Romney, roberts stabbed us in the back

Wow some people don't understand the idea of states rights. I don't recall Romney implementing a national health care law. People can say Obamacare = Romneycare all they wan't except for that teeny tiny little detail that Romneycare was meant for the people in Massachusetts and was favored by them. It was not meant for the entire country.

And yet some people fail to understand Federalism and that Nullification is an old idea that caused the deaths of 600,000 Americans. Or, that some states continued to ignore Brown v. Board of Education.

Remember Lester Maddox? Elected Gov. of Georgia based on this behavior:

[ame=]47697 - YouTube[/ame]
Wow some people don't understand the idea of states rights. I don't recall Romney implementing a national health care law. People can say Obamacare = Romneycare all they wan't except for that teeny tiny little detail that Romneycare was meant for the people in Massachusetts and was favored by them. It was not meant for the entire country.

"State rights" aren't the issue. Individual rights are. And Romney has shown he has no respect for individual rights. Obama and Romney are cut from the same corporatist cloth. Anyone voting for Romney with the expectation that he'll reverse the trend is as deluded as the dupes who bought Obama's "hope and change" nonsense. Wake up!
Your point about individual rights being the issue is very good. But part of the "hope and change" nonsense was health care reform, so not everyone got duped, after all. :D
Wow some people don't understand the idea of states rights. I don't recall Romney implementing a national health care law. People can say Obamacare = Romneycare all they wan't except for that teeny tiny little detail that Romneycare was meant for the people in Massachusetts and was favored by them. It was not meant for the entire country.

"State rights" aren't the issue. Individual rights are. And Romney has shown he has no respect for individual rights. Obama and Romney are cut from the same corporatist cloth. Anyone voting for Romney with the expectation that he'll reverse the trend is as deluded as the dupes who bought Obama's "hope and change" nonsense. Wake up!
Your point about individual rights being the issue is very good. But part of the "hope and change" nonsense was health care reform, so not everyone got duped, after all. :D

Yeah, they did. Given that nothing was "reformed" other than our ability to tell the insurance companies to fuck off. Now they own us outright. Go team.
its just haw sad your party is.

he was the best of your entire field

sorry, i dont consider raw sewage as the best.

sarah, Truthmatters is a red commie and is likely serious about that too. I don't consider anyone that supported killing babies, banning guns, supporting gay marriage and setting into motion the floormat for the health care law the "best" of anything.

Someone like truthmatters won't be happy until everyone makes the same amount of money. Only for their needs and no more as karl marx once stated. No morals or morality limits within truthmatters world. A world of idiocy.
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Roberts essentially cost Romney the election..

So sure..he should be pissed.

What a guy!
i cant see how anyone with a brain can support romney. romney is the creator of the biggest tax increase and govt power grab in history. republicans are now wringing their hands and have no clue how to proceed. roberts, a monster of historic proportions, has exponentially expanded the taxing power of the govt, and obama has declared amnesty. meanwhile, our knight in shining armor, is reduced to complaining over semantics and process.

tell me again, why should anyone vote republican?

You would rather Obama have four more years? You think Roberts is bad? You want to give Obama a chance to pick two more justices?
i cant see how anyone with a brain can support romney. romney is the creator of the biggest tax increase and govt power grab in history. republicans are now wringing their hands and have no clue how to proceed. roberts, a monster of historic proportions, has exponentially expanded the taxing power of the govt, and obama has declared amnesty. meanwhile, our knight in shining armor, is reduced to complaining over semantics and process.

tell me again, why should anyone vote republican?

You would rather Obama have four more years? You think Roberts is bad? You want to give Obama a chance to pick two more justices?

FACT= Roberts is a Bush appointee and the supreme court decision was based on constitutional law not republican Neanderthal views.
i cant see how anyone with a brain can support romney. romney is the creator of the biggest tax increase and govt power grab in history. republicans are now wringing their hands and have no clue how to proceed. roberts, a monster of historic proportions, has exponentially expanded the taxing power of the govt, and obama has declared amnesty. meanwhile, our knight in shining armor, is reduced to complaining over semantics and process.

tell me again, why should anyone vote republican?

