Robert Mugabe said last Friday: Whites who are here should all go back to UK-We have aeroplanes whic

I wouldn't stay where I'm not welcome. It's another hellhole while Mugabe probably lives the high life

I don't understand why black people follow these people who hasn't done a dame for them. the same here in our country. they (Democrats) give them a monthly check, house them in literal war zones and they accept it and then just sit an whine about it and blame everyone else but themselves...they don't try to improve where they live and then when other people come in with markets, gas stations, etc...they loot them and burn them to ground. the majority of them don't want to work a legal job. That drug selling is easy money. and not word of how they evidently don't need to have "diversity" shoved on them like we do here
They follow these people because blacks generally hate whites. Nothing else matters.
Asians for asians
Africa for blacks
Central America for meso
White countries for every body!!!!

FUCK THE WHITE MAN the non-whites and the liberals scream!
Mugabe is bluffing and playing to the crowd. He knows if the whites leave, the economy will sink even lower. Everyone knows blacks mean poverty and whites mean prosperity.
Robert Mugabe said last Friday: Whites who are here should all go back to UK-We have aeroplanes which can take them

Mugabe was speaking during the installation of a chief at Murombedzi Growth Point in his rural Zvimba home area.
[TBODY] [/TBODY] Zimbabwe Go Back to England Mugabe Tells Whites

Black nations want to be black. Why can't white nations demand the same?

I'm an African-American who likes Robert Mugabe alot! I think that Africa would be better off with no Whites in Africa.

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