Romney Lie's About Pre-Existing Condition


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Because Romney's campaign proposal only applies to people with pre-existing conditions who maintain continuous health care coverage, it would do nothing to help those who can't get health insurance in the first place. But losing coverage, if only for a short time, is common: 89 million Americans went without health insurance for at least one month between 2004 and 2007, according to a report published in August by the Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based research institution.

In his bid for the White House, Romney says he would slightly expand existing protections that allow people with pre-existing conditions who already have health insurance to switch to a new plan without being rejected. But Romney wouldn't push for federal regulations akin to Obama's or the Massachusetts law.

"What we did in Massachusetts is a model for the nation, state by state," Romney said Wednesday. Following the debate, Romney advisor Eric Fehrnstrom confirmed to Talking Points Memo that the GOP nominee would allow states to act, or not act, on the issue. "We’d like to see states do what Massachusetts did," Fehrnstrom told TPM.
Obama's health care law, the Affordable Care Act, prohibits health insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or charging them higher rates, as they can do today. Under the ACA, the prohibition on denial of coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions is set to take effect in 2014. The Massachusetts health care reform law Romney enacted as governor in 2006 includes similar prohibitions.

Would Romneys wife be able to get health insurance under Romneys plan?

Because Romney's campaign proposal only applies to people with pre-existing conditions who maintain continuous health care coverage, it would do nothing to help those who can't get health insurance in the first place. But losing coverage, if only for a short time, is common: 89 million Americans went without health insurance for at least one month between 2004 and 2007, according to a report published in August by the Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based research institution.

In his bid for the White House, Romney says he would slightly expand existing protections that allow people with pre-existing conditions who already have health insurance to switch to a new plan without being rejected. But Romney wouldn't push for federal regulations akin to Obama's or the Massachusetts law.

"What we did in Massachusetts is a model for the nation, state by state," Romney said Wednesday. Following the debate, Romney advisor Eric Fehrnstrom confirmed to Talking Points Memo that the GOP nominee would allow states to act, or not act, on the issue. "We’d like to see states do what Massachusetts did," Fehrnstrom told TPM.
Obama's health care law, the Affordable Care Act, prohibits health insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or charging them higher rates, as they can do today. Under the ACA, the prohibition on denial of coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions is set to take effect in 2014. The Massachusetts health care reform law Romney enacted as governor in 2006 includes similar prohibitions.


Interesting! You seem to know exactly what Romney's plan for pre-existing conditions consists of, but you then accuse him of lying. Apparently, a lie is any policy you dumbasses disagree with.

First, lets try to establish that all pre-existing conditions are not equal, and that all who want coverage for pre-existing conditions are not equally deserving of a free ride.

For instance, a young healthy adult who refuses to pay for health insurance until he really needs it, is not deserving of a free ride at the expense of others. Another who carries a cheap policy with high deductables and no prescription drug benefit, who finds out he has a serious cancer, is not deserving of switching to a new policy with low deductables and coverage for prescription drugs.

I believe that it is possible to protect those that are innocent victims of pre-existing conditions, without also taking in all of those who are just looking for a free ride at someone else's expense.

Romney believes, and I concur, that states have the authority to do things like Obamacare, whereas the federal government does not. If the plan that Massachusetts put in place is a superior plan, then it would be no problem for other states to adopt the same or a similiar plan.

Because Romney's campaign proposal only applies to people with pre-existing conditions who maintain continuous health care coverage, it would do nothing to help those who can't get health insurance in the first place. But losing coverage, if only for a short time, is common: 89 million Americans went without health insurance for at least one month between 2004 and 2007, according to a report published in August by the Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based research institution.

In his bid for the White House, Romney says he would slightly expand existing protections that allow people with pre-existing conditions who already have health insurance to switch to a new plan without being rejected. But Romney wouldn't push for federal regulations akin to Obama's or the Massachusetts law.

"What we did in Massachusetts is a model for the nation, state by state," Romney said Wednesday. Following the debate, Romney advisor Eric Fehrnstrom confirmed to Talking Points Memo that the GOP nominee would allow states to act, or not act, on the issue. "We’d like to see states do what Massachusetts did," Fehrnstrom told TPM.
Obama's health care law, the Affordable Care Act, prohibits health insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or charging them higher rates, as they can do today. Under the ACA, the prohibition on denial of coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions is set to take effect in 2014. The Massachusetts health care reform law Romney enacted as governor in 2006 includes similar prohibitions.


