Rogue EPA staff tweet out fake science to President Trump


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
OK.....this is pretty hysterical.........tweeted out by EPA workers trying to attack the president...........

  • · Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #climate”

  • · “Flipside of the atmosphere; ocean acidity has increased 30% since the Industrial Revolution. ‘Ocean Acidification" #climate #carboncycle’”

  • · "Burning one gallon of gasoline puts nearly 20lbs of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. #climate"

Does it get any more hysterical than this? And they wonder why they are getting deballed by the president..........:popcorn:

So in name of physics can 20lbs of waste be created from one pound of raw material. Insanity to the level of profound..

Second, how do we have reliable data on ocean acid levels going back to the 1600s?

Third, and related, who was measuring CO2 going back half a million years? They are quoting #s from ‘algore’ related to ice core samples. Which is exactly that, samples. As Alan recently mentioned, what about the tens of thousands of volcanos below the sea that are constantly emiting volanic ash, lava, etc?

Question for readers in this forum........which tweet is the stoopidest?:spinner::spinner::spinner:
OK.....this is pretty hysterical.........tweeted out by EPA workers trying to attack the president...........

  • · Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #climate”

  • · “Flipside of the atmosphere; ocean acidity has increased 30% since the Industrial Revolution. ‘Ocean Acidification" #climate #carboncycle’”

  • · "Burning one gallon of gasoline puts nearly 20lbs of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. #climate"

Does it get any more hysterical than this? And they wonder why they are getting deballed by the president..........:popcorn:

So in name of physics can 20lbs of waste be created from one pound of raw material. Insanity to the level of profound..

Second, how do we have reliable data on ocean acid levels going back to the 1600s?

Third, and related, who was measuring CO2 going back half a million years? They are quoting #s from ‘algore’ related to ice core samples. Which is exactly that, samples. As Alan recently mentioned, what about the tens of thousands of volcanos below the sea that are constantly emiting volanic ash, lava, etc?

Question for readers in this forum........which tweet is the stoopidest?:spinner::spinner::spinner:

how in name of physics can 20lbs of waste be created from one pound of raw material.

Well, a gallon of gasoline weighs about 6.2 pounds.
CO2 is 44g/mol, almost 73% of which is the oxygen.
OK.....this is pretty hysterical.........tweeted out by EPA workers trying to attack the president...........

All correct. Non-retards would understand that.

So in name of physics can 20lbs of waste be created from one pound of raw material. Insanity to the level of profound..

In addition to the failure that Todd pointed out, Skook actually thinks a gallon of gasoline weighs ... one pound (it weighs about 6 pounds). It appears that Skook is a latte-sipper who has never actually lifted a gallon of gasoline in his life. That's kind of typical of hard core deniers, the way they have no experience with common technology.

Second, how do we have reliable data on ocean acid levels going back to the 1600s?

Being a 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is.

Third, and related, who was measuring CO2 going back half a million years?

Again, being a complete 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is. He can't believe the science exists, so in his cult mind, that settles it.

They are quoting #s from ‘algore’ related to ice core samples. Which is exactly that, samples. As Alan recently mentioned, what about the tens of thousands of volcanos below the sea that are constantly emiting volanic ash, lava, etc?

"Ten of thousands" of undersea volcanoes?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

There are many undersea thermal vents. There are relatively few undersea volcanoes. Most volcanoes occur at plate boundaries, which tend to be on the land side of ocean/land plate junctions.

Question for readers in this forum........which tweet is the stoopidest?

Skook is, clearly, as well as being a flaming limp-wrister who has clearly never handled gasoline in his life.

I imagine Skook prays to his electric golf cart (his primary vehicle) every night, and screams hatred at working men in pickup trucks.
OK.....this is pretty hysterical.........tweeted out by EPA workers trying to attack the president...........

All correct. Non-retards would understand that.

So in name of physics can 20lbs of waste be created from one pound of raw material. Insanity to the level of profound..

In addition to the failure that Todd pointed out, Skook actually thinks a gallon of gasoline weighs ... one pound (it weighs about 6 pounds). It appears that Skook is a latte-sipper who has never actually lifted a gallon of gasoline in his life. That's kind of typical of hard core deniers, the way they have no experience with common technology.

Second, how do we have reliable data on ocean acid levels going back to the 1600s?

Being a 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is.

Third, and related, who was measuring CO2 going back half a million years?

Again, being a complete 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is. He can't believe the science exists, so in his cult mind, that settles it.

