RNC to censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger

When Democrats riot and kill people, they're protesters. But when Republicans protest peacefully and harm no one, they are thrown in jail for over a year, some with solitary confinement for the false charge of "rioting
Delusional. We saw the riot with our own eyes.
RNC to censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kisnzinger Why ? Who's sponsoring this ? Who is behind it ? Does Trump support it ? Does McConnell support it ? At least one senators willing to stand up for them, senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. " The RNC is censoring list Cheney and Adam Kinzinger usually are trying to find out what happened January 6th. Huh " Kinzinger, himself replied," This makes me even more determined to fight conspiracies and lies." Liz Cheney also replied," I'm a constitutional conservative and I do not recognize those in my party who have abandoned the Constitution to embrace Donald Trump. " I guess we'll find out today if any other Republicans have developed backbones. thehill.com Feb.4th., 2022 8:46 A.M.
The Dems can have them and we'll take Manchin and Sinema in exchage.

Fair enough.
Changing the subject is that the way you deal with a problem you can't deal with. I am not your problem your Trump is he's a psychopath and he's using you stupid bastards. He equates patriotism as loyalty to him, no matter what he does and he's going to end up destroying this country thanks to idiots like you. You get you can't make America better by destroying it.
President Trump kept his oath of office for four years under intense jealous fire from Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Tweedle Dee Pencil Neck and The Thousand Pound Gorilla Nadler. This is not about you or I. It's about the most egregious breach of office by secretive, conspiratorial losers against a man who supported law and order, restored the military torn up by 8 years of Bam-bam, brought sanity to the border by cutting down the drug cartels using mules to distribute killer fentanyl at the border, and set up walls to protect border states who were inflicted with expenses of educating more children than they could afford, although they did a hero's job of border schools going deep into debt to accommodate kids who never even heard English spoken before. Most idiots, sir do not have 140 iqs, and if I have to, yes, I will do all I can to stop the genocide of American human beings regardless of race, sex, or color.

The Democrats have supported destroying freedom of blacks in the years from the get go until President Eisenhower, a Republican, protected a gifted black children with equal school opportunities at Little Rock Arkansas in 1957. The National Guard protected them. Eisenhower and the Little Rock Crisis

Boo hoo whiner.

You're just an ignorant lying sack of shit and a BITCH.

As was said: Liz turned traitor on her own constitutants, she attacked the leader of the party, she is aiding fascists in creating one party rule, she falsely accused a republican president of a crime he never committed . . . and thats why the action is correctly being taken.

If a democrat did all that to another democrat the body would be burried in pieces behind the Clinton summer residence

And frankly, you Leftwing baby-killing Marxist democrat pieces of shit don't give a damm about Cheney anyway, you just think this gives you a talking point, when all it does is make you a hypocrite:

Sinema being stalked in bathroom follows months of liberal media pressure against Arizona Democrat​

The disturbing image of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., being followed into a bathroom Sunday as left-wing activists urged her to back a massive spending bill follows months of liberal media pressure against the politician.

Activists confronted Sinema in a classroom at Arizona State University in Phoenix and then filmed her walking into a bathroom and closing a stall as they told her she should back President Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" package and legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants. Sinema ignored them as they spoke – the sound of a flushing toilet at one point could be heard as they continued talking.

Keep clinging to The Big Lie, loser

I know that you need to because your entire self esteem is based on your subservience to your Orange cult


Not a Monkeys Uncle
When Democrats riot and kill people with all manner of weaponry, they're protesters. But when Republicans protest peacefully and harm no one, they are thrown in jail for over a year, some with solitary confinement for the false charge of "rioting," and one of them was shot and killed while unarmed. The Democrats rule and they set up double standards.

Jim Jordan and his colleagues are going to end this situation in the near future. May God travel with them.

Your Orange cult killed cops at the 1/6 insurrection.

But keep clinging, loser.
Yep. The likes of Eagle doesn't seem to realise he lives in the US, not Russia. What Trump and his Deplorables were/are trying to do is right out of Putin's play book. Eagle wants a megalomaniacal in charge, who relates to the US Constitution and all it stands for, about what? Zero percent? Maybe?
It is your ilk that does not realize we live in the US and not some third world basket case country.
Your Orange cult killed cops at the 1/6 insurrection.
But keep clinging, loser.
You bought the farm on a slightly askewed narrative, sir. The only person who was shot at the riot was Ashli Babbitt. One cop who had heart problems died of a heart attack at the site. Two of the officers who died didn't die on the 6th, they died on January 7 from strokes that also were preexisting health problems, and two committed suicide after realizing that they were being used as pawns by the Democrats to destroy Republicans. They were misused.

Jan 6, 2021 - 1 cop died of a heart attack after having chest pains before the riot started.

Ashli Babbitt was unarmed but shot by a cop.

Jan 7, 2021 - 2 cops committed suicide

2 cops died of strokes​
Nancy Pelosi refused President Trump's offer of 300 TRAINED FOR CROWD CONTROL National Guardsman. Pelosi's pernicious plan to put untrained for crowd control Capitol Cops, some of whom had prexisting heart and vascular issues that resulted in death just by being there, when they had symptoms that should have had them in the hospital, not controling crowds. One of the stroke victims died several days after the protesters had already gone home.

I blame Nancy Pelosi for incompetency and untoward hostility toward President Donald John Trump that caused her to INTENTIONALLY TURN the only peaceful protest into an alleged riot FOR POLITICAL GAIN. She also grabbed at straws the two police officers with health issues, the two suicidal officers with mental lissues foisted on them by Democrats who threatened to defund their paychecks,

I'm sick of Nancy Pelosi. She is a hateful, nasty-spirited, tax pickpocket for her pet rock projects like gold pen givaways to celebrate the second impeachment she foisted on President Trump when she damn sure knew he was totally innocent of the crimes she falsely accused him of and participated with the Clinton Cartel to do mob character assassination. Her incompetency took an American war heroine and murdered her even though she did not have a gun. The entire narrative was at attempt to add to the burder of the American freedoms multiple future attacks on the Constitution so AOC doesn't have to account to anybody according to her I hate Republicans speech several months ago which I had the misery of listening to via tv.
RNC to censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kisnzinger Why ? Who's sponsoring this ? Who is behind it ? Does Trump support it ? Does McConnell support it ? At least one senators willing to stand up for them, senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. " The RNC is censoring list Cheney and Adam Kinzinger usually are trying to find out what happened January 6th. Huh " Kinzinger, himself replied," This makes me even more determined to fight conspiracies and lies." Liz Cheney also replied," I'm a constitutional conservative and I do not recognize those in my party who have abandoned the Constitution to embrace Donald Trump. " I guess we'll find out today if any other Republicans have developed backbones. thehill.com Feb.4th., 2022 8:46 A.M.

Liz and Adam will have the last laugh. Their stars are rising - while the RNC sinks into the abyss.

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