HOW about THIS DOOZY!!!!!
50 million "UNINSURED" Obama! and even conservatives believe that number.. YET!!!

10 million of the supposedly 50 million ARE NOT CITIZENS!!!! leaves 40 million Americans!
14 million Americans ARE ALREADY Covered by Medicaid... leaves 26 million uninsured!
18 million Americans under age 34 making enough money to have health insurance and don't want it counted ..
That leaves 8 million truly uninsured not 50 million the BIG LIE to pass Obamacare!

BIG LIE???"? Obamacare said YOU can keep your insurance!
30% of employers are going to drop! YOU can keep your doctor??
50% of doctors are dropping out !

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Would Romneys wife be able to get health insurance under Romneys plan?

Good question, and she's just one of millions that would be turned away if Romney gets his way with the American people.

Remember when Lyin' Romney said this -- ROMNEY: "Well, actually it's — it's — it's a lengthy description. But, number one, preexisting conditions are covered under my plan."

This guy has more positions than the Kama Sutra but-----but it's the American people that will get fucked if this guy wins the White House.
Would Romneys wife be able to get health insurance under Romneys plan?

DUMMY WHY would she need it???
A) SHE CAN AFFORD her Medical care
B) because as President' wife SHE'd be covered!

But YOU expect EVERYONE to want health insurance??
You know 18 million people could afford but see no need to buy health insurance.. yet you want to force them to buy it?

10 million are NOT allowed to be covered by any program for Americans AS THEY ARE NOT!!

14 million people ARE covered by Medicaid ALREADY and yet they are counted!

So again... how do you and other idiots get 50 million uninsured.. which CAUSED the debacle known as Obamacare to be passed!
AND NOW is causing insurance companies to quit which is what Obama wants!

C) Obama promise to destroy $100 billion/yr in taxes, put 400,000 people out of work industry when he said:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." So de facto he wants to destroy 1,300 companies.
FACTS it is starting: "At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that
“the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”
Would Romneys wife be able to get health insurance under Romneys plan?

Good question, and she's just one of millions that would be turned away if Romney gets his way with the American people.

Remember when Lyin' Romney said this -- ROMNEY: "Well, actually it's — it's — it's a lengthy description. But, number one, preexisting conditions are covered under my plan."

This guy has more positions than the Kama Sutra but-----but it's the American people that will get fucked if this guy wins the White House.

Hey coward.... how about you address the question asked of you by healthmyths and Erand7899?
Would Romneys wife be able to get health insurance under Romneys plan?

Good question, and she's just one of millions that would be turned away if Romney gets his way with the American people.

Remember when Lyin' Romney said this -- ROMNEY: "Well, actually it's — it's — it's a lengthy description. But, number one, preexisting conditions are covered under my plan."

This guy has more positions than the Kama Sutra but-----but it's the American people that will get fucked if this guy wins the White House.

"This guy has more positions than the Kama Sutra but-----

Much like Obama who had NO positions on anything two nights ago...:cool::eusa_whistle: Just more than a couple of headnods and a whole lotta agreeing with what Romney said, or did ya miss it? :eusa_hand:
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Would Romneys wife be able to get health insurance under Romneys plan?

DUMMY WHY would she need it???
A) SHE CAN AFFORD her Medical care
B) because as President' wife SHE'd be covered!

But YOU expect EVERYONE to want health insurance??
You know 18 million people could afford but see no need to buy health insurance.. yet you want to force them to buy it?

10 million are NOT allowed to be covered by any program for Americans AS THEY ARE NOT!!

14 million people ARE covered by Medicaid ALREADY and yet they are counted!

So again... how do you and other idiots get 50 million uninsured.. which CAUSED the debacle known as Obamacare to be passed!
AND NOW is causing insurance companies to quit which is what Obama wants!

C) Obama promise to destroy $100 billion/yr in taxes, put 400,000 people out of work industry when he said:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." So de facto he wants to destroy 1,300 companies.
FACTS it is starting: "At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that
“the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”

Oh I get it now...

Romneys plan after he repeals Obamacare is......I got mine.......Fuck everyone else
Romney Health Care Claim 'Fact-Checked By His Own Campaign'

President Obama said at a campaign event in Virginia today that Mitt Romney's claim that his health plan would cover people with pre-existing conditions was "fact-checked by his own campaign. That is rough."

The Romney campaign clarified the former governor's claim after the debate this week, saying states will have to pass their own versions of Romney's health care plan to cover people with pre-existing conditions.

oopsy Romney busted for making chit up again -- whoda thunk!
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