Busy Hurricane Season is predicted for 2024

But that does NOT say that changes in thermohaline properties drive the glacial-interglacial cycle. It says that the salinity difference between the Atlantic and Pacific may be increasing, it says that such a process (with rather ill defined end points) might be taking place at the same time scale as the glacial cycle and suggests that this process might be bringing freshwater from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It says NOTHING about the cycle cause. Nothing.

Look, I can see that you're trying. But you need to give some real consideration as to why you're having such a hard time finding anything to support your ideas.
Maybe try reading the other papers. Then get back to me.

Deep Atlantic Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation


Collapse and rapid resumption of Atlantic meridional circulation linked to deglacial climate changes - Nature

For the third time, give us some quotes from these papers that show the authors believe as you believe. It's a common practice here with linked articles and studies. If these studies actually DO support you, it should not be difficult to find such things.
For the third time, give us some quotes from these papers that show the authors believe as you believe. It's a common practice here with linked articles and studies. If these studies actually DO support you, it should not be difficult to find such things.
What part of the papers that mentions glaciation and deglaciation didn't you understand?

But please do feel free to post some papers that argue ocean currents aren't responsible for abrupt climate changes. Good luck with that as there are none.
What part of the papers that mentions glaciation and deglaciation didn't you understand?
That you dodge and weave a simple request that could make your case and show me the fool does not bode well for your position.
But please do feel free to post some papers that argue ocean currents aren't responsible for abrupt climate changes. Good luck with that as there are none.
I have already posted links to seven different peer-reviewed articles that state, unequivocally, that Milankovitch orbital cycle forcing triggers the glacial-interglacial cycle. I would not have to go back far to find you stating that no such papers exist. You were wrong then and you are wrong now. THIS is what Mr Stretched was talking about when he asked why you so begged to be mocked.

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