This is Poland


The picture which you showed here was very good. Looks like it became a propaganda victim of a Russian hacker - or of Elon Musk - the destroyer of twitter. It seems not to exist any longer.

I hope you still have the message.
I'm just trying to point out that, per Poland's president, his people want to keep their national identity and culture, not endanger it.
That's fine with me, however it all depends as usual, as to what kind of Polish politician or his respective supporter you talk to.
Since there is a large % of the Polish population and it's politicians that are bound to create trouble for the EU in view of wanting to resurrect their former Polish-Lithuania.
Take a look into a good history book. I would say Sweden was about every 50 years since the 13th up to the 19th century in war with Russia. In World War 1+2 they had been on the side of Russia. Now they are a part of the NATO - same is Finland and whole Scandinavia now - because you Russians forced them all to do so. I'm very sure we together can stop every Russian ship in the Baltic sea. Or do you really think we let transport you weapons all over the world only because you are doing a stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine? Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday!
"YOU" Russians ??

The picture which you showed here was very good. Looks like it became a propaganda victim of a Russian hacker - or of Elon Musk - the destroyer of twitter. It seems not to exist any longer.

I hope you still have the message.
Rural Moscow 🇷🇺 empire looks dystopian.

the only way to go :

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"YOU" Russians ??

Russian or US-Russian - what should be the difference for me? Perhaps you will soon again be a deadly threat for my own country, continent and world as you already had been two times in history although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA.

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Russian or US-Russian - what should be the difference for me?
I am a South-African/German, and unlike YOU, I had fought as a member of the SADF against terrorism and Soviet (not Russian)-backed insurgents.
although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA.
Applies to WW1 - but not to WW2, where a nut from Austria declared war onto the USA, and therefore got hammered.
I am a South-African/German, and unlike YOU, I had fought as a member of the SADF against terrorism and Soviet (not Russian)-backed insurgents
As 'terrorism' here is meant the Blacks from bantustans?
ANC terrorists (included Whites) operating within SA - as well as PLAN/SWAPO guerillas/terrorists in SWA and Angola.
Yeah, as I thought. At the end of the day, you lost everywhere there. South Africa, Namibia, Angola. All those 'terrorists' became recognised authorities.
Applies to WW1 - but not to WW2, where a nut from Austria declared war onto the USA, and therefore got hammered.

WW1 and WW2 are the same war, anti-German. Before, in and after World War 1 you made Hitler and World War 2. Whatever. Soon will exist no Germans any longer, so what? What you will tell yourselve and believe from your own nonsense and bullshit should not be important for me. Truth not needs to be defended. On the other side: It's difficult to defend all and every life without to know why this is most important.

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Yeah, as I thought. At the end of the day, you lost everywhere there. South Africa, Namibia, Angola. All those 'terrorists' became recognised authorities.
"We"didn't loose anywhere militarily, no one ever manged to occupy SA territory - and we didn't get stuffed with billions like Ukraine.
It was however a correct political decision to pull out of SWA and to end Apartheid in SA.
"We"didn't loose anywhere militarily, no one ever manged to occupy SA territory - and we didn't get stuffed with billions like Ukraine.
It was however a correct political decision to pull out of SWA and to end Apartheid in SA.
Yes, like the US in Vietnam. Didn't lose any battle, but lost the war.

It was the only possible decision. The White minority was an 'occupying' and oppressive force. It was a part of Africa's decolonisation.
Russian or US-Russian - what should be the difference for me? Perhaps you will soon again be a deadly threat for my own country, continent and world as you already had been two times in history although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA.

What we have HERE boys-and-girls is a Russian "plant" trying to convince us that Nazism is reawakening in Germany.

Tacky, and poorly conceived and executed, even for a brain dead Russian loser living in his babushka's Moscow basement.

Right, Tvaritch? :abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, like the US in Vietnam. Didn't lose any battle, but lost the war.
You don't know what you talk about
It was the only possible decision. The White minority was an 'occupying' and oppressive force. It was a part of Africa's decolonisation.
NO, it wasn't the only possible decision, however to introduce Apartheid was the wrong thing to do in the first place.

Back to topic. E.g. Poland-Lithuania's colonial history in Eastern Europe
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You don't know what you talk about

NO, it wasn't the only possible decision, however to introduce Apartheid was the wrong thing to do in the first place
Yes, it was. Let the Blacks have equal voting rights and be let out of the bantustans. Hence, ending apartheid. Hence, ending the White domination.

Back to topic. E.g. Poland-Lithuania's colonial history in Eastern Europe
What we have HERE boys-and-girls is a Russian "plant" trying to convince us that Nazism is reawakening in Germany.

Tacky, and poorly conceived and executed, even for a brain dead Russian loser living in his babushka's Moscow basement.

Right, Tvaritch? :abgg2q.jpg:

You like to get an answer on weird soliloquies? ... Strange. ...
When it comes to allowing the illegal savages that sense Poland was right...may be wrong in other sense but there it was right!!

Just to add.....Hungary was absolutely right too! :clap2:

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