Robots on TrumpUSA: Diagram


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a socio-culture modern-USA exchange between the two opposing Transformers (Hasbro) avatars Ultra Magnus (a dependable democratic warrior-robot) and Cyclonus (a wily and Machiavellian first-knight of the terrorism-oriented Decepticon-robots) regarding consumerism-culture diaries.


ULTRA MAGNUS: TrumpUSA doesn't benefit everyone.
CYCLONUS: Capitalism is an aesthetic...
ULTRA MAGNUS: Burger King is scrumptious!
CYCLONUS: Pizza Hut is modernism chic.
ULTRA MAGNUS: I like PF Chang's China Bistro
CYCLONUS: I like that too!
ULTRA MAGNUS: Facebook is a modern obsession.
CYCLONUS: Everyone likes sharing photos online.
ULTRA MAGNUS: Commerce traffic creates social etiquette.
CYCLONUS: That's arguable (Napster).
ULTRA MAGNUS: You're right, but I'm also right about Wikipedia.
CYCLONUS: Peer-edited information resources available online?
ULTRA MAGNUS: Precisely...
CYLCONUS: Maybe TrumpUSA is reflective of 'convenience-consumerism.'


The Electric Host

This is a media-critique involving Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Mister Babadook (fictional horror-film character signifying devastating confusion and eerie fears!). It's inspired by Ghost in the Machine.



"God descended into purgatory when he realized that Lord Shiva and Mister Babadook had descended to create overwhelming intellectual controversies, one for governance-drills, the other for anarchy-sabres. God wanted to play the role of referee and wanted to see what Shiva and Babadook would do in regards to the anti-modernism primal-urge 'backlash' to deny a developed human fascination with urban architecture and machinery, an urge revealed in video-games such as Rampage and Mortal Kombat."


SHIVA: Automated technology is symbolic.
BABADOOK: Modern humans are simply allowed to feel lazy.
SHIVA: Consumerism is about delivery of conveniences.
BABADOOK: I like Apple Computers and horror-comics.
SHIVA: There's a modern pedestrian fascination with 'colloquial' intellectualism.
BABADOOK: People still like goblin-tales and decapitation-rituals.
SHIVA: You can't remove the urge to make teamwork dances!
BABABDOOK: Facebook is hypnotizing and mindless...
SHIVA: It's not the time of Jack the Ripper!
BABADOOK: Jack the Ripper was a prophet of corrupt urbanization.
SHIVA: I don't think he was a prophet; he was more a 'raven.'
BABADOOK: Burger King and Wall Street are buttons on a giant ATM!
SHIVA: There is an odd peace to Black Friday (shopping-day after Thanksgiving).
BABADOOK: I'll use a credit card to cut a policeman's throat...
SHIVA: You chose criminal philosophy over guardianship (I see).
BABADOOK: Is there any way to 'police' TrumpUSA (really)?



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