Robots are going to take your jobs...................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know, I thought that the job of security guard was one job that wouldn't be taken over by computers or robots. Yeah, you can have a bunch of sensors and cameras posted, but you still had to have a human to decide if there was a threat or not.

Guess that is coming to a close. I've seen a new company called Knight Scope that has been advertising security drones to take the place of people. Not only are they mobile, but on their website, they even have a robot that is supposed to be able to patrol INSIDE a prison.


And yeah, I know the link says "home" but it's to the homepage of KnightScope. Check out some of their robots, some are kinda cool.
Check out the robot that is supposed to be able to go over rough ground and patrol prisons. It's got wheels that make it move in a very interesting way.
You know, I thought that the job of security guard was one job that wouldn't be taken over by computers or robots. Yeah, you can have a bunch of sensors and cameras posted, but you still had to have a human to decide if there was a threat or not.

Guess that is coming to a close. I've seen a new company called Knight Scope that has been advertising security drones to take the place of people. Not only are they mobile, but on their website, they even have a robot that is supposed to be able to patrol INSIDE a prison.


And yeah, I know the link says "home" but it's to the homepage of KnightScope. Check out some of their robots, some are kinda cool.

Ans skynet smiles. The Terminator series was supposed to be a media franchise, not a blueprint.

"My father worked for the same firm for twelve years. They fired him. They replaced him with a tiny gadget - this big - that does everything my father does, only it does it much better. The depressing thing is, my mother ran out and bought one."

-- Woody Allen
We should have seen this coming.

Hell, a douchebag took over Obama's job...
They make a robot that can frame a roof 30ft up on a cold windy winter day, I will gladly stay the hell home.
Think my job is safe for some time to come.
They said the same thing in 1983 about ATMs'
How'd that work out for the flat earth brigade?

Somebody has to design, test, sample, QA, build, ship, sell, maintain, program, upgrade.........on and on.

Finally......somebody has to clean the toilets and repair the vandalism by the anarchists.

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