Romney Bows Out To Protect America From Democrats

Which ones? The ones he dropped on the Iranians? Or the ones he dropped on the Kurds? Or the ones we blew up during the First Gulf War? Or the ones he pretended to be hiding, causing the entire world to believe he had them?

Willful blindness to support your political agenda don't cut it.

We sold all of those WMD to him in the 1980's dude. Complicity is just as bad as the actual act.
Have we found the WMD yet or is Iraq a Capitalist Democracy?

Does this mean you missed the point concerning WMDs? This where you nod that thing on your shoulder back and forth and say "yes."

It is a FACT Saddam manufactured, posessed, and used WMDs. PERIOD. If you can't acknowledge even THAT, you're over your head here already.

No one ever tried to make Iraq a capitalist Democracy, nor stated they could. Iraq DOES have a democratically elected government.
We sold all of those WMD to him in the 1980's dude. Complicity is just as bad as the actual act.

No we didn't. Please research the topic and better inform yourself. We also did not sell him anything for the purpose that he used it; therefore, your accusation of complicity is speculation on your part with no facts to back it up.
Then look up Romeny's record while in MA. The Boston Phoenix and the Boston Globe both wrote extensively on him.

Both the epitome of fair and balanced reporting, I'm sure ... NOT. If you reference them, they have to be nothing but liberal handbooks.

I'd be willing to wager that what you think is wrong with Romney are probably his actual good qualities.
Which ones? The ones he dropped on the Iranians? Or the ones he dropped on the Kurds? Or the ones we blew up during the First Gulf War? Or the ones he pretended to be hiding, causing the entire world to believe he had them?

Willful blindness to support your political agenda don't cut it.

The ones that we heard about during the runup to the 04 election. You know, the MUSHROOM CLOUD kind. The ones that "could hit us again". The ones that he held NO DOUBT were there. yes, those.
You want civil discussion? Sure ya do thats why from day one you have been posting shit like this. You whine like a baby that your democrats get called for the liars and scum they are but have no problem posting YOUR name calling.


good grief. It's like a hippo calling a hog fat.
No we didn't. Please research the topic and better inform yourself. We also did not sell him anything for the purpose that he used it; therefore, your accusation of complicity is speculation on your part with no facts to back it up.

Pictures are worth a MILLION talking points.
Isn't that when Rummy sold Saddam the chemicals he used against his own people?
You want civil discussion? Sure ya do thats why from day one you have been posting shit like this. You whine like a baby that your democrats get called for the liars and scum they are but have no problem posting YOUR name calling.

Gunny, look at the professionalism displayed in your post above. And then you call me whiny and my side liars. Get a fukking life. My posts are shit, but yours are god's true word. What horseshit. They are differences of opinion and you have a real problem with anyone who doesn't agree with you period. Your side loves to call the other side "whiners" whenever they disagre with you. Try actual discourse once. It might fukking suprise you.

My problem is with this group of incompetent assholes who started a war we didn't need and then didn't have the brains to listen to their military leaders, Gunny. I don't know if you think Rummy and company were smarter than Shinsheki and anyone who disagreed with him, I SURE AS HELL DON'T!

I will continue to call Buss a total fukking loser. I will also call individual righties losers, but where have I condemned the entire right like you condemned the entire left. You need to check out the mote in your eye yourself, Gunny.

If we argue about WMDs as a valid point for the war, they had to have existed when we attacked them. If they were gone at that t9ime or of no legitimate threat at that time, they are not a valid reason to attack.

All the proof today is that they were gone when Bush attacked. Please tell the families of the almost 4000 dead Americans why they died, Mr. Bush
Does this mean you missed the point concerning WMDs? This where you nod that thing on your shoulder back and forth and say "yes."

It is a FACT Saddam manufactured, possessed, and used WMDs. PERIOD. If you can't acknowledge even THAT, you're over your head here already.

No one ever tried to make Iraq a capitalist Democracy, nor stated they could. Iraq DOES have a democratically elected government.

Saddam did not manufacture WMD. We sold him WMD. He used them on the Iranians, the Kurds and his own people. The UN weapons inspectors destroyed what caches he had after the first Gulf War and our economic sanctions removed any possibility of making more.

A democratically elected government subservient to USinterests? Sounds like a Capitalist Democracy (which is a perversion of democracy) to me.

That is the facts.
No we didn't. Please research the topic and better inform yourself. We also did not sell him anything for the purpose that he used it; therefore, your accusation of complicity is speculation on your part with no facts to back it up.

Are you implying that Reagan and Bush Sr were not selling arms, duel use technology, bio & chem agents to Saddam in the 1980's? Maybe you should read up on the subject yourself. It has been proven and admitted to by all parties.
Both the epitome of fair and balanced reporting, I'm sure ... NOT. If you reference them, they have to be nothing but liberal handbooks.

I'd be willing to wager that what you think is wrong with Romney are probably his actual good qualities.
Pot calling the kettle black.
I assume you mean "military" service when you say "never served." SO it is your opinion that the only way one can serve this Nation is as a member of the US Armed Forces?

No, and I believe you know I didn't say that, Gunny. My point is why are so many republican legislators so big on war and calling dems cowards against the enemy when they never put their butt on the line? The last time I looked at the demographics more Democratic Senators and Congressmen had prior military service than Republicans. If Republicans are so big on defending our country, why don't they get a little more personally inovled? What specifically did Delay, Hastert , Cheney, Limbaugh do that shows they would fight the terrorists in person if they had to? They are all talk to get votes.

I do think that serving in the military is one of the most apparent, selfless and dangerous ways of showing that you are ready to serve your country. Unlike Cheney, many of US did not let other priorities we had stop US from serving.

Too many right wing politicians talk about patriotism and that is all I seem them do. Plus the pay and other perks politicians get make it as much get as give.

That is not what happens to those who serve in the military.

What right does Romney have to call Democrats the aiders of the terrorists?
What has he specifically done to thwart terrorism?

If you really think that Democrats would give away this country anymore than Republicans you have been drinking the kool aid.
I assume you mean "military" service when you say "never served." SO it is your opinion that the only way one can serve this Nation is as a member of the US Armed Forces?

IIRC, he was Governor of MA -- a public servant, right?

Not if you were a MA resident. He never served the public interests here. He was too busy selling us out to oil exploration and big businesses.

The people of MA don't like him?
I assume you mean "military" service when you say "never served." SO it is your opinion that the only way one can serve this Nation is as a member of the US Armed Forces?

IIRC, he was Governor of MA -- a public servant, right?

Not if you were a MA resident. He never served the public interests here. He was too busy selling us out to oil exploration and big businesses.

The people of MA don't like him?

Where is Ray? To acknowledge we won in Iraq? Ohh he quit the board.

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