it again, screwing over the little guy, just so she can make more millions. If anyone else did this, they would be in jail.."

View attachment 514927
She financed the fat guy above to star-dump
And you just cant see a problem festering in DC? You only see one side?

Just because Mitch does it, Nancy can do it also.....What a fucking little baby....
She got nailed! I can't wait for the excuse.
Meanwhile, Cheeto Jeezus STILL stalling about his tax returns.

This is why I'm a registered Independent. 3rd Party, anyone?
She got nailed! I can't wait for the excuse.
Meanwhile, Cheeto Jeezus STILL stalling about his tax returns.

This is why I'm a registered Independent. 3rd Party, anyone?
Taxes aren't anyone's business. Trump is a private citizen now.
How do you know what Democrat leadership think of me? If you're attempting to be funny, don't. You don't have the smarts boy.
I'm all over you like a cheap suit. I keep tearing off bits of your Republican skins and shitting on it. I know it hurts because of the childish way you retaliate.
But I love it. Carry on.
Wow. You need therapy. You're eaten alive by hatred.

It must really suck to be you, kid.
Wow. You need therapy. You're eaten alive by hatred.

It must really suck to be you, kid.

I'm not a kid.
Your problem is I continue to expose your filthy lies and you don't like it. Stop your bullshit and your anger filled replies will cease.
I'm not a kid.
Your problem is I continue to expose your filthy lies and you don't like it. Stop your bullshit and your anger filled replies will cease.
You act like a kid.

I don't lie, kid. I say things you don't like.

That's your problem, kid. I don't have to change my views to assuage your butthurt.
You act like a kid.

I don't lie, kid. I say things you don't like.

That's your problem, kid. I don't have to change my views to assuage your butthurt.

If you say so but I remind you, you follow me continuously and go off like a sky rocket regularly.
But you're far more intelligent than me.

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