They are quoting #s from ‘algore’ related to ice core samples. Which is exactly that, samples. As Alan recently mentioned, what about the tens of thousands of volcanos below the sea that are constantly emiting volanic ash, lava, etc?

"Ten of thousands" of undersea volcanoes?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

There are many undersea thermal vents. There are relatively few undersea volcanoes. Most volcanoes occur at plate boundaries, which tend to be on the land side of ocean/land plate junctions.

Question for readers in this forum........which tweet is the stoopidest?

Skook is, clearly, as well as being a flaming limp-wrister who has clearly never handled gasoline in his life.

I imagine Skook prays to his electric golf cart (his primary vehicle) every night, and screams hatred at working men in pickup trucks.

Well OK then..........the EPA should then stay relatively intact moving forward!!!:deal:

My vote goes to the C02 claim.......only members of the religion can walk out of their house each day and be confident in knowing C02 levels from 650,000 years ago!! This is great stuff.......:desk:

Oh and s0n......on the latte sipping? Last time I checked, you had this ghey little cat for your avatar!!!:2up::2up::2up:
We have ice cores that go back to 800,000 years, so we have direct measurement of what the CO2 level was in the atmosphere at 620,000 years ago.
lol.....I see a lot of progressive references to "skooks is a retard" in this forum. OK....but last time I checked, the EPA is in the process of getting whacked over the head and the Obama environmental agenda is going bye-bye s0ns!!!

This retard is winning............:deal::deal::fu:
OK.....this is pretty hysterical.........tweeted out by EPA workers trying to attack the president...........

All correct. Non-retards would understand that.

So in name of physics can 20lbs of waste be created from one pound of raw material. Insanity to the level of profound..

In addition to the failure that Todd pointed out, Skook actually thinks a gallon of gasoline weighs ... one pound (it weighs about 6 pounds). It appears that Skook is a latte-sipper who has never actually lifted a gallon of gasoline in his life. That's kind of typical of hard core deniers, the way they have no experience with common technology.

Second, how do we have reliable data on ocean acid levels going back to the 1600s?

Being a 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is.

Third, and related, who was measuring CO2 going back half a million years?

Again, being a complete 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is. He can't believe the science exists, so in his cult mind, that settles it.

They are quoting #s from ‘algore’ related to ice core samples. Which is exactly that, samples. As Alan recently mentioned, what about the tens of thousands of volcanos below the sea that are constantly emiting volanic ash, lava, etc?

"Ten of thousands" of undersea volcanoes?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

There are many undersea thermal vents. There are relatively few undersea volcanoes. Most volcanoes occur at plate boundaries, which tend to be on the land side of ocean/land plate junctions.

Question for readers in this forum........which tweet is the stoopidest?

Skook is, clearly, as well as being a flaming limp-wrister who has clearly never handled gasoline in his life.

I imagine Skook prays to his electric golf cart (his primary vehicle) every night, and screams hatred at working men in pickup trucks.
Well, a gallon of gasoline weighs about 6.2 pounds.
CO2 is 44g/mol, almost 73% of which is the oxygen.

To which you replied
All correct. Non-retards would understand that.

This nonsense came from there:
Since gasoline is about 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen by weight, the carbon in a gallon of gasoline weighs 5.5 pounds (6.3 lbs. x .87).
We can then multiply the weight of the carbon (5.5 pounds) by 3.7, which equals 20 pounds of CO2!

And that is pure bullshit
MW Octane (C8H18)= 114 gr per Mol can give you 8 Mol of CO2 if the combustion is 100% efficient and no Carbon monoxide is in the exhaust...and it never is 100% efficient.
But never mind that 8Mol CO2 = 368 grams.
So 114 grams of gasoline can generate at a maximum 368 grams CO2...= 3.228 times not 3.7 times as they say.
That`s not all, the gas you buy at the pump, depending on the temperature is ~ 6 lbs per gallon.
Av-gas is ~ 6.5 lbs/gallon and I`m sure they don`t sell it at road side gas stations.
So if a piston engine were able to burn 100% of the fuel, which none do then you get at a maximum 19.3 lbs of CO2 per gallon.
Big deal? The 20 lbs number is 4.5 % higher than it possibly could be.
If it`s okay to make ~5% errors then it`s nonsense to hype a "warming" of 289 deg K over 288 deg K= a 0.34 % increase...and say so with "confidence" while they fuck up by almost 5 % with simple stochiometric high school chemistry math
OK.....this is pretty hysterical.........tweeted out by EPA workers trying to attack the president...........

