Romeike Family Granted Permanent Stay in the U.S.

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
Heavenly Places
Homeschoolers Anonymous
March 4, 2014
R. L Stollar

While the U.S. Supreme Court declined yesterday to review the Romeike family’s asylum case, the family was today granted “indefinite deferred status,” allowing them to stay permanently in the U.S.

With the encouragement of Michael Farris and HSLDA, Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their six children moved from Germany to the state of Tennessee in the U.S. six years ago. The family filed an asylum claim and argued they faced persecution because their conviction to homeschool conflicted with Germany’s educational policies.

On January 26, 2010, a U.S. immigration judge granted the Romeike family asylum on account of “persecution for homeschooling.” The granting of asylum (later overturned) was a significant legal precedent at the time. As HSLDA attorney Mike Donnelly pointed out, this was “the first case ever to recognize homeschooling as a reason for granting asylum.” This was exactly the intended result of the Romeike case, as HSLDA was using the family as part of a global strategy, the end result being “to be able to say that homeschooling is a human right.” Donnelly himself said, “The Romeikes’ asylum victory is the culmination of years of groundwork to protect homeschooling.”

Romeike Family Granted Permanent Stay in the U.S. | H . A


In any event, the Supreme Court's refusal to hear this case and correct the leftist appeals court that denied the obvious natural right of parents to educate their children as they see fit against what essentially amounts to the fascist notion that children are the property of state is disgraceful.
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