Romney Flops Back to The Center

Romney is all things to all people. His amazing political flexibility is truly astounding. If elected will he remain flexible and liberal?
ha! i was just thinking about making this thread. Remember Romrom is a real conservative! Sadly all he did was twist the words around and attempt to look a little different. Oh the arguments on here about how Romney wasn't that liberal and was really to the right.

Everytime i told them they were wrong and being had. He doesn't give a shit about th
anyone surprised?

Not at all. We have a documented History of Romney being in the Center. I always knew he would have to play to the right during the Early Campaigning.

The Question is why anyone thinks it is a Bad thing that Romney is actually more Moderate than his Campaign would suggest?

We need someone who can get the 2 sides to work together. Obama clearly can not, and will not. Romney did exactly that in a State Dominated by Democrats as Governor, and he can do it as president.
Whether he flipped or flopped or turned in circles...........

Romney clearly won the debate.

All of my liberal Obamabot friends were totally grief stricken when I saw them at the coffe shop this morning.

True story............:cool:
Nope, and they where told 18 months ago, and i was told i was wrong. I was told romrom was a conservative. He isn't, he is just another Bush. Oh he said he would get rid of obamacare and replace it. Um the base wants it gone period. He says he will get rid of PBS funding. Yeah from the Cnn ticker at the bottom, nobody liked that. People tend to like pbs and big bird.
All he did was switch around a few words to attempt to look different from the President. Anyone really paying attention should have caught that.

That being said he did do better on camera than Obama and that will be what wins out at the end of the day, because people don't really tend to care.
Whether he flipped or flopped or turned in circles...........

Romney clearly won the debate.

All of my liberal Obamabot friends were totally grief stricken when I saw them at the coffe shop this morning.

True story............:cool:

only if you ignore what Romney said...
We know that, because democrats just told us so.

They like to pretend Romney is something other than a Massachusetts moderate.


oh please. who is going to buy this load of shit when you have people on here claiming he is a real Conservative?
Now he pushes back to the middle after the primaries and you go " well of course".

You people are fucking full of shit.
Rush is glowing about Romney's conservatism right now. 'Just be conservative.'

Vinnie Vitalis has never been anything more than a squishy, estashmentarian, Socialist Lite® neocon.

Anyone who has ever tried to paint him as "far right" is either a fool or a liar.
[ame=]Devastating: Mitt Romney Flip Flop Videos - YouTube[/ame]

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