You would rather Obama have four more years? You think Roberts is bad? You want to give Obama a chance to pick two more justices?

FACT= Roberts is a Bush appointee and the supreme court decision was based on constitutional law not republican Neanderthal views.

You might have missed my point. As bad as Sarah thinks a Republican appointee is, how can she think that two conspicuously liberal appointees would be a good thing?

She APPEARS to represent herself as someone who is opposed to the left. But her posts frequently seem to boil down to: elect the liberal.
i cant see how anyone with a brain can support romney. romney is the creator of the biggest tax increase and govt power grab in history. republicans are now wringing their hands and have no clue how to proceed. roberts, a monster of historic proportions, has exponentially expanded the taxing power of the govt, and obama has declared amnesty. meanwhile, our knight in shining armor, is reduced to complaining over semantics and process.

tell me again, why should anyone vote republican?

You would rather Obama have four more years? You think Roberts is bad? You want to give Obama a chance to pick two more justices?

Hmmm... you mean like Roberts (a Bush appointee)? Can we really pretend Romney will do any better?
A monster of historic proportions?


when this is all said and done roberts, a monster, will have expanded the power of govt more than any single man in our history.

Hyperbolic nonsense.

Obviously you didn’t read the ruling, as nothing was ‘expanded.’

I actually have to agree with this. Limited government has been on the rocks for many decades. Roberts merely neglected a golden opportunity to right the ship.
Wow some people don't understand the idea of states rights. I don't recall Romney implementing a national health care law. People can say Obamacare = Romneycare all they wan't except for that teeny tiny little detail that Romneycare was meant for the people in Massachusetts and was favored by them. It was not meant for the entire country.

And Romney should from herin stop talking about 'Romneycare' doesn't matter any more. It's really a dead issue. ObamaCare isn't.
It was a slick way of Obama to raise taxes 8% by lying about its funding. It's money that will be taken from those who work for a living and going to a job every day. I have a feeling when they dig deep enough, it will be shown that the money it brings in can be diverted by another congress in the future to do whatever it wishes with the money, just like Social Security has been misused for pet rock projects.

It brings the tax money up for Congress to spend.

What a self-serving deal in the "interest of poor people have medical care." I have news for them. Doctors have raised their rates several times, because now, lawyers will have more and more sway over the medical profession when issues come up. Everyone in the DNC family gets more money except the working stiff who has to pay for all this.

I think people will realize Romney will at least ameliorate some of the effects of these costs, and try to get Congress to help carve out a better bill--one that has 3 pages and can be understood.

And while I'm on the subject, I think all bills Congress passes should have fewer than 3 pages so that Lawmakers can put in basic guidelines as they traditionally have done.

:eusa_hand: No more 2500 + -page white papers paraded as bills that are full of obfuscated tax hikes a politician can lie about and call it something else that sounds like a freebie that it truthfully, isn't to taxpayers.
i cant see how anyone with a brain can support romney. romney is the creator of the biggest tax increase and govt power grab in history. republicans are now wringing their hands and have no clue how to proceed. roberts, a monster of historic proportions, has exponentially expanded the taxing power of the govt, and obama has declared amnesty. meanwhile, our knight in shining armor, is reduced to complaining over semantics and process.

tell me again, why should anyone vote republican?

You would rather Obama have four more years? You think Roberts is bad? You want to give Obama a chance to pick two more justices?

Hmmm... you mean like Roberts (a Bush appointee)? Can we really pretend Romney will do any better?

Obama will do worse.

Romney might misfire but he'll at least try to get someone center to right. Roberts seems to have done what he did to save the court from accusations the left were throwing at it. He's the Chief Justice - this may have made him inclined to do mental acrobatics for the sake of appearance. Romney's two picks will be rank and file justices so they won't have Roberts' problem. They can vote their conscience without worrying about the court going down in history as too partisan. That could even bring Roberts back to the right, since he'd then be part of 6-3 decisions.

