Zone1 Roma lives matter - Respect

The only Spanish I remember is food and some dirty words..

Welcome back Morti ... :beer:
You have never had anything to say of consequence , or, even passing interest , so I suppose it is equally pointless for me to note that you have immediately maintained your boring life narrative here of boring inconsequentiality .
It is unfortunate for you that your unwholesome appearance makes you stand out even more here than other misfits and old dodderers.
But perhaps it is better to be known for being everything we all hope and pray NOT to become, than to be a complete zero and in all probability even rejected by Baby Jesus as a sad mistake .

BTW, my many real Roma acquaintances plus two or three "Gyppo" friends think that you are a total fraud and/or just also agree with BJs assumed verdict .
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He is no Roma .

But why not Respect for the Morbidly Obese ?
Or, Ugly people ,
Or , the tone deaf ,
Or , a million other labels that some woke struck ignoramus is going to choose to get some attention and to do some bogus virtue signalling with ?

How can you compare roma a nation, a ethnicity, a race with just "ugly people"? As if it is of the same importance? Would you say that about blacks, jews or even gays?
BTW, my many real Roma acquaintances plus two or three "Gyppo" friends think that you are a total fraud and/or just also agree with BJs assumed verdict .

You are not a true friend of roma, your "Friends" just dont know it, they should see how you compare roma lives matter with respect for "ugly" people, they wouldnt be your friends anymore then.
I dont respect some bullshit cries for one group of people.
Everyone deserves respect,but they have to earn it.

On an individual basis yes, but you dont need to be disrespected and first "earn" "basic respect" just because you are born into a group of people. You wouldnt need to earn your respect, for being american, i mean that people disrespect you as american until you "earn" your respect, also you can be respectable and people dont give respect still because you are american, that is often the case with roma, you can be a rocket scientist and you will have individual respect maybe but you still will be a "gypsy scientist" for some. If you know what I mean.
On an individual basis yes, but you dont need to be disrespected and first "earn" "basic respect" just because you are born into a group of people. You wouldnt need to earn your respect, for being american, i mean that people disrespect you as american until you "earn" your respect, also you can be respectable and people dont give respect still because you are american, that is often the case with roma, you can be a rocket scientist and you will have individual respect maybe but you still will be a "gypsy scientist" for some. If you know what I mean.

Earning respect doesn't happen overnight.
How long do you think it'll take blacks in the US to shed their hooligan reputation?
If they totally stopped being the trash that they are it will take decades for them to shed their reputation before they can be trusted in the general population.
When you've spent decades being underhanded trash you wont shed that reputation without actively working to stop those of your own kind who caused all the shit to begin with.
Earning respect doesn't happen overnight.
How long do you think it'll take blacks in the US to shed their hooligan reputation?
If they totally stopped being the trash that they are it will take decades for them to shed their reputation before they can be trusted in the general population.
When you've spent decades being underhanded trash you wont shed that reputation without actively working to stop those of your own kind who caused all the shit to begin with.

You single handedly blame only the "victims" like blacks, roma etc. I think roma were marginalised for centuries. Roma dont think Gypsy is a slur, the meaning that it is a slur was given them by outsiders. Right?

A) they were slaves in some parts of europe
B) there were all few decades or once a century a genocide
C) they were racially segregated forbidden from joining craftsmen and tradesmen guilds, or regular occupations in cities, they were forbidden of being neighbours in cities or regular neighbours even, so they had to live outside
D) from time to time they were hunted, and deported from one place to another etc....
Earning respect doesn't happen overnight.
How long do you think it'll take blacks in the US to shed their hooligan reputation?
If they totally stopped being the trash that they are it will take decades for them to shed their reputation before they can be trusted in the general population.
When you've spent decades being underhanded trash you wont shed that reputation without actively working to stop those of your own kind who caused all the shit to begin with.

Also that is another wrong view, because there are american trashy people... but people wont blame all americans for it, you dont have to work actively to stop white trash, or white school shooters, or white pedophiles, you wont be disrespected, it is because people view roma as secretive group, who conspire or act all that way, or have secret knowledge but that is a blood-libel and wrong. I dont have barely contact to other roma, and they do not care, nor do I care etc. And Roma do not view themselfes as such, they know they are diverse, like everyone else, it is outsiders who give those perceptions, meanings etc. Roma were "scientifically" studied by Mengele for example. So you cannot blame the roma only. Of course there are trashy roma, of course there are bad elements in the roma culture, but there is as much good too. People dont view it that way, because they hate roma. It is irrational, why it should be like that for the roma, but not for the english, irish, germans etc.
You single handedly blame only the "victims" like blacks, roma etc. I think roma were marginalised for centuries. Roma dont think Gypsy is a slur, the meaning that it is a slur was given them by outsiders. Right?

A) they were slaves in some parts of europe
B) there were all few decades or once a century a genocide
C) they were racially segregated forbidden from joining craftsmen and tradesmen guilds, or regular occupations in cities, they were forbidden of being neighbours in cities or regular neighbours even, so they had to live outside
D) from time to time they were hunted, and deported from one place to another etc....

