ROFL! What metaphor for the Obama Admin. They can't even print money right!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
What a screw up of a government we have right now.

Their solution is to print more worthless money, AND THEY CAN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT! :lmao:

As a metaphor for our troubled economic and financial era -- and the government's stumbling response -- this one's hard to beat. You can't stimulate the economy via the [COLOR=#366388 !important][COLOR=#366388 !important]money [COLOR=#366388 !important]supply[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], after all, if you can't print the money correctly.

"There is something drastically wrong here," one source told CNBC. "The frustration level is off the charts."

Officials with the Treasury and the Federal Reserve had touted the new bills' sophisticated security features that were 10 years in the making, including a 3-D security strip and a color-shifting image of a bell, designed to foil counterfeiters. But it turns out the bills are so high-tech that the presses can't handle the printing job.

More than 1 billion unusable bills have been printed. Some of the bills creased during production, creating a blank space on the paper, one official told CNBC. Because correctly printed bills are mixed in with the flawed ones, even the ones printed to the correct design specs can't be used until they 're sorted. It would take an estimated 20 to 30 years to weed out the defective bills by hand, but a mechanized system is expected to get the job done in about a year.

Combined, the quarantined bills add up to $110 billion -- more than 10 percent of the entire U.S. cash supply, which now stands at around $930 billion.

The flawed bills, which cost around $120 million to print, will have to burned.

Government can’t print money properly - Yahoo! News


What we have HERE is Obama's solution to spending us into the abyss. That solution being make it possible to spend us FURTHER into the abyss. Viola! Simply PRINT MORE MONEY.

And the DUMBASSES in this government can't even do that right! :lmao:

THIS is the kind of insanity that happens when liberals are in charge. All of their bright ideas turn out to be dumber than a bag of hammers and they end up a laughing stock.

The only problem is, it really isn't funny. This screw up hurts us all.

Don't expect liberals admit they their Keynesian policies are the butt of this joke. They will still insist both they and Obama are brilliant. :lol:

Here we are, in the grips of an economic mess caused by Obama and his solution is to INCREASE the economic mess via printing and spending more money.

Just what we need on top of increasing unemployment and looming uncontrollable deficits, WASTE MONEY PRINTING MONEY.

I give it to Obama. He makes Jimmy Carter look responsible.

Even Jimmy Carter didn't look THIS STUPID to the world.

I can only pray the country has learned it's lesson, and in 2012, we elect a far more capable leader.

What a mess! I mean WHAT A MESS!

You either want to laugh or cry.

I'm just going to do both.

obie wan wants tax credits for those who DON"T pay taxes. his community organizer ass his showing. :cuckoo:
If they've been working on them for 10 years this isn't exactly Obama's fault, moron.
I just read about this and I think it is so damned funny I can hardly control myself. The same bunch of dopes that want to run your health care can't even do something as simple as the printing of money. This is just too much!!!! What a pack of jackasses.
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If you think this is a political win, you're an idiot.

Dont see where it is albelled as a political win.
It is simply an example of where our elected officials cant even do THIS right

And yes, it is ironic that the printing of money was blown when, in fact, printing the money is ill advised to begin with.
If they've been working on them for 10 years this isn't exactly Obama's fault, moron.

Ravi, no matter how long they have been employed, it is irrelevant. Shit happen's, it had nothing to do with politics.
If you think this is a political win, you're an idiot.

Dont see where it is albelled as a political win.
It is simply an example of where our elected officials cant even do THIS right

And yes, it is ironic that the printing of money was blown when, in fact, printing the money is ill advised to begin with.
the treasury is always printing money
just usually there is old money that it is replacing

Correctly printed bills are mixed in with the flawed ones.

What do you want to bet that these "supposed to be destroyed" correct ones somehow end up in circulation via some type of crony awarded disposal program?
If they've been working on them for 10 years this isn't exactly Obama's fault, moron.

Ravi, no matter how long they have been employed, it is irrelevant. Shit happen's, it had nothing to do with politics.

Well, while this may be true, it is further evidence of how the government can fuck up a wet dream and accordingly, why a great many of us want to have the least amount of it as humanly possible.

Correctly printed bills are mixed in with the flawed ones.

What do you want to bet that these "supposed to be destroyed" correct ones somehow end up in circulation via some type of crony awarded disposal program?
the treasury dept has its own disposal system for bills
The moral hazard of disposing of that much perfectly good cash will be too tempting for them to resist.
If they've been working on them for 10 years this isn't exactly Obama's fault, moron.

Ravi, no matter how long they have been employed, it is irrelevant. Shit happen's, it had nothing to do with politics.
I was addressing teapeesamaroid and her idiotic blaming of Obama.

Obama is the dope driving the ship so he gets all the blame now. Sorry. It happened on his watch. He can't blame this on anybody except for himself.
Here you have the Pseudo-conservative movement typically blaming the Obama Administration for something that is simply not within the Administrations control.

"10 years in the making" is the key phrase.

But right on que the pseudo-conned (yeah all the ditto-heads and Faux believers) gobble it up and spew it back out like it is a gospel truth.

Make you look pretty fucking stupid.

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