Romney doesn't get it.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Mitt Romney Keeps Defending the Individual Mandate

This is probably the biggest reason I could never support Romney for president. At least Obama understood, at one point, that the mandate was unjust. He later compromised because "compromise" is the way he governs, but I think that at least knows he's screwing us. I don't think Romney does.

Romney claims that he would work to repeal ACA. But he echoes the exact same justifications Democrats cited for the mandate.
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I don't get it either. Care to explain.

States have a right to do this. The federal government is overreaching to do it.

Why do you object to Massachusetts or any other state having an individual mandate?
I don't get it either. Care to explain.

States have a right to do this. The federal government is overreaching to do it.

Why do you object to Massachusetts or any other state having an individual mandate?

If I lived there I sure as hell would. And if it was up to me, it would be unconstitutional, at any level, for corporations to pass laws to guarantee themselves customers.

My concern with Romney is that he doesn't really get that this sort of corporatism is wrong. So even if he is, supposedly, going to try to repeal the ACA, he seems to fine with the mandate. He's certainly ok with the goal of the mandate (herding as many of us as possible into the corporate insurance pens). And my guess is that even if he did repeal ACA he'd replace it with something that had the same intent.
The federal government is overreaching to do it.

Based on what case law?

Or is this merely your subjective, personal opinion?

My concern with Romney is that he doesn't really get that this sort of corporatism is wrong.

By what authority do you determine it ‘corporatism’?

So even if he is, supposedly, going to try to repeal the ACA, he seems to fine with the mandate.

Presidents can’t repeal laws, only Congress can do that. And whether Romney is ‘fine’ with the mandate or not is irrelevant.
I don't get it either. Care to explain.

States have a right to do this. The federal government is overreaching to do it.

Why do you object to Massachusetts or any other state having an individual mandate?

If I lived there I sure as hell would. And if it was up to me, it would be unconstitutional, at any level, for corporations to pass laws to guarantee themselves customers.

My concern with Romney is that he doesn't really get that this sort of corporatism is wrong. So even if he is, supposedly, going to try to repeal the ACA, he seems to fine with the mandate. He's certainly ok with the goal of the mandate (herding as many of us as possible into the corporate insurance pens). And my guess is that even if he did repeal ACA he'd replace it with something that had the same intent.

Mandates should not be forced on anyone, including healthcare providers. If you don't want to buy insurance, even with the help of the government when you can't quite afford it on your own, then if you get sick and cannot pay, healthcare providers should not be forced to treat you. They should be permitted to allow you to die and throw your dead body on the street.

It is laughable to me how everyone screams about being forced to buy health insurance but has no problem with health care providers being forced to provide treatment to the fucking scumbags who can't pay because they chose to not purchase insurance. Talk about freeloaders.
If someone doesn't have insurance and the service they need isn't offered by the government the sick can go to one of the many wonderful and generous charities that maintain foundations and hospitals for the purpose of caring for the indigent.
It isn't that some people are so poor they can't afford to pay for either insurance of their own medical care. It's that some people CHOOSE not to pay because they have a misplaced understanding that they shouldn't have to pay for anything.

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