Gypsy's didnt gain their reputation by pure chance just like ghetto blacks didnt earn theirs through pure chance.
You know as well as I do the truth in their actions brought on their own persecution.
So stop pretending they're angels who are misunderstood.
Also that is another wrong view, because there are american trashy people... but people wont blame all americans for it, you dont have to work actively to stop white trash, or white school shooters, or white pedophiles, you wont be disrespected, it is because people view roma as secretive group, who conspire or act all that way, or have secret knowledge but that is a blood-libel and wrong. I dont have barely contact to other roma, and they do not care, nor do I care etc. And Roma do not view themselfes as such, they know they are diverse, like everyone else, it is outsiders who give those perceptions, meanings etc. Roma were "scientifically" studied by Mengele for example. So you cannot blame the roma only. Of course there are trashy roma, of course there are bad elements in the roma culture, but there is as much good too. People dont view it that way, because they hate roma. It is irrational, why it should be like that for the roma, but not for the english, irish, germans etc.

Are American blacks not Americans?
And just because you dont connect with other romas doesnt excuse their behavior or yours.
And to tell ya the truth I find it hard to take anything you say seriously. You dont have a job,you dont have a house or anything else that makes you a contributing member of society. In other words you're a sponge,or a draw on productive members of society.
Tell me a single redeeming quality you have that makes you a productive member of society....and breathing and eating doesnt count.
Gypsy's didnt gain their reputation by pure chance just like ghetto blacks didnt earn theirs through pure chance.
You know as well as I do the truth in their actions brought on their own persecution.
So stop pretending they're angels who are misunderstood.

Killing a whole ethnic group, genociding them, like women, children, disabled, old people, everyone with 1% gypsy blood because they are not aryans, a racial threat, not because of their own actions, they are seen as dirty and a threat to purity, that is the reason they are persecuted, even if some were visible as beggars or pickpockets that would be far from a excuse to genocide them all even mixed people. Do you agree? Just because 3 gypsies are annoying beggars, they should be genocided?
Are American blacks not Americans?
And just because you dont connect with other romas doesnt excuse their behavior or yours.
And to tell ya the truth I find it hard to take anything you say seriously. You dont have a job,you dont have a house or anything else that makes you a contributing member of society. In other words you're a sponge,or a draw on productive members of society.
Tell me a single redeeming quality you have that makes you a productive member of society....and breathing and eating doesnt count.

If I flipped burgers or cleaned toiletts would you respect me more? That is hard work right? You wouldnt either. And I dont work because I have disabilities. People also dont work to be productive members of society, they work so they can pay their bills, many people work 3 jobs in your country so they wont be homeless, they dont produce much of value for society anyways, except if they are rocket scientists or something irreplacable.
Killing a whole ethnic group, genociding them, like women, children, disabled, old people, everyone with 1% gypsy blood because they are not aryans, a racial threat, not because of their own actions, they are seen as dirty and a threat to purity, that is the reason they are persecuted, even if some were visible as beggars or pickpockets that would be from a excuse to genocide them all even mixed people. Do you agree? Just because 3 gypsies are annoying beggars, they should be genocided?

Nobody killed off the gypsy anymore than the blacks in America were killed off.
So tell me,do you have a job,a home,or a car? It seems you keep dodging that question.
If you dont produce anything or contribute to society you're a leech which of course means you're a draw on society and contribute nothing.
Just like black ghetto inhabitants here in the US. The working class make it possible for you to survive while you do absolutely nothing to support yourself.
If I flipped burgers or cleaned toiletts would you respect me more? That is hard work right? You wouldnt either. And I dont work because I have disabilities. People also dont work to be productive members of society, they work so they can pay their bills, many people work 3 jobs in your country so they wont be homeless, they dont produce much of value for society anyways, except if they are rocket scientists or something irreplacable.

I dont care what kind of job you may have.
As long as you work for what you get I'll respect for you.
My father once told me that he didnt care if I was a ditch digger as long as I was the best ditch digger I could be.
Dont you have any pride? I know I couldnt live off the fruits of someone else's labor without feeling like a piece of shit.
I dont care what kind of job you may have.
As long as you work for what you get I'll respect for you.
My father once told me that he didnt care if I was a ditch digger as long as I was the best ditch digger I could be.
Dont you have any pride? I know I couldnt live off the fruits of someone else's labor without feeling like a piece of shit.

1.I worked before
2.My family works and pays taxes, and supports me (So I dont live only of other non-family or austrian people)
3.I have disabilities, and my drivers license was taken away from me, I didnt voluntarily gave away my drivers license, and Im barred from doing many things like police officer and many other things, even if I wanted. I have disabilities physically and mentally that is why I dont work.
Nobody killed off the gypsy anymore than the blacks in America were killed off.
So tell me,do you have a job,a home,or a car? It seems you keep dodging that question.
If you dont produce anything or contribute to society you're a leech which of course means you're a draw on society and contribute nothing.
Just like black ghetto inhabitants here in the US. The working class make it possible for you to survive while you do absolutely nothing to support yourself.

No the blacks were slaves but there was never a genocide against them. 2/3 of the gypsy population was exterminated, last century so they were never killed off? You dont know history dude. And it was not the first and even maybe not the last genocide which happened or will happen. There were many genocides including ethnic cleansing, like being shipped to colonies and deported etc. "hunts" etc. you heard of the witch hunts, but not of the gypsy hunts. The blacks were slaves, and discriminated segregated but they were not genocided at least not in america. In africa there were some genocides by the colonial powers against blacks though. You dont know shit.

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