All correct. Non-retards would understand that.

So in name of physics can 20lbs of waste be created from one pound of raw material. Insanity to the level of profound..

In addition to the failure that Todd pointed out, Skook actually thinks a gallon of gasoline weighs ... one pound (it weighs about 6 pounds). It appears that Skook is a latte-sipper who has never actually lifted a gallon of gasoline in his life. That's kind of typical of hard core deniers, the way they have no experience with common technology.

Second, how do we have reliable data on ocean acid levels going back to the 1600s?

Being a 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is.

Third, and related, who was measuring CO2 going back half a million years?

Again, being a complete 'tard, Skook doesn't understand what a proxy is. He can't believe the science exists, so in his cult mind, that settles it.

They are quoting #s from ‘algore’ related to ice core samples. Which is exactly that, samples. As Alan recently mentioned, what about the tens of thousands of volcanos below the sea that are constantly emiting volanic ash, lava, etc?

"Ten of thousands" of undersea volcanoes?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

There are many undersea thermal vents. There are relatively few undersea volcanoes. Most volcanoes occur at plate boundaries, which tend to be on the land side of ocean/land plate junctions.

Question for readers in this forum........which tweet is the stoopidest?

Skook is, clearly, as well as being a flaming limp-wrister who has clearly never handled gasoline in his life.

I imagine Skook prays to his electric golf cart (his primary vehicle) every night, and screams hatred at working men in pickup trucks.
Well, a gallon of gasoline weighs about 6.2 pounds.
CO2 is 44g/mol, almost 73% of which is the oxygen.

To which you replied
All correct. Non-retards would understand that.
This nonsense came from there:
Since gasoline is about 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen by weight, the carbon in a gallon of gasoline weighs 5.5 pounds (6.3 lbs. x .87).
We can then multiply the weight of the carbon (5.5 pounds) by 3.7, which equals 20 pounds of CO2!

And that is pure bullshit
MW Octane (C8H18)= 114 gr per Mol can give you 8 Mol of CO2 if the combustion is 100% efficient and no Carbon monoxide is in the exhaust...and it never is 100% efficient.
But never mind that 8Mol CO2 = 368 grams.
So 114 grams of gasoline can generate at a maximum 368 grams CO2...= 3.228 times not 3.7 times as they say.
That`s not all, the gas you buy at the pump, depending on the temperature is ~ 6 lbs per gallon.
Av-gas is ~ 6.5 lbs/gallon and I`m sure they don`t sell it at road side gas stations.
So if a piston engine were able to burn 100% of the fuel, which none do then you get at a maximum 19.3 lbs of CO2 per gallon.
Big deal? The 20 lbs number is 4.5 % higher than it possibly could be.
If it`s okay to make ~5% errors then it`s nonsense to hype a "warming" of 289 deg K over 288 deg K= a 0.34 % increase...and say so with "confidence" while they fuck up by almost 5 % with simple stochiometric high school chemistry math

I think the most important error in this thread was the "1 gallon of gasoline weighs 1 pound" claim.
LOL......the climate k00ks still have the math waaaaaay wrong.:2up: Science accuracy never matters to them.:bye1:
And that is pure bullshit
MW Octane (C8H18)= 114 gr per Mol
So 114 grams of gasoline can generate at a maximum 368 grams CO2...= 3.228 times not 3.7 times as they say.
Congratulations, that's the correct calculation for pure iso-octane.

However, that's not addressing the topic at hand, being that gasoline is not pure iso-octane.
And that is pure bullshit
MW Octane (C8H18)= 114 gr per Mol
So 114 grams of gasoline can generate at a maximum 368 grams CO2...= 3.228 times not 3.7 times as they say.
Congratulations, that's the correct calculation for pure iso-octane.

However, that's not addressing the topic at hand, being that gasoline is not pure iso-octane.
"pure iso octane"???? Do you have any idea how many isomeres octane has?
Even if it were low grade gas which is n-octane they are all saturated and hydro carbons and no matter if it`s branched or linear the hydrogen content is 2X +2 the number of C atoms per molecule, the same ratio for all. The only country where they sell you gas that has Heptane and Hexane mixed with the octane fraction is in shit places like Mexico. And that kind of gas knocks like hell when you step on the accelerator....and since we can`t put tetraethyl lead additives in our gas any more we use better fractionating towers that separate the fractions better than when we used these anti-knocking additives.
In addition to that Heptane has only a 84% Carbon content and an even lower density than Octane, so any of that will skew the CO2 per gallon even lower...
Why do you pretend you have a clue about chemistry anyway?
"pure iso octane"????