Obama will unapologetically pick liberals.
Obama will do worse.

Romney might misfire but he'll at least try to get someone center to right.

Left-right doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to protecting our rights. Both "sides" are pretty excited about trampling them. They might have different 'wishlists' (though not as different as you might think) but ultimately big government conservatives and big government liberals are equally threatening to freedom.

And the court, in particular, is moot. They don't do a goddamn thing to stem the tide of overreaching government so who gives a shit who sits there? Sadly, we're past the point where the Court will save us. We've got to do it ourselves. Voting for Romney sure as hell won't advance that cause.
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i cant see how anyone with a brain can support romney. romney is the creator of the biggest tax increase and govt power grab in history. republicans are now wringing their hands and have no clue how to proceed. roberts, a monster of historic proportions, has exponentially expanded the taxing power of the govt, and obama has declared amnesty. meanwhile, our knight in shining armor, is reduced to complaining over semantics and process.

tell me again, why should anyone vote republican?

Uh tell us when and where did Romney say Roberts has stabbed us in the back? From what I have seen and heard Romney has been respectful of the court and it's decision even though he does not agree with it. As for why anyone should vote Republican because they don't agree with the policies of Obama and the Democrats I know this beyond the ability of some people on the left to fathom but it's the truth.
You would rather Obama have four more years? You think Roberts is bad? You want to give Obama a chance to pick two more justices?

Hmmm... you mean like Roberts (a Bush appointee)? Can we really pretend Romney will do any better?

Obama will do worse.

Romney might misfire but he'll at least try to get someone center to right. Roberts seems to have done what he did to save the court from accusations the left were throwing at it. He's the Chief Justice - this may have made him inclined to do mental acrobatics for the sake of appearance. Romney's two picks will be rank and file justices so they won't have Roberts' problem. They can vote their conscience without worrying about the court going down in history as too partisan. That could even bring Roberts back to the right, since he'd then be part of 6-3 decisions.

Obama will unapologetically pick liberals.

Aw, rationalization is a wonderful thing...
i cant see how anyone with a brain can support romney. romney is the creator of the biggest tax increase and govt power grab in history. republicans are now wringing their hands and have no clue how to proceed. roberts, a monster of historic proportions, has exponentially expanded the taxing power of the govt, and obama has declared amnesty. meanwhile, our knight in shining armor, is reduced to complaining over semantics and process.

tell me again, why should anyone vote republican?

You would rather Obama have four more years? You think Roberts is bad? You want to give Obama a chance to pick two more justices?
"sarahgop" is another name like "rightwinger" and "conservaderp" and 2 others who falsely imitate conservatives while pushing for leftist dictates to rule rather than the more conservative, Constitutional ones.

The trouble with Obama is too much government.

The good thing about Romney is if given a supportive Senate and House of Representatives, their teamwork can work on better healthcare that is privately administered rather than by the government. I'm sure Romney and a supportive Senate and House will bring about less government.
Obama will do worse.

Romney might misfire but he'll at least try to get someone center to right.

Left-right doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to protecting our rights. Both "sides" are pretty excited about trampling them. They might have different 'wishlists' (though not as different as you might think) but ultimately big government conservatives and big government liberals are equally threatening to freedom.

And the court, in particular, is moot. They don't do a goddamn thing to stem the tide of overreaching government so who gives a shit who sits there? Sadly, we're past the point where the Court will save us. We've got to do it ourselves. Voting for Romney sure as hell won't advance that cause.

I can see how you think that if you think "left" and "right" are equally bad.

But sarahgop APPEARS to think right is a good thing. Perhaps I'm reading too much into her name and the couple of dozen posts I've seen from her. But she SEEMS to think that right is good and left is bad. So if the choice is between at-least-trying-for-right-of-center and for-sure-left, then I'd think she'd want the former.

Yet she seems to be pushing for for-sure-left.

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