Romney Says Borrow Money from Your Parents to College Students

Aug 7, 2012
This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

[ame=]"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube[/ame]

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."
This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."

That's proof positive...a snippet from an Obama campaign ad.

Play the whole context in which it was said. Of course, not, it would invalidate an already weak point.
This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."

Better that than stealing from the taxpayer don'tyathink?
Or don't waste your money on college until they stop ripping people off.
This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."

Get real , Mitt.

The Constitution of the welfare/warfare is very clear in that respect.

It is the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for the education of all students .

The dumb asses that brought the children to the world are in no way responsible.

As always, Heil Hitler.

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This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."

Better that than stealing from the taxpayer don'tyathink?

Want to talk about being paid to do nothing. Who do you think the cost of this no show job was passed along to.

Poor Obama tells us he just couldn’t afford a stay-at-home wife.

Speaking Friday at what the administration called “The White House Forum on Women and the Economy,” President Barack Obama said that after his two daughters were born, he and his wife—both Harvard Law School graduates—could not afford the “luxury” of having her stay home with the children.

In 2005, when Obama began serving in the U.S. Senate (and his daughters turned 4 and 7), he and his wife were earning a combined annual income of $479,062. Barack Obama was paid a salary of $162,100 by the U.S. taxpayers, and Michelle Obama was paid $316,962 to handle community affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center.

Well, Barry isn’t really telling the whole story, is he? After all, Michelle’s $316,962 “job” didn’t really require her to do anything or even go into the office. Her salary was the price of access to the senator; Chicago patronage bought and paid for. In fact, the hospital abolished the job when Michelle trotted off to DC. So, yeah, Michelle was pretty much a stay-at-home wife, she just pulled down mid six figures while doing it.

Maybe he was talking about the years before that, when he was writing his second autobiography before the age of 40. Show us the W-2s Barry. I kind of doubt you worked much of your life.

In any case, we only have to go back to 1998. Before that, Michelle wasn’t a stay at home mom because she wasn’t a mom at all. Let’s hear about how you two struggled to make ends meet since 1998.

These people think we are idiots.

Those Obamas reallly love community affairs don't they...sponging off them. The Al Sharptons of the Oval Office!
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If the parents don't have the money those poor dear children could do like their parents probably did, get a J-O-B to pay for your college

but we will now be called...........OUT OF TOUCH:lol:
This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."

Better that than stealing from the taxpayer don'tyathink?

Better yet let's go one step further...who stole from the tax payers.
Government solves everything doesn't it Barack?

Michelle Obama did not grow up with the proverbial silver spoon, and had to see to their own educations by taking advantage of student loans and scholarships:
“ I'm only here today, and Michelle is only where she is today, because scholarships and student loans gave us a shot at a great education. That’s how we succeeded.”

Where do scholarships come from? Donations from the RICH benefactors and successful former students.

Now about those student loans...did he ever pay them back or did Tony Rezko cover those too?

Two useless mooching turds under one roof.
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Many places offer loans...

Or hell.. here's a novel fucking idea.. work for a while and save for your college... or, GASP, work while you go to college....

Jesus fucking christ... not everything has to be given to you by the goddamn government

You sound like you only want conservatives to go to college.

Just curious, how do you deduce that from what the poster said or are you saying only a conservative would actually think of getting a job which is what I hope you mean? In that scenario, getting a job... you would be spot-on. Libs don't work for what they want they redistribute what others worked for in order to have the same.
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This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."

Better that than stealing from the taxpayer don'tyathink?

Ummm... the point is that not all parents are wealthy like out-of-touch Mitt is so borrowing from them isn't possible. And yes, I think we should deprive all people who can't afford it themselves of going to college so they can be kept in their place by people like Mittens. The next time a really smart and hard working kid wants to get a degree in science or medicine so he can discover a cure for a disease you might get, tell him "no". Quit stealing from us. Most people who get grants and other funding pay it back tenfold!

Many places offer loans...

Or hell.. here's a novel fucking idea.. work for a while and save for your college... or, GASP, work while you go to college....

Jesus fucking christ... not everything has to be given to you by the goddamn government

OP was obviously raised in gubmint dependency and really is aghast at the notion the Federal gubmint would not be considered his benefactor for every need.
If the parents don't have the money those poor dear children could do like their parents probably did, get a J-O-B to pay for your college

but we will now be called...........OUT OF TOUCH:lol:

Many of them do have jobs but need assistance because the cost of education is rising. I don't begrudge kids getting an education with my tax dollars. It benefits us all in the long run.
At least he didn't say 'go home and kill your parents'. That was left wing hero, Bill Ayers.

And... this crap is old news... the 'course of history' apparently is a tad slow on current events. What a prat.
This shows just exactly how out of touch Romney is. Hello, Mittens! Not everyone's parents have money like you do to lend to their kids. We know you live in your own little bubble which is why you can't represent all the people.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube

"Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business..."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'"

"Hope they can afford it."

"Romney's plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition."

"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Mitt Romney:
"Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents."

"Get real, Mitt."

That's proof positive...a snippet from an Obama campaign ad.

Play the whole context in which it was said. Of course, not, it would invalidate an already weak point.

Why don't you post the whole context? You probably criticized Obama supporters for harping about context regarding his "you didn't build that" speech.
At least he didn't say 'go home and kill your parents'. That was left wing hero, Bill Ayers.

And... this crap is old news... the 'course of history' apparently is a tad slow on current events. What a prat.

It is currently in the news--all over the airwaves--the ad and commentary on the news channels.
"President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans... and used the savings to double college grants."

Isn't that outlook just incredibly fascinating? "Eliminated bank middlemen". That is really all you ever need to know about Obama right there.

Businessmen are obstacles. We must get rid of them and let the government take over the means of production.

Hey, Obama. Is the government college loan business losing its ass on defaulted loans, or what? And that is taxpayer money going down the drain, right?

Yeah. Funny how you didn't mention THAT!

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