Rockstar award now please

they will vanish away like your dad's blue jeans denim blue fading up to the sky

though you want it to last forever you know they know never will.

you know they never will, but the goodbye makes the journey harder still.....

brilliant man.
Amazing voice and more amazing song writer. That particular tune became an obsessive ear-wig for me that lasted several months. I've never before experienced any song that I kept humming or going over mentally, for that long :( I just couldn't shake it, then one day, it was gone.

Damned shame he decided to join the "religion of peace". Actually, to be fair, It's mostly Arab and Asian devotees of Islam that treat it as Muhammad intended - as a religious, social, and governmental system for living.
Im sitting across from my father and everyone he knows and they hold grudges.

I need to get that rockstar award fairly soon or it;s all on you people.

Im sitting across from my father and everyone he knows and they hold grudges.
The rockstar award is not gonna happen, but we do have a lovely painting by Hunter Biden for you.
I know plenty of inmates that do that every single day. Doesn't seem to help them much.
confinement is not the same.

our psychotic overlords inculcate mental illness and discontent. and then demand they have the solutions.
I actually like hunters art.
I like his art, too, but when he was young, his birth mother died in s crash with a huge truck, and added to his burden, he lost his sister, and he and his brother were severely injured. I think he is a sad case of bad luck at a very young age, and it made him very dependent on his father. I don't think he instigated the first crime, and now, his father is putting his head on the block since he can't own up to his own decisions. Right now, the press is eating his liver, and I think it's because of his early injuries and losses, and his paternity was knocking on the wrong tree for a long, long time before he dragged his son into business so he could pass the blame on to his own son when he was called on the carpet for stealing 50 million dollars or more from the Foreign Aid Packages he exploited over 44 years of a long, long time. I don't think anyone important has ever shown Hunter any mercy at any time, and he reacts with more doing Daddy dearest's dirty work. He's a psychological nightmare, and it was not started by him. I remember from back when the police department was looking into the wreck that killed his mother and sister, and they thought something was very, very fishy about the whole wreck. It'd be a miracle if any of those cops were alive today to recount their doubts about the wreck, which were not published due to Biden's first time in the Senate. That wreck's history sucks, because nobody knows for sure it was really an accident or not. They say Senator Biden wrote it off with a damn grin. That's even worse. :(

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