Iso-octane is the common term for 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. Perhaps you should brush up on your chemistry

2,2,4-Trimethylpentane - Wikipedia

So, the equation is

44/12 * 96/114 * 6.3 lbs/gallon = 19.5 lbs of CO2 created per gallon.

That is, the 20 lbs figure is right, if you're rounding to the nearest pound.
44/12 * 96/114 * 6.3 lbs/gallon = 19.5 lbs of CO2 created per gallon.
That is, the 20 lbs figure is right, if you're rounding to the nearest pound

That is if the gas you buy at the pump weighs 6.3 lbs per gallon, which would make it av-gas quality.. what you fuel up with a high performance Lycoming piston powered airplane on the tarmac...and that costs quite a lot more than the gas at a road side gas station. So I already gave you more CO2 that your point of view is entitled to. But your willingness to round up when it works for you speaks volumes. If skeptics would do that kind of rounding up to Mann`s proxy temperatures by the same margins you would scream bloody murder
OK, so let's say that only 19 pounds of CO2 are created when you burn off a gallon of gas. That still means that for a 20 gallon gas tank, to burn that off creates 380 pounds of CO2. And when you have a million autos going through a 20 gallon tank, that is a lot of CO2.
"pure iso octane"????

Iso-octane is the common term for 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. Perhaps you should brush up on your chemistry

2,2,4-Trimethylpentane - Wikipedia

So, the equation is

44/12 * 96/114 * 6.3 lbs/gallon = 19.5 lbs of CO2 created per gallon.

That is, the 20 lbs figure is right, if you're rounding to the nearest pound.
That is, the 20 lbs figure is right, if you're rounding to the nearest pound
That is the difference between demagoguery and science & engineering;
Statements like "nearly" 20 lbs when it`s half a pound less. Do you have any idea what would happen to a turbine when the blades are "nearly" the same weight, meaning within 1/2 a lb ?
How many lbs would that 0.5 lb be on a global scale annual fossil fuel to no difference?
Or how fucked up physics would be because according to you it`s alright to say the electron rest mass is 0.001 amu`s because you can round 0.00054858
And all the while you pound on your climate "science" bible, declaring all those as heretics who doubt the dubious and inaccurate statements which are in it. Like "nearly, unprecedented,alarming rate,anomaly" etc etc etc
I got a "better" idea for making your 1/2 lb CO2 (and then) some per gallon disappear altogether.
Just disable the air pump that injects air at the exhaust header and remove the catalytic converter then none of the stuff (crank case ventilation oil & fuel fumes& C-monoxide) that these 2 devices convert to CO2 adds CO2 to the atmosphere, + as an added benefit you get better engine performance and better mpg...but then again the enviros freak out if you do it.
I did and I`m saving a lot of your face, so go and rat on me
Some day I`ll upload my hydro bills. They are over $ 1000 and below it says in bold "credit, do not pay". So I guess I know some stuff you will never know
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Statements like "nearly" 20 lbs when it`s half a pound less. Do you have any idea what would happen to a turbine when the blades are "nearly" the same weight, meaning within 1/2 a lb ?

I know that's a red herring on your part, one that shows how you don't grasp the issue.

It's not meant to be a precise technical statement. 19 pounds, 20 pounds, it doesn't freakin' matter.

I got a "better" idea for making your 1/2 lb CO2 (and then) some per gallon disappear altogether.
Just disable the air pump that injects air at the exhaust header and remove the catalytic converter then none of the stuff (crank case ventilation oil & fuel fumes& C-monoxide) that these 2 devices convert to CO2 adds CO2 to the atmosphere, + as an added benefit you get better engine performance and better mpg...but then again the enviros freak out if you do it.

So, your point is that you have no sense of how concentrations of various pollutants matter?

That's one reason why you'd never cut it as a reason-based liberal. You have zero common sense in matters of science and engineering.

I did and I`m saving a lot of your face, so go and rat on me

So you're bragging about being an immoral douche. I don't think anyone is surprised about that. Conservatives now seem to embrace being an immoral douche as a badge of honor. In their eyes, it's wimpy to not be an immoral douche, as only dirty liberals care about morality.

Some day I`ll upload my hydro bills. They are over $ 1000 and below it says in bold "credit, do not pay". So I guess I know some stuff you will never know

Now I'm reminded of the time you threatened to call the RCMP on me for imaginary